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Cardi B says she's not voting in the next election: "I don't f— with both of y'all"


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14 hours ago, byzantium said:

Over 75% of the Palestinians killed in my lifetime during this conflict have been killed in the last 8 months.  It's a bit obtuse to say this is exactly the same situation as under prior years.  

But sure, I'll concede to your argument that both parties have been pro-genocide for decades.  Now my question is: as someone who is morally against genocide, why should I vote for a pro-genocide candidate?  

I don't care who you vote for. Your original point was that Biden is somehow worse than Trump because Trump didn't oversee October 7th when he was president. I'm saying using Israeli genocide on Palestine as a metric for morality of US Presidents is stupid because it's been going on for decades and every president has supported it since. 

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5 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:



He's a historically weak candidate. I've never seen anything like it. 

People were also saying this before he achieved the highest number of votes in US election history

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1 hour ago, for lovers said:

People were also saying this before he achieved the highest number of votes in US election history

Trump achieved the second highest number of votes in US election history? People are less interested in this election cycle, a majority of Dems didn't want Biden to run for reelection and he's behind Trump in most swing states now. 

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9 hours ago, punisher said:

and let's not forget how much she was endorsing biden in 2020


she's one of the very few artists who are constantly talking about politics, inflation, budget cuts and world events


i remember watching cardi's lives about politics, they got me tru the pandemic 


this queen has always been very informed and outspoken and i'm happy to see she still walks the talk 


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20 hours ago, Kassi said:

Thank you for saying this. :clap3:

These people think they come off as morally superior to everybody else just because they've designated themselves as single issue voters — and their single issue happens to be an ethnic conflict occurring 3000 miles halfway across the world. 

You'd think Palestine is the center of the damn universe the way they talk about it.

Meanwhile, there is a whole lot else going on around the world. And frankly issues right here in America that deserve attention more than some Middle Easterners who won't make peace going on 100 years now.

You have female rights being removed, LGBTQ targeted etc.. yet they only focus only Palestine. 

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16 hours ago, byzantium said:

Well, I care less about what you think and more about what experts on the subject think.  So far there is a case against Israel in the international court of justice on the matter.  

I guess it remains to be seen what the Trump presidency's effect on the ongoing genocide will be.  At the rate people like you bury your heads in the sand and ignore issues like this, I'm thinking it's likely we will find out.  

Im burying my head? That is you.. 

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15 hours ago, DougAF said:

I'll probably abstain from voting to send the DNC a message. You don't get to just force whatever candidate you want down our throats. Especially if it's likely he'll die in said term. 


this too

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18 hours ago, dinorhino said:

He want a ceasefire but actively funds the side who refuses to stop the ceasefire and says they aren't doing anything wrong ("there is no genocide") and has made zero comments about the censorship of Palestine protests in and out American campuses 🤪


There are other issues at play but acting like Trump has the capabilities to roll back most if not all protections for queer people in addition to the fact that it's still theory crafting and has yet to be demonstrated if Trump would even support Israel to the same extent (if at all).


And this is an active contradiction to queers supporting Palestine because if you support Palestine so much then why are you so adamant about voting for Biden who is hellbent on funding Israel who actively blackmails queer Palestinians and then kills them? Lol. Biden seems to only care about the queer community only if they're American because he's actively being a tyrant and a homophobe towards queer Arabs overseas. 


I don't feel morally superior whatsoever. If you want to vote then you can vote, there's not really any harm done in it. irdc. But voting especially in this instance between Biden or Trump has no moral superiority and trying to shame someone out of voting also has no moral superiority either. 



Assuming this is unironic, gloating about your worthless vote and how educated you are on a pop forum is one of the most pathetic things to do i'm not going to hold you. And you evidently are not denouncing racism when you're voting for someone who is funding racism overseas in a war. 


Posturing on a pop forum though is still so wild. 

????????? You're trying to say Trump wouldn't support Israel the same if not more.. Really..


Queers supporting Palestine is bullshit and if you're queer and support Trump then.. 


Gays in Palestine are most likely .1% if that and you guys blow it up like it's a huge amount of people. 


Look at Florida and states slowly going backwards towards LGBTQ and in terms of Womens rights but yeah there is no difference right? 



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1 hour ago, ForgottenSoul said:

You have female rights being removed, LGBTQ targeted etc.. yet they only focus only Palestine. 


How dare they prioritize genocide?

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I've had similar thoughts before, but abstaining is actually giving Trump/the GOP an advantage. After all the gerrymandering, intimidation, and other tactics the GOP has used to suppress votes from non-white people, abstaining from voting is voluntarily giving them what they want. This is especially the case if abstaining from voting for president keeps you from voting in local and congressional elections.


Also realized it was kind of selfish to voluntarily not vote when people have fought and died so I could have the right to vote in the first place. Also there are ways to support causes you believe in outside of voting (organizing, donating, volunteering).


If you're able to vote, there's no decision you can make that doesn't give one side an advantage :coffee2:

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2 hours ago, ForgottenSoul said:

????????? You're trying to say Trump wouldn't support Israel the same if not more.. Really..


Queers supporting Palestine is bullshit and if you're queer and support Trump then.. 


Gays in Palestine are most likely .1% if that and you guys blow it up like it's a huge amount of people. 


