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Ryan Coogler Rumored to Direct X-Men Marvel Studios Film


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4 hours ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

The Famous Scooper MTTSH states Black Panther Director will be MCU X-Men Fil director. The MCU X-Men film will begin pre-production in Q4 2025. 



4 hours ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

Sounds realistic. Meaning Storm will be Done right finally :loki:

I actually think a variant of Storm will debut in Black Panther 3 played by Angela Bassett. My theory is that Shuri is struggling with the loss of her Dad, Brother and now her Mum and that Angela appears a variant of Storm to help her move past her grief and motivate her to become the leader of Wakanda that she needs to be.

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3 hours ago, izebize said:

Love her but she was absolutely awful as Storm 

It's true. 

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3 hours ago, Theblankonix said:

not my jean grey:rip:

 The curious case of the fainting X-Women | SYFY WIRE

Yes, your jean grey.



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… we shall see. I liked the first black panther movie but the second was a mess. On the plus side,if he does then storm will likely have a leading role - which I'm always down for. 

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This could go either way. Wakanda Forever was very good for the first half and then very bad for the second half. Not to mention at the end of the day there's only so much creators are given in the MCU regardless. 

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Excellent choice if true. All I'm gonna say though is they better have queer and POC in the creative team because X-Men need to have that sort of underlying commentary for them to hit like they do in the comics.

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8 hours ago, BadHabits said:

I actually think a variant of Storm will debut in Black Panther 3 played by Angela Bassett. My theory is that Shuri is struggling with the loss of her Dad, Brother and now her Mum and that Angela appears a variant of Storm to help her move past her grief and motivate her to become the leader of Wakanda that she needs to be.

That would be SICKENING, but ultimately undermine whoever gets to play her after (although honestly it'd be the same situation with Wolverine since Hugh came back to play him, so who knows). Angela would kill as Storm if she got the chance to portray her imho.

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I'm sorry but BP3? :gaycat7:


This ia not necessary. Just give other characters a try. 

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8 hours ago, BadHabits said:


I actually think a variant of Storm will debut in Black Panther 3 played by Angela Bassett. My theory is that Shuri is struggling with the loss of her Dad, Brother and now her Mum and that Angela appears a variant of Storm to help her move past her grief and motivate her to become the leader of Wakanda that she needs to be.

I can see this happening. Black Panther 3 introduces Storm the way Captain America 3 introduced Black Panther & Spiderman finally into the MCU!:jonny4:

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38 minutes ago, Hephaestus said:

Excellent choice if true. All I'm gonna say though is they better have queer and POC in the creative team because X-Men need to have that sort of underlying commentary for them to hit like they do in the comics.

Ryan Coogler & Beau De Mayo together writing and directing would be a power Team. :loki: Getting the best drama Story, Character Development & Action from XMen 97, With the visuals and direction from Coogler. That would go Hard🔥

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Anna Diop storm


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12 hours ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

I can see this happening. Black Panther 3 introduces Storm the way Captain America 3 introduced Black Panther & Spiderman finally into the MCU!:jonny4:

They introduced Namor into Black Panther 2 and a variant of Storm from a different universe played by Angela would be sick. 

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Posted (edited)

Black Panther: Emancipation 

-My Pitch

a Enemy of the state Action Thriller of Shuri fighting off Foreign Nations from Seizing Submerged Wakanda territory.


Following Namor's Attack, Wakanda is in a reconstruction Period. With Civil unrest brewing due to the collapse Economy and lost of Vibranium reserves; half the nation want reparations since Infinity war was fought on thier land, and America was responsible for the Vibranium tracker that lead to Namor destroying thier nation infrastructure. Shuri gets overwhelmed with juggling everyone's responsibilities and goes on a sabbatical to the Shara desert, where she meets a Mutant (Storm) who controls the weather. Shuri, Okoye, and Storm fight for thier turf, against Thunderbolt Operatives. The citizens of Wakanda learn that the propaganda was forced by a 3rd party, Val. Who is using Thunderbolt members as a military special ops to dismantle Wakanda while they are busy fighting themselves. The Thunderbolt's belive they are setting Wakanda free from the responsibility of having the 2nd most valuable resource on earth. (Adamatium is now discovered). 

