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Cardi B says she's not voting in the next election: "I don't f— with both of y'all"


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20 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

No, because it's a false choice to expect Democrats (71% of whom believe Israel is committing a genocide) to hold our nose and vote for Biden. Most people don't play this lesser of two evils game and just find both candidates unacceptable. 

Then you are letting trump win so clearly you dont really care about palestine


On 5/20/2024 at 3:25 AM, GraceRandolph said:

Palestine is a microcosm of other larger issues. If the Dems are willing to overlook the suffering of Palestinians abroad then why should we expect them to be serious about combatting suffering and oppression at home? How can we help the poor when we have a huge chunk of congress pushing for unconditional aid to foreign governments? 

Okay but do you think Conservatives will help the poor or care about issues at home or in Palestine either? 

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1 minute ago, ForgottenSoul said:

Then you are letting trump win so clearly you dont really care about palestine


Okay but do you think Conservatives will help the poor or care about issues at home or in Palestine either? 

Neither Party cares, Biden is actively denying the genocide and calling student protesters antisemitic. Do you think people should vote for a president who insults them and denies genocide?

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9 hours ago, dinorhino said:

Trump has had every opportunity to detail his plans for supporting Israel to attract supporters and he has not revealed it even partially which to me implies his plans are not likely to align with conservative's expectations of being similarly as gung-ho about supporting Israel in the war. Either way from an objective standpoint Biden has showcased more vigour to support Israel--particularly in this war--than Trump has


I will repeat again, I'm not advocating for Trump or saying he's the better candidate. I've been saying that Biden is not the lesser of two evils. Not supporting biden~criticising Biden =/= pro-trump. I've said this multiple times and at this point it seems like you're purposefully misrepresenting my views in order to just paint a narrative which is bad faith


You made up those statistics about the percentages of queer Palestinians to again help your narrative. Queer people in general will always be a low percentage of the population but that doesn't mean they don't deserve rights. 


You're equating the quantity to the severity of the issue. You also are forgetting that your vote is co-signing what they stand for and voting for Biden is co-signing someone who is confirmed to adamantly support Israel under all circumstances.

The president of course he has that is not shocking. Trump's plan for Israel is to end it fast aka be quick and destructive then pull out. 


You are advocating for Trump though if you try to paint a picture that they are the same so doesn't really matter, so if Biden is not the lesser of two evils it's Trump? 


People focusing on Queers for Palestine is a smoke screen and literally irrelevant, people are acting like there is some vibrant gay community in Gaza like let's be real for a second, please. Its a thing left-wing people bring up to show that Gaza is not some hellhole of trash opinions.


Anyways people like you are the reason Trump won to begin with and will probs win again then when he appoints 2 young justices and Israel kills way more people you will act surprised. 

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2 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Neither Party cares, Biden is actively denying the genocide and calling student protesters antisemitic. Do you think people should vote for a president who insults them and denies genocide?

If the other candidate is someone whose worse on literally everything else policy wise then yes. Dont claim to care about rights and LGBTQ then vote for trump lmfao. 

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Just now, ForgottenSoul said:

If the other candidate is someone whose worse on literally everything else policy wise then yes. Dont claim to care about rights and LGBTQ then vote for trump lmfao. 

I'm not advocating for voting for Trump, but if we actually want to protect LGBT rights in the longterm we need a new party for the 99%. The Dems have showed us that they don't care about winning against Trump first and foremost





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6 hours ago, ForgottenSoul said:

The president of course he has that is not shocking. Trump's plan for Israel is to end it fast aka be quick and destructive then pull out. 


You are advocating for Trump though if you try to paint a picture that they are the same so doesn't really matter, so if Biden is not the lesser of two evils it's Trump? 


People focusing on Queers for Palestine is a smoke screen and literally irrelevant, people are acting like there is some vibrant gay community in Gaza like let's be real for a second, please. Its a thing left-wing people bring up to show that Gaza is not some hellhole of trash opinions.


Anyways people like you are the reason Trump won to begin with and will probs win again then when he appoints 2 young justices and Israel kills way more people you will act surprised. 

Trump's "plan" isn't to end it fast, he just said that's what he recommends Israel does due to bad optics, not that that's what he plans on helping them with if elected. 


I've articulated my point very well and for some reason you keep resorting back to political party binaries and can't look at the nuances outside of party affiliation and you just don't have the range to understand it so re-read until it clicks

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, dinorhino said:

Trump's "plan" isn't to end it fast, he just said that's what he recommends Israel does due to bad optics, not that that's what he plans on helping them with if elected. 


I've articulated my point very well and for some reason you keep resorting back to political party binaries and can't look at the nuances outside of party affiliation and you just don't have the range to understand it so re-read until it clicks

I mean your opinions are just uninformed and words I wish I could say but would get muted again. 


He would help Israel the same if not more the fact people don't think that is beyond hilarious when Conservatives in general are heavily pro-Israel. 


Lets just wait and see this discussion is not relevant we shall see once Trump wins because Biden got no hope due to people like you and because hes bad also. 

Edited by ForgottenSoul
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11 hours ago, ForgottenSoul said:

People focusing on Queers for Palestine is a smoke screen and literally irrelevant, people are acting like there is some vibrant gay community in Gaza like let's be real for a second, please. Its a thing left-wing people bring up to show that Gaza is not some hellhole of trash opinions.

I was going to vote for Biden, but this weird opinion that Palestinian children deserve to be slaughtered like racks of meat because gay marriage is illegal convinced me not to.

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Just now, Communion said:

I was going to vote for Biden, but this weird opinion that Palestinian children deserve to be slaughtered like racks of meat because gay marriage is illegal convinced me not to.

No-one said that but enjoy Trump doing much worse I guess its karma for you. 

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People voting for Biden solely because they don't want Trump, while I understand that mentality, the mentality is steeped in so much ******* white privilege it's actually abysmal. Putting a stamp of approval on the genocide that Biden is funding is something worth feeling shame for. You could vote 3rd party. Will they win? No. But we need to start interrupting this two party system because it's clearly working for no one but a select group of people. But y'all don't wanna have that conversation. You'll keep saying "now isn't the time", but if not now, when? When will there ever be a more fitting time NOT to vote for the two horrible men we have running?


Genocide supporters can sleep with blood on their hands. Y'all deserve prison :heart: 

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