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How often do you shave/trim your face and body?


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i shave my face everyday... idk why my facial hair grows so fast, it's a curse! 


i'm planning on getting it lasered.

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I trim i don't shave at all 

my beard once a week

my body twice a week

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I trim my pubes and armpits very often.


I now have a beard, chesthair and hairy belly. The beard gets trimmed from time to time. But chest and belly remain hairy forever.

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Face once a month :suburban:

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My face twice a week, sometimes thrice :gaycat3:

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Revolution said:


Some chest hair is HOT. Heavy is not. 


Just don't touch the legs and arms though. :biblio:


Similar but maybe a little biT more than this:


Edited by Aethereal
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beard trim like every few days.

Body never, I like the amount of hair I have and so do the boys. 

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  • ATRL Moderator

Face - once every three days

Body - once every two weeks

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shave my face twice a week and my body once a week, i barely grow hair tho besides on my head.

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Posted (edited)

I shave my body only in Summer or for special events:gaycat1:my face is always clean. I apply a cream to make it lighter 

Edited by Princess Aurora
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Face - depends on the look I'm going for at the moment, never more often than every 3 days though


body - never 🦦

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I got an Electric Razor recently and its a godsend! I shave my face minus my mustache every 2 days now :gaycat2:


I trim downstairs and my armpits every few weeks, everything else I leave :ryan3:

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face everyday, body twice a week, legs once a week, arms 2 weeks

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Face is probably every two weeks for me cos I'm not that hairy. and body is like once every two months

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I shave my face every other day. My facial hair grows too fast and I hate it. Body hair uhm well not often maybe every few months if I get around to it

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1 hour ago, Tayloroutsold said:

Face is probably every two weeks for me cos I'm not that hairy. and body is like once every two months

Omg I'd love to not have to shave for 2 weeks I'm so jealous 

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i have a beard so I shave that every 3 weeks or so. I don't shave anything else cause I like how hairy I am :fan:

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16 minutes ago, Into The Void said:

Omg I'd love to not have to shave for 2 weeks I'm so jealous 

Sometimes It makes me feel like I didn't go through puberty cos like everything on my body is smooth 

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Shave Beard once a week

Shave chest, stomach, pits once a month is sufficient. 

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Was every month, but as I hit my late 20s, it's now 2-3 weeks for a trim. I don't fully shave because I don't want to feel like a child.

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face: every two-three days

body: twice a month



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I shave my face everyday, and I shave my body every week. I love having smooth skin. :fan:

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