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Dua admits being an astrology weirdo

Space Cowboy

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Jk it can be fun if taken more as a fun game and not literally. Some people live and breathe it which is not healthy.

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maybe this will be the last I post here, maybe not, but for now I'll wrap my comments up by saying...if you are against astrology and have not gotten into natal charts, then you really aren't basing your opinions on much. you need to get the full report if you are going to decide if it can offer insight into your personality.


in pop terms, this is akin to saying you don't like an album because you didn't like the lead single, despite not having actually listened to the album.

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i think a lot of you are just jealous and your astrology chart is probably ugly




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anyone who takes astrology THIS seriously is.....


let me not get a warning.

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26 minutes ago, swissman said:

But physical and emotional (when it comes to the brain) can be very closely linked. A hormone is a physical thing. But that can make a very emotional change.

C'mon now, I know we're not putting hormones and gravitational pull on the water in the brain on the same level because...


Is astrology a valid substitute to therapy yes or no? Because that's the main issue I have with Dua's statement. If your answer is yes, we'll just have to agree to disagree on this.

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34 minutes ago, Hephaestus said:

Is astrology a valid substitute to therapy yes or no? Because that's the main issue I have with Dua's statement. If your answer is yes, we'll just have to agree to disagree on this.

5 hours ago, swissman said:

...I would never say that an astrologist should replace a therapist...

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2 hours ago, Stunnah said:

I've been meaning to spend less time on online, and the BRAINDEAD responses in this thread have really helped me log off today.


Thanks, Dua!


Thanks, ATRL! 

I can't believe it took me 3 pages to find this comment (and ofc the astrolulu girlies rushed to downvote it :rip:)


Astrology folks are some of the worst people I know. Just plain delusional and they're really no better than religious people. It's the exact same dogma and cult mentality but under a different name and a more appealing branding, and of course, masquerading as "new age science".


OT: Thought she was smarter than this.

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Astrology is nonsense but harmless, what's the problem? The way this has 5 pages you'd think she said she was a scientologist and worships L. Ron Hubbard



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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Riverbank said:

I can't believe it took me 3 pages to find this comment (and ofc the astrolulu girlies rushed to downvote it :rip:)


Astrology folks are some of the worst people I know. Just plain delusional and they're really no better than religious people. It's the exact same dogma and cult mentality but under a different name and a more appealing branding, and of course, masquerading as "new age science".


OT: Thought she was smarter than this.


Astrology and religion are not the same at all. And for you to try and align the two in order for you to confirm whatever pointless disdain you have towards astrology says more about your delusions about astrology than it does us "astrolulu girlies".

Sure, there is dogma involved but it's a far different kind and of a far less dangerous amount than exists within religion. Most people who believe in astrology would probably say there is a possibility that it isn't true which by definition negates it being a "dogma". There's also no doctrine, there are no rules/laws to abide by, there's no official texts, there are no leaders, there are no tithes, there are no wars waged in its name, groups of people are not discriminated because of it, there are no promises about an afterlife, there are no rituals, there are no ceremonies, there are no holy places, there are no prayers, there are no holidays, there is no fear-based control, there's no imposed sense of morality tied to anything ... should we go on? And there is no cult mentality. Lastly, anyone who considers it a "new age science" is actually fooling themselves because it's actually very, very old.

Astrology is closer to colour theory than it is to religion.



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The braincells I lost reading this thread.



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the meltdowns and fights over this :ahh: y'all too much

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2 hours ago, Raphy23 said:



Jk it can be fun if taken more as a fun game and not literally. Some people live and breathe it which is not healthy.

This. Everything is moderation as they say. Obsession is unhealthy, and people making astrology as their one and only personality is what ticks people off most of the time

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3 hours ago, swissman said:

maybe this will be the last I post here, maybe not, but for now I'll wrap my comments up by saying...if you are against astrology and have not gotten into natal charts, then you really aren't basing your opinions on much. you need to get the full report if you are going to decide if it can offer insight into your personality.


in pop terms, this is akin to saying you don't like an album because you didn't like the lead single, despite not having actually listened to the album.

no matter how hard you try to spin it, it's all just stuff that someone made up and "perfected" along the way to have people believe in it.