The final act has Wakanda being invaded by a 3rd force from the north. DoomBots made of Ultron's parts start to raid Wakanda. Thunderbolts & Black Panther's team join forces and stop the attack. We learn that near former Sokovia (the setting of Avengers: Age of Ultron). Victor Doom has obtain land and build a military force of DoomBots from the wreckage. Val is revealed to be a mole for Doom and has been feeding him DODC & Wakandan intel to develop his unrecognized nation of Latveria. The fight Namor reinforces Wakanda, as Black Panther, Storm, Thunderbolts (Yelena & Bucky) and Wakanda's Armies fight the DoomBots. The Film ends with each main character reflecting on freedom and control throughout thier lives. Storm overcomes her claustrophobia that plays through the film, and decides to take up an offer she once denied. (Leading to her to New York to go back to School). Yelena & Bucky take thier team back home to expose Val to Thunderbolt Ross. Shuri reflects on her brother, and Nakia hints at her son taking on the Black Panther Mantle. Film ends with Shuri giving a speech about Wakanda forever. And teen T'challa dawning the original Black Panther Mask. 

Post Credit 1: KillMonger is in the astral plane. A Voice tells him he is free and a portal rift opens up. An image of the Shadow King appears and screen turns to black. 

Black Panthers will return in Avengers Secret War.


post credit 2: Luke Cage is in a Barbershop in Harlem. The tv is showing a new Spider-Man with a Black suit. He turns the volume up, and the newscaster says "…This Spiderman has the Swagger of a Black Teen.." Miles Morales is swinging on the tv. And screen goes black. 

Miles Morales & Luke Cage will be in Avengers Secret Wars

The X-Men 

-My Pitch


The world learns of Mutants more and more everyday, following Captain America Brave New World where Xavier puts the conspiracy theories to rest and announces Mutantkind on public television. 

Professor X offers tutelage and shelter the increasing Youth learning about thier X-Gene. Professor X tries to calm the Public down by revealing he already has several members of his school who have successfully honed thier abilities and are no threat to humans. However, conservatives fear that thier kids could one day wake up with this extra gene and exhibit unknown phenomena. The population of Mutants begins to increase rapidly and Many critics fear they will one day overtake humans. Xavier tells his first 5 students to prepare for a world of hypocrisy. For the Avengers are hailed as heros, but mutants are seen as a threat to society. 

First Act revolves around the perspective of the first 5 X-Men that Xavier recruited; Cyclops, Jean, Beast, Angel, and Iceman. Each of thier origins displays of how they were treated during the Blip. This is when Xavier started to teach the teens and house them once thier caretakers were blipped away. Each of the teens deal with coming of age insecurities in a World where half of the hero's are gone. Cyclops and jean's relationship is a primary focus, as we watch them train during the blip and improve thier performance. Beast is ashamed of his physical features, but is the most intelligent person in the group. Angel also has self image issues. Coming from a rich family, he overcomes materialism and eventually befriends the group. Iceman is afraid to come out and is timid at first. But becomes one of the powerhouses of the team. The First act flashes from thier Blip School days, and the formation of the X-Men. 

the 2nd act is Mr. Sinister, who has also been aware of mutants and has the ability to take thier dna and incorporate X-gene powers into himself. He has a creepy obsession with Jean & Scott since thier training days. The first major fight occurs during a protest for Mutant civil rights. Where Captain America (Sam) intervenes to protect the protesters. Sinister activates his diamond on the racist disrupting the demonstration. The Team & Cap fight the mutant enhanced racist. Captain America is mocked by the media for supporting, and King Pin Programs more critics of Mutants & Mutant lovers. 
Cyclops gets angered and overloads his beam too much, melting Mr. Sinister and blowing through a building. Although thier were no casualties, this continues to paint more negative press on the X-men & Xaviers X-Mansions true motives. The X-Men start to argue morals and why did they waste thier youth for civilians that will never accept them. Mr. Sinister attacks the mansion with Morlocks, Sewer dwelling Mutants, he has enhanced. in a horror movie type of way, they begin licking off each X-Men. Xavier locks down the mansion and everyone enters the danger room. Sending a Message to his Adult recruits who are out of the country. (Storm & Wolverine). 

