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Eurovision Song Contest 2025 | Switzerland Hosting


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ban israhell!!!

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manifesting martin resigns and israel gets banned from ebu



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With everything up in the air I was uncomfortable with the idea of going next year but now I will move hell and earth to make sure I attend this one live. I'm finally graduating this year so my schedule will finally be free for me to go, plus my mum is originally from Switzerland so it would be perfect to visit the homeland too


I want to see North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania etc. back and Israel and Martin Osterdahl OUT. I hope that when the Netherlands goes through the investigation with Joost that if they decide to stay in ESC a non negotiable is getting rid of both of them

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Lemme Rome2Rio my way to Zurich :suburban:

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Italy coming for their 8th consecutive top 10 with Annalisa 



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  • ATRL Moderator

Also @Queen Conchita has been the OP of all the Eurovision threads for as long as I’ve been on the forum.  I know they are not as active on the forum as they used to be so hopefully they enjoyed the contest as well as we all could with the circumstances and is celebrating Switzerland’s victory :clap3: 

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Poland gracing us all with an instant classic Eurovision meme gif


give this poor girl a stream at least, while we're at it


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How much do I have to pay the EBU for a Céline Dion cameo next year



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streets are saying Nuit Incolore and Priya Ragu as interval acts :wanda:

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5 minutes ago, JennyWayne said:

Céline Dion cameo

hope it's gonna be better than ABBAtars mess


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Eurovision - Luxury Edition is incoming, hope the budget is better than Flopmo. 


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Another Ukraine top 5 next year please :heart:

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so how many countries do y'all think we're getting after this **** show



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  • ATRL Moderator
17 minutes ago, Aquamarine said:

so how many countries do y'all think we're getting after this **** show



Netherlands out, none of the Balkan countries coming back except for Kosovo debuting due to how expensive Switzerland is. Israel out after the issues this year so what, 36?

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Let us pray the netherlands takes a stand and pulls out or find another way to stand up to the EBU. 90% chance they'll accept whatever excuse comes out of the further discussion.


Switzerland is gonna be expensive to attend so I'm not sure if I wanna try for it, but we'll see. 


I don't see many countries returning, especialy with the cost being so high. Let me pray Isr**l will throw a fit as well and quit. 

Edited by *Tim
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So what are we thinking... Zürich? Basel? Lausanne?



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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, khalyan said:

Netherlands out, none of the Balkan countries coming back except for Kosovo debuting due to how expensive Switzerland is. Israel out after the issues this year so what, 36?

with Israel OUT we can get Tunisia, Lebanon, Argelia and Morocco + Monaco is finally an EBU member again



but what we really need is to get Turkey back


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7 hours ago, abelfenty said:

Italy coming for their 8th consecutive top 10 with Annalisa 



When we will send a Elodie/Annalisa duet



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3 hours ago, Same Ol' Mistakes said:

When we will send a Elodie/Annalisa duet



My little gay heart would explode.

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Geneva has expressed interest



Luxembourg is coming back in 2025




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I hope Israel gets kicked out. This year was a disaster and I have no desire for round 2. I'm looking forward to Switzerland and I'm curious to see how their show will be.

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  • ATRL Moderator

So, especially post-COVID, attending Eurovision has been a dream of mine. But finances has always been something holding me back. 

This year especially I’ve been working more and more (and spent 2k on tattoos kii) so I’m thinking it’s more realistic for me to attend. 

I know Switzerland is expensive but one of the places I’ve always wanted to visit and I love to hike, so it really is a dream location. Maybe I’ll try to start saving up and make it happen next year?

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I'm also thinking of attending next year (if the EBU sort their ****). I wanted to go last year since we were hosting but I ended up doing Erasmus so I was away while the contest was on. Even if I don't go the full week I'd still love to attend for a few days and attend at least one of the live shows, and experience the atmosphere in person 

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Yeah it's a dream of mine to go too. I had a bunch of savings in my bank account but I just had to fork most of them to save my cats life this week. :skull:  Let's manifest somewhere cheaper for 2026!


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