If it helps you, Dua, and other people "make sense" of your life then go for it. Just keep in mind it's huge biases, unpredictability, and overall lack of substance will keep most people away from it. 

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Astrology is the Ava Max of cults. 

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Here for a Zodiac-Astrology expanded edition from radical optimish :giraffe:

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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, 305 said:

no matter how hard you try to spin it, it's all just stuff that someone made up and "perfected" along the way to have people believe in it.

If it helps you, Dua, and other people "make sense" of your life then go for it. Just keep in mind it's huge biases, unpredictability, and overall lack of substance will keep most people away from it. 

the point of that post was that it didn't seem from the way many people in this thread talk about it, that they have engaged with astrology in any meaningful way before they have outright decided what it's good for, how relevant it can be, and if people should even bother with it.


even you claiming "someone" made it up outlines a lack of understanding about what astrology is currently and has been from a historical standpoint. I could be wrong and you're very informed, but have just chosen to talk down to me in such a way that only sounds misinformed and if that is the case, "if it helps you...then go for it."



Edited by swissman
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I didn't realize being pressed about astrology was even a thing. It's fun and I surely can't be the only person here who has expanded on that by also having an interest in tarot.

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Posted (edited)

What's going on here? My girl was just saying whatever to try to sell some albums.

Edited by tost1
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I love reading peoples' takes on this subject. I'm a full-time astrologer for a living and it's always hilarious seeing how incorrect people are about what true astrology even is. It's understandable though because it's become a pretty ridiculous and diluted subject in pop culture due to the influence of horoscopes and the weird ways celebrities like Dua refer to it (which, imo, is really the fault of the bad astrologer she's using). 

I also think a lot of people are unaware that so much of how we live and structure society directly ties to the insights we've gained through astrology over thousands of years. To stay OT, the root of therapy as we know it in the western world is based on our understanding of astrology in the first place. Carl Jung, who had the most significant impact on therapy as practiced today, was an astrologer. He ripped much of his work from astrological teachings then rebranded it. But people aren't ready for that conversation because they don't want to "believe" in astrology (even though astrology isn't a belief system in the first place - I don't "believe" in it either). Anyway! Have a good Wednesday (aka Woden's day, the Roman name for Mercury).

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Dua saying "I don't have a therapist, I have an astrologist" is really not different than her saying "I don't have a therapist, I have my friends" which is to say she has a support that alleges to understand her, know things about her, but also afford her the autonomy and personhood to make her own decisions. It's a different relationship than "my husband" or "my priest" or "my boss", all of whom may impose an expectation onto you that is far different than the average friend.

A lot of the hate astrology seems to get (here, and elsewhere) seems wrapped up in a resistance to allow something to tell you how to feel/act/be/whatever. But that really is not the case with astrology, even if some things are written declaratively or prescriptively. A good astrologer is not going to be like "buy yellow shoes Dua Lipa!!" they'll say something like "in this time you may be looking for new paths, but don't rush into something without understanding where it will take you". Now...even if this is all made up, is being given philosophical prompts or being asked to challenge how you see the world a bad thing? Astrology is merely a guide.


And being quite far from religion, there's absolutely no pressure or need to take any advice from an astrologist. A lot of time astrology is just great to have a way to see things differently. And it's really quite shocking how many people are so against it.

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The idea that astrology acts as therapy is actually something I'm starting to believe in tbh.

In my country (South East Asia), going to therapy for your mental health problems is still largely stigmatised, but seeing a fortune-teller is definitely not. And recently I attended a talk by a young practicing astrologer here, and she talked about how some clients would come to her every month just to vent for hours :chick2: She also mentioned how this kind of service seems to give them a little bit of hope for the future, without which some of them might not even want to continue to live :dancehall:

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did astrology tell her to release Radical Optimism with no bops 

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The overreactions in here :toofunny3:


Like, mind your business y'all. It doesn't affect you and it's not a big deal, let Dua play with her rocks and telescopes or whatever :toofunny3:

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