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Have you ever heard a fox scream?


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I was sitting on my deck before bed and heard a blood-curdling scream that sounded like a woman or a small animal being murdered. :rip: 


I walked outside and down my driveway, thinking something was going on in the park across the street and fully prepared to save an animal, but noticed a fox in the middle of the road. I previously lived on the top floor of a high rise for several years so I'm fully aware that I sound like a city boy, but I had no idea that foxes could make that terrifying noise. :rip: 


it sounded like this: 




and yes, I know that I shouldn't be following screaming sounds outside. 


Edited by suburbannature
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The way I had to walk backwards up my hilly driveway thinking a fox was going to eat me



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I thought it was gonna scream ring-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding :suburban:

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Yes. She was off-key



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Yes, I thought someone was getting murdered :suburban:

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Yes in canada. 


It sounds like a cryung spoiled kid at the mall that didn't get what he wanted. A nightmare 

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Yeah, it's especially bad in Spring during their mating season



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i know you addressed this at the end but my god why would you follow a screaming sound in the middle of the night without telling someone :suburban:


have you not seen horror movies…

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3 minutes ago, TROPICUM said:

i know you addressed this at the end but my god why would you follow a screaming sound in the middle of the night without telling someone :suburban:


have you not seen horror movies…



i live my life like Kirsten Dunst's character in Melancholia. If I die, I die 



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Just sounds like 2 cats fighting 



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Yes I live in London so daily

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Posted (edited)

Yes, I legitimately thought someone was being harmed and I ran to the window to see if I needed to call 911 :skull:

Edited by LustSpell
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what does the fox say?

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9 minutes ago, Karla Cabello said:

what does the fox say?

Don't mention that horrific song please, I have spent years traumatized by the fact it became popular 

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Yeah in Sweden i was walking in the forest and heard that **** and thought i was in the blair witch project 

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I live in London and get woken up most nights by foxes :rogue:

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girl i live in Manchester next to a big woodland … I HATE THEIR SCREAMS SO MUCH


Im not joking when i say i sit up in bed multiple times throughout the night bc they make me think someone is being R-worded or murdered behind my house


they sound so human like wth

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Nearly every night.  If someone's actually getting murdered sorry to them I'm not getting out of bed. 

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Yes on a camping trip once. It was really early in the morning and kinda disturbing tbh

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And possums sound like that chick from the grudge :suburban:


Like hearing that in the roof in the middle of the night not fun

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It's called an Xtina belt, put some respect on her name



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Omg wtf :mazen: the way I would freeze if I heard that

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It sounds like a child is being raped and/or murdered

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The Man Who
3 hours ago, May said:

girl i live in Manchester next to a big woodland … I HATE THEIR SCREAMS SO MUCH


Im not joking when i say i sit up in bed multiple times throughout the night bc they make me think someone is being R-worded or murdered behind my house


they sound so human like wth

I live in Manchester and I see them all the time. Either on my own street or somebody else's. I live right near the city though, so I'm not sure why I still see / hear so many of them. 

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