The Climax of the film is Mr. Sinister hacking into the danger room and placing Jean, Scott, and Xavier in different horrific scenario's. This leads to them fighting artificial intelligence Cameos while we learn more on thier fears. Xavier overcomes a Magneto A.I. rendering from his past. Jean Fights a flaming essence mimicking Phoniex, and Cyclops fights a Bishop Variant that can absorb his blasts. They each use strategy to win the fight and break out of the Danger Room scenarios. While Angel, Beast & Iceman fight the morlocks and take down Sinister from the inside. Sinister escaped but kidnaps Iceman, hijacking the X-Jet Blackbird. 

the final act Wolverine & Storm arrive from thier vacation. Storm was in Wakanda helping Shuri, & Wolverine was in Canada taking care of old business. We learn Storm is already at teaching level due to her omega level powerless and leadership nature. Xavier lets Cyclops lead this mission to save Iceman. Xavier looks at his student roster and he currently only has one student who he thinks is ready for field missions; NightCrawler. He uses all of his stamina to teleport them all into the blackbird. 

The final fight, Storm stops the plane Mid-Flight. And Jean drags it down in an upstate New York forest. The X-Men reach Mr. Sinister who places a control diamond on Ice-Man, unlocking his full potential. He turns into a Giant and starts freezing the countryside. Storm battles him, while the X-Men gang up on Mr. Sinister. Overwhelmed, he unleashes multiple mutant abilities to fight each member. Nightcrawler takes out the fodder. Jean gets reaches in his mind with Xavier, and his origin plays out simultaneously while Wolverine's & Cycops Destroy his regeneration body. Angel & Storm team up and beat iceman. Beast devises a plan to remove the Sinister diamond. As the battle winds down Sinister, uses a melting mutant ability to run away. The team watch as the battle field is ripped by Tornadoes and ice. The media blames the X-Men for property damage on the level of the Avengers. The X-Men return to the Mansion Xavier tells them they graduated and must lead the next Class. School starts, as Xavier continues to monologue. Every member slowly tries to escape the room. He continues to Yap about coexistence… as the credits roll. 

Post Credit 1: Magneto is in a junkyard where he finds a container of trafficked mutants, this is a ring where sinister collects mutants he was experimenting on. Magneto utters the words never again, and his Brotherhood of mutants are behind him including Rouge. Hints that X-Men 2 will be Magneto getting revenge for the trafficking of Mutants. 

post credit 2; A portal opens up in Xavier's room and its Wong. He tells him a war is coming and that there is a reason why he doesn't want you mutants to evolve. Xavier tells Wong he has dealt with Mr. Sinister. But Wong tells him he means Kang. 

X-Men will return in Avengers Secret Wars



Edited by Gorjesspazze9
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

Black Panther: Emancipation 

-My Pitch

a Enemy of the state Action Thriller of Shuri fighting off Foreign Nations from Seizing Submerged Wakanda territory.

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Following Namor's Attack, Wakanda is in a reconstruction Period. With Civil unrest brewing due to the collapse Economy and lost of Vibranium reserves; half the nation want reparations since Infinity war was fought on thier land, and America was responsible for the Vibranium tracker that lead to Namor destroying thier nation infrastructure. Shuri gets overwhelmed with juggling everyone's responsibilities and goes on a sabbatical to the Shara desert, where she meets a Mutant (Storm) who controls the weather. Shuri, Okoye, and Storm fight for thier turf, against Thunderbolt Operatives. The citizens of Wakanda learn that the propaganda was forced by a 3rd party, Val. Who is using Thunderbolt members as a military special ops to dismantle Wakanda while they are busy fighting themselves. The Thunderbolt's belive they are setting Wakanda free from the responsibility of having the 2nd most valuable resource on earth. (Adamatium is now discovered). 

