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What terrifies you?


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1 hour ago, Attitude said:

The fact that the sun will explode one day

this excites me tbh

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  • the possibility of ever going bald
  • the possibility of ever going blind
  • lakes (IDK WHY but lakes and ponds are so much scarier than rivers and oceans to me)
  • I have this weird fear of my arms falling off and I think it's cause of torture method videos I've watched on youtube about 

    drawing and quartering

    and how that's just the scariest sh*t ever so I've had nightmares about this before :deadbanana4:

  • not ever finding musical success. like it's my greatest fear probably. I know I've played two shows this year so far but I need MORE MORE MORE MORE! idc if I never get super famous, though I'd love to be famous, what REALLY scares me is just the thought that I'll never secure any kind of fanbase

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My impending doom, the lingering fear of dying young and not having lived my life to the fullest.

I'm currently living back with my parents and I'm just working a bum job to survive but not truly living, never been in a relationship/in love, which keeps me up at night with guilt, like I'm wasting my youth :biblio:

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My faves flopping, gross/stinging bugs, heights, swimming, and huge crowds :mazen:

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Family and/or friends recognizing my X rated content on Twitter & OF despite the ski mask that I wear :suburban:

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My bpd flips


Missing barriers on my non seated concerts :gaycat7:

Dying alone (im in my 30s and single and feel ill never have happiness and it terrifies me bc all my friends are happily in love)

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The possibility that, somewhere along the line in my life, I made a wrong choice that redirected me from genuine happiness and fulfillment. I think about that often. I'm not unhappy, but it's a sort of empty happiness that I feel. Perhaps, it's just a sort of oblivious contentment.


Aside from that, loneliness and isolation.

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