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Apple Music Users, how do you "merge" albums?


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Hello fellow atrlers,


I recently switched from Spotify to Apple Music, and so far loving it.


There is one thing I am currently having probems with and it is thanks to one of the reasons I love the most about AM: being able to edit a song tags.


Back when I used Spotify whenever a new album came out I would "unlike" the single version and add the album one, as to have all the songs from the same album under the same album name tag. Never loved this workaround as I sometimes play my songs sorted by recently added.


Now with AM, if an album comes out and I have one or several singles already saved I can just edit the info and the artwork and that way the song stays with its original add ate and with the play count. Or at least I thought so... last Friday a new album came out and I already had two singles in my library. I changed the artwork (by copying it from one of the pre-add tracks) and the album name and added the new tracks I liked. Sure all the tracks appear under the album in macOS and iOS but in iOS, if I click on the "Show Complete Album" option, it redirects to the first single and not the album.


I could live with that "bug" or whatever we wanna call it, but now they updated the artwork with an animated one and if I play any of the tracks, I don't get the animated version. I renamed the album tag in the two singles (back to Name - Single) and played the songs directly added from the album and they play using the animated artwork. I tried renaming the singles (back to album name) and once again, Show Complete Album redirects to the single and the songs play with the plain artwork.


Do you have any tips on how to "merge" a single back into an album?  I don't want to delete de Single and andd the album version as that would mean losing the play count...



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on computer, highlight everything you want to group together and hit Cmd/Ctrl+I and edit info for multiple songs. change the album title to what you need it to be and hit okay and it should merge!

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First, you'll need to make sure you're also editing the "sort as" information. In the latest versions of Apple Music for Windows, these fields will NOT always automatically update when you change the album title or other tags, and may need to be manually changed.


Unfortunately, in order to deal with the issues caused by animated covers, you'll have to turn them off completely, and the "show complete album" issue won't go away no matter how much you do with your tags in my experience. Even after turning off animated covers, I sometimes encounter issues where the first frame of the animated cover briefly appears on iOS before correcting itself to match the cover I've specified after a split second.

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Yeah either sort as or if it's still showing up as two albums you might have to tick the compilation box and then it should merge

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Get last fm for accurate play count. Forget  Apple's count

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