The final act has Wakanda being invaded by a 3rd force from the north. DoomBots made of Ultron's parts start to raid Wakanda. Thunderbolts & Black Panther's team join forces and stop the attack. We learn that near former Sokovia (the setting of Avengers: Age of Ultron). Victor Doom has obtain land and build a military force of DoomBots from the wreckage. Val is revealed to be a mole for Doom and has been feeding him DODC & Wakandan intel to develop his unrecognized nation of Latveria. The fight Namor reinforces Wakanda, as Black Panther, Storm, Thunderbolts (Yelena & Bucky) and Wakanda's Armies fight the DoomBots. The Film ends with each main character reflecting on freedom and control throughout thier lives. Storm overcomes her claustrophobia that plays through the film, and decides to take up an offer she once denied. (Leading to her to New York to go back to School). Yelena & Bucky take thier team back home to expose Val to Thunderbolt Ross. Shuri reflects on her brother, and Nakia hints at her son taking on the Black Panther Mantle. Film ends with Shuri giving a speech about Wakanda forever. And teen T'challa dawning the original Black Panther Mask. 

Post Credit 1: KillMonger is in the astral plane. A Voice tells him he is free and a portal rift opens up. An image of the Shadow King appears and screen turns to black. 

Black Panthers will return in Avengers Secret War.


post credit 2: Luke Cage is in a Barbershop in Harlem. The tv is showing a new Spider-Man with a Black suit. He turns the volume up, and the newscaster says "…This Spiderman has the Swagger of a Black Teen.." Miles Morales is swinging on the tv. And screen goes black. 

Miles Morales & Luke Cage will be in Avengers Secret Wars

The X-Men 

-My Pitch

  Reveal hidden contents

The world learns of Mutants more and more everyday, following Captain America Brave New World where Xavier puts the conspiracy theories to rest and announces Mutantkind on public television. 

Professor X offers tutelage and shelter the increasing Youth learning about thier X-Gene. Professor X tries to calm the Public down by revealing he already has several members of his school who have successfully honed thier abilities and are no threat to humans. However, conservatives fear that thier kids could one day wake up with this extra gene and exhibit unknown phenomena. The population of Mutants begins to increase rapidly and Many critics fear they will one day overtake humans. Xavier tells his first 5 students to prepare for a world of hypocrisy. For the Avengers are hailed as heros, but mutants are seen as a threat to society. 

First Act revolves around the perspective of the first 5 X-Men that Xavier recruited; Cyclops, Jean, Beast, Angel, and Iceman. Each of thier origins displays of how they were treated during the Blip. This is when Xavier started to teach the teens and house them once thier caretakers were blipped away. Each of the teens deal with coming of age insecurities in a World where half of the hero's are gone. Cyclops and jean's relationship is a primary focus, as we watch them train during the blip and improve thier performance. Beast is ashamed of his physical features, but is the most intelligent person in the group. Angel also has self image issues. Coming from a rich family, he overcomes materialism and eventually befriends the group. Iceman is afraid to come out and is timid at first. But becomes one of the powerhouses of the team. The First act flashes from thier Blip School days, and the formation of the X-Men. 

