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Do spiders change size?


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Hi yall so some of you might even remember me from the well documented massive spider encounter during the Eurovision Song Contest.


I never removed the spider from the bathroom but I checked today and I saw a spider hiding but it looked so much smaller that I'm questioning whether its a different spider.


Either that's the case or miss spider has done a round of ozempic since I last saw her.


So do spiders change in size that quickly over a short amount of time or no

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No, they don't. :dies:


Maybe your brain freaked out at first given you weren't expecting to see anything like that in the first place thus thought she was bigger than she actually was at first and now it's gotten used it so it seems smaller?



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It mean it gave birth and there's hundred more rn under ur bed :flower2:

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You should probably prepare yourself by watching the movie Infested…… 

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I got many spiders in my bathroom I never see the same one twice except the one who likes to join me in the shower :suburban:

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Like a male ****, yes. From calm to hard.

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She deflated after giving birth to a trillion more spiders :heart:

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9 hours ago, smartalek22 said:

Hi yall so some of you might even remember me from the well documented massive spider encounter during the Eurovision Song Contest.


I never removed the spider from the bathroom but I checked today and I saw a spider hiding but it looked so much smaller that I'm questioning whether its a different spider.


Either that's the case or miss spider has done a round of ozempic since I last saw her.


So do spiders change in size that quickly over a short amount of time or no



So there was this huge spider that would hide between the gap of the fridge and the wall. I could never get it out because it would just run back in


I just let it be. It just hung out in the same spot a little outside its gap every day. I'd keep an eye on it in case it moved 


One day it was GONE  :gaycat7:


I couldn't sleep peacefully for a few days but then got over it


Maybe a week later a spider showed up again in the exact same spot but a lot smaller than I remember???


Idk if it's a different one or the same one 

Thought I was losing my mind! 


Glad we're having the same experience @smartalek22


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why is it any of your business

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As one Slavic saying goes, fear has big eyes.

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