Look at Florida and states slowly going backwards towards LGBTQ and in terms of Womens rights but yeah there is no difference right? 



people like you are the worst breed of humans ever

you expect people to sit here and support children DYING because the country doesn't have lgbtq rights? it's actually disgusting how many times this "argument" gets brought up here… search up maslows hierarchy of needs and just stfu

you're such a nasty person if you think it's bullshit for people to stand up against a genocide tf

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, punisher said:

and let's not forget how much she was endorsing biden in 2020


she's one of the very few artists who are constantly talking about politics, inflation, budget cuts and world events

Yeah, people are free to disagree with her, but this racialized framing of her as somehow illiterate or dumb (when people seemingly had no issue when she, as a Sanders voter, compromised her position and took a chance on voting for Biden in 2020 despite his broken promises proving her hesitation right) is.. so coded.


This is no one's fault but Biden's. He made promises to voters like Cardi that he would achieve certain goals in his presidency if progressives voted for him.

He ended up lying. What exactly do liberals and centrists expect progressives to do with a candidate proven to lie and whose promises mean nothing?

Edited by Communion
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3 hours ago, ForgottenSoul said:

Queers supporting Palestine is bullshit

.....? What do you mean by that?


3 hours ago, ForgottenSoul said:

ok at Florida and states slowly going backwards towards LGBTQ and in terms of Womens rights but yeah there is no difference right? 

Are you advocating for the mass bombing and slaughter of Floridians?? 

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18 hours ago, fijitears said:

Not my thread going platinum, i'm gagging 



Endless thread merges omg

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The only reason I'm voting Biden is because I plan on marrying a foreigner, and I fear Trump may make the immigration process harder.


unless someone can convince me otherwise.

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2 hours ago, punisher said:

people like you are the worst breed of humans ever

you expect people to sit here and support children DYING because the country doesn't have lgbtq rights? it's actually disgusting how many times this "argument" gets brought up here… search up maslows hierarchy of needs and just stfu

you're such a nasty person if you think it's bullshit for people to stand up against a genocide tf

I just dont think Palestine is the only thing people should vote on.. if both have similar Israel support then you vote on the differences? Its common sense if you think a bit. 

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13 hours ago, ForgottenSoul said:

You have female rights being removed, LGBTQ targeted etc.. yet they only focus only Palestine. 

Palestine is a microcosm of other larger issues. If the Dems are willing to overlook the suffering of Palestinians abroad then why should we expect them to be serious about combatting suffering and oppression at home? How can we help the poor when we have a huge chunk of congress pushing for unconditional aid to foreign governments? 

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She just knows that Biden lost all of his cool points with black people and the majority of her fanbase is black so she's not gonna publicly endorse him.

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The Biden stans fighting for their lives in here? :hippo:

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8 hours ago, Tayloroutsold said:

She just knows that Biden lost all of his cool points with black people and the majority of her fanbase is black so she's not gonna publicly endorse him.

Biden never had any cool points? Not sure why you can't accept that people are horrified by our tax dollars funding the bombing of children. 

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Idiot, just like y'all saying she's right. But what can we expect from Americans.

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11 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

Palestine is a microcosm of other larger issues. If the Dems are willing to overlook the suffering of Palestinians abroad then why should we expect them to be serious about combatting suffering and oppression at home? How can we help the poor when we have a huge chunk of congress pushing for unconditional aid to foreign governments? 

Okay if both are similar on Palestine you vote on what the differences are? Its not that complicated to understand. Also Israel is basically another American state they will never give up defending that country. 

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1 hour ago, GraceRandolph said:

Biden never had any cool points? Not sure why you can't accept that people are horrified by our tax dollars funding the bombing of children. 

He most definitely did have some cool points with Gen Z black voters because in 2020 everybody and their mama had the **** Trump pfp 

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43 minutes ago, ForgottenSoul said:

Okay if both are similar on Palestine you vote on what the differences are? Its not that complicated to understand. Also Israel is basically another American state they will never give up defending that country. 

No, because it's a false choice to expect Democrats (71% of whom believe Israel is committing a genocide) to hold our nose and vote for Biden. Most people don't play this lesser of two evils game and just find both candidates unacceptable. 

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On 5/19/2024 at 1:22 PM, ForgottenSoul said:

I just dont think Palestine is the only thing people should vote on.. if both have similar Israel support then you vote on the differences? Its common sense if you think a bit. 

On 5/19/2024 at 8:11 AM, ForgottenSoul said:

????????? You're trying to say Trump wouldn't support Israel the same if not more.. Really..


Queers supporting Palestine is bullshit and if you're queer and support Trump then.. 


Gays in Palestine are most likely .1% if that and you guys blow it up like it's a huge amount of people. 


Look at Florida and states slowly going backwards towards LGBTQ and in terms of Womens rights but yeah there is no difference right? 

Trump has had every opportunity to detail his plans for supporting Israel to attract supporters and he has not revealed it even partially which to me implies his plans are not likely to align with conservative's expectations of being similarly as gung-ho about supporting Israel in the war. Either way from an objective standpoint Biden has showcased more vigour to support Israel--particularly in this war--than Trump has


I will repeat again, I'm not advocating for Trump or saying he's the better candidate. I've been saying that Biden is not the lesser of two evils. Not supporting biden~criticising Biden =/= pro-trump. I've said this multiple times and at this point it seems like you're purposefully misrepresenting my views in order to just paint a narrative which is bad faith


You made up those statistics about the percentages of queer Palestinians to again help your narrative. Queer people in general will always be a low percentage of the population but that doesn't mean they don't deserve rights. 


You're equating the quantity to the severity of the issue. You also are forgetting that your vote is co-signing what they stand for and voting for Biden is co-signing someone who is confirmed to adamantly support Israel under all circumstances.

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