the 2nd act is Mr. Sinister, who has also been aware of mutants and has the ability to take thier dna and incorporate X-gene powers into himself. He has a creepy obsession with Jean & Scott since thier training days. The first major fight occurs during a protest for Mutant civil rights. Where Captain America (Sam) intervenes to protect the protesters. Sinister activates his diamond on the racist disrupting the demonstration. The Team & Cap fight the mutant enhanced racist. Captain America is mocked by the media for supporting, and King Pin Programs more critics of Mutants & Mutant lovers. 
Cyclops gets angered and overloads his beam too much, melting Mr. Sinister and blowing through a building. Although thier were no casualties, this continues to paint more negative press on the X-men & Xaviers X-Mansions true motives. The X-Men start to argue morals and why did they waste thier youth for civilians that will never accept them. Mr. Sinister attacks the mansion with Morlocks, Sewer dwelling Mutants, he has enhanced. in a horror movie type of way, they begin licking off each X-Men. Xavier locks down the mansion and everyone enters the danger room. Sending a Message to his Adult recruits who are out of the country. (Storm & Wolverine). 

The Climax of the film is Mr. Sinister hacking into the danger room and placing Jean, Scott, and Xavier in different horrific scenario's. This leads to them fighting artificial intelligence Cameos while we learn more on thier fears. Xavier overcomes a Magneto A.I. rendering from his past. Jean Fights a flaming essence mimicking Phoniex, and Cyclops fights a Bishop Variant that can absorb his blasts. They each use strategy to win the fight and break out of the Danger Room scenarios. While Angel, Beast & Iceman fight the morlocks and take down Sinister from the inside. Sinister escaped but kidnaps Iceman, hijacking the X-Jet Blackbird. 

the final act Wolverine & Storm arrive from thier vacation. Storm was in Wakanda helping Shuri, & Wolverine was in Canada taking care of old business. We learn Storm is already at teaching level due to her omega level powerless and leadership nature. Xavier lets Cyclops lead this mission to save Iceman. Xavier looks at his student roster and he currently only has one student who he thinks is ready for field missions; NightCrawler. He uses all of his stamina to teleport them all into the blackbird. 

The final fight, Storm stops the plane Mid-Flight. And Jean drags it down in an upstate New York forest. The X-Men reach Mr. Sinister who places a control diamond on Ice-Man, unlocking his full potential. He turns into a Giant and starts freezing the countryside. Storm battles him, while the X-Men gang up on Mr. Sinister. Overwhelmed, he unleashes multiple mutant abilities to fight each member. Nightcrawler takes out the fodder. Jean gets reaches in his mind with Xavier, and his origin plays out simultaneously while Wolverine's & Cycops Destroy his regeneration body. Angel & Storm team up and beat iceman. Beast devises a plan to remove the Sinister diamond. As the battle winds down Sinister, uses a melting mutant ability to run away. The team watch as the battle field is ripped by Tornadoes and ice. The media blames the X-Men for property damage on the level of the Avengers. The X-Men return to the Mansion Xavier tells them they graduated and must lead the next Class. School starts, as Xavier continues to monologue. Every member slowly tries to escape the room. He continues to Yap about coexistence… as the credits roll. 

Post Credit 1: Magneto is in a junkyard where he finds a container of trafficked mutants, this is a ring where sinister collects mutants he was experimenting on. Magneto utters the words never again, and his Brotherhood of mutants are behind him including Rouge. Hints that X-Men 2 will be Magneto getting revenge for the trafficking of Mutants. 

post credit 2; A portal opens up in Xavier's room and its Wong. He tells him a war is coming and that there is a reason why he doesn't want you mutants to evolve. Xavier tells Wong he has dealt with Mr. Sinister. But Wong tells him he means Kang. 

X-Men will return in Avengers Secret Wars



I could see your black panther one happening and - to be quite honest I like it more than what we got for BP2. It's been heavily hinted that there aren't really any mutants in the MCU proper. Aside from Kamala, Deadpool may be the first mutant to enter the MCU 616. Beast and Professor X were in other universes. Unless there's some time travel or something involved, I'd be willing to bet that the x-men will take place in the universe that spectrum got stranded in and hey won't be introduced until secret wars X which gives them the ability to retcon them into main continuity. Maybe it's the same with the fantastic four? I do like having sinister as a main villain though!

Edited by loveisdead9582
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