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Why does USA still practice circumcision?


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Both are fine and it's ultimately parents choice. There are people who are unhappy with the choice that was made for them and people are that fine with it. That's life 

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I have no issue with people being circumcised, but I do find it strange that some parents choose to circumcise their children. Having that choice taken away from you feels pretty gross to me.


I've personally not had any problems with my foreskin or the appearance of my dick, so I've stayed uncut. My nephew recently got circumcised because he found it uncomfortable when trying to sleep with his girlfriend for the first time and it was due to the fact his foreskin was too tight. 

I don't understand why that choice has to be taken away from people, especially when it's not something you can exactly undo later in life. :michael:

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Tradition. There's literally no other reason.

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32 minutes ago, 305 said:

You're very uneducated and ignorant.

No, you're wrong and I'm right.

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Wait, is circumcision practiced in the US? :suburban:I thought it was a thing in the Middle East or Africa.

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Who cares. How does cut or uncut genitals impact you in any way.

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33 minutes ago, Domination said:

The uncut girlies are PRESSED omg

Why shouldn't we be? In places where circumcision is common we are mocked, ridiculed, called disgusting, unhygienic, ugly, etc. All because our genitalia is exactly the way nature intended it to be.

When I was younger, I was so ashamed of the fact that I was not circumcised because of those above reasons. Now, I am proud of it and wouldn't want it any other way. So of course many of us are going to be pressed to hear the same kind of immature stupidity regarding natural bodies and will no longer feel embarrassed or ashamed into saying nothing about it.


If you don't think people should be pressed, don't press them.

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to people saying "because it looks better" i promise you the majority of society does NOT care about how peens look… us ATRL users are a small part of the population 

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36 minutes ago, PrettyHurts said:

Both are fine and it's ultimately parents choice. There are people who are unhappy with the choice that was made for them and people are that fine with it. That's life 

The ultimate choice should be with the individual, not their parents.

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Umm some of these responses 


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Posted (edited)

The absolute brainrot in these responses omg. "cut looks prettier :juanny:" what kind of f*cked up argument is that to a legitimate medical question.

There is absolutely no reason to perform genital mutilation on a child in this day and age other than tradition. The responses on this thread show clear as day the true reason why this continues to be a thing in america: education has failed.

Edited by Resquid
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Shame on YOU!!! 

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I don't agree with circumcision on infants, the poor kid doesn't even have a choice (thank God my smart parents realized this!)


But I support if the kid is a bit grown up (around 9 and up), and there able to decide for themselves/ consent to it

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A dick is a dick.


I like them all. I like having different options when Im hungry.









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Posted (edited)

Btw the way, circumcision's utility is kinda situational and mostly an "aesthetic choice". Boys and men who do not have easy access to hygiene may consider circumcision.


Also, I read that for a similar reason, men who train in the military who were initially uncut may also consider circumcision because their training may involve them not being able to shower for months. They do it to greatly minimize getting the "cheese". I think that's quite reasonable tbh

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I hate when this gets brought up because both sides try to make the other sound as disgusting as possible when most of the time it isn't even their choice.


Cut or uncut both are perfectly fine with me as long as they don't stan Camila :heart:

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3 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

I hate when this gets brought up because both sides try to make the other sound as disgusting as possible when most of the time it isn't even their choice.


Cut or uncut both are perfectly fine with me as long as they don't stan Camila :heart:

True. Just respect each other y'all, we all didn't grow up the same way and that's perfectly okay. Both sides in this thread are acting disgusted of each other and convincing each other which one is more disgusting is basically the point of this thread :deadbanana2:


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I was circumcised as an adult so I always have a different perspective on this. Aesthetically all personal preference, who cares. Both sides in the thread are being pretty immature about that. Functionality wise it is a bit cleaner and there is a proven link for HIV transmission reduction, so its actually recommend by the WHO in Africa. But it definitely is less sensitive, even for me it already is notably less and its only been a few years. 


But in the developed world.... there is just no need to be circumcising babies. It should absolutely be an adult choice, like it was for me. If you like how it looks or you have a medical need for it, get one. The surgery has complication risks, and some crcumcised guys get obsessive about foreskin restoration. Its sad. Just let people make their own choices, it's a no brainer

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I slept with a guy from the USA once and I couldn't suck him off for more than a few minutes because the thought of the peen being cut made me literally heave. It was big, so I just pretended it was "too big" even though the size wasn't a challenge. 


It was better when it was somewhere I couldn't see it. Out of sight out of mind.


It was dry as hell too for some reason. Dry enough make my mouth dry tf. Looked weird af and it just looked painful because you can literally see where the cuts are made so it looked like an old worn-out dildó.


It's a shame because it was big but him being circumcised just turned me all the way off. I would have done it again with him if he wasn't cut. He was desperate for months after but nope not for me. I never told him though because it wasn't even his choice and he even mentioned once that if he had had the choice he wouldn't be circumcised at all. 


It's a weird, primitive cultural practice.

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1 hour ago, Domination said:

The uncut girlies are PRESSED omg

They always are. It makes no sense to me beacuse most circumcised dicks where done as babies, meaning they had no choice. It just is. 

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3 hours ago, Johnny Jacobs said:

It looks better. It feels better. And it is more esthetic :clap3:


No shade to the uncut fellas but i don't use 

What he said 



plus the Jewish girls would riot if we ban that and stuff 

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4 minutes ago, Lüwís said:

I slept with a guy from the USA once and I couldn't suck him off for more than a few minutes because the thought of the peen being cut made me literally heave. It was big, so I just pretended it was "too big" even though the size wasn't a challenge. 


It was better when it was somewhere I couldn't see it. Out of sight out of mind.


It was dry as hell too for some reason. Dry enough make my mouth dry tf. Looked weird af and it just looked painful because you can literally see where the cuts are made so it looked like an old worn-out dildó.


It's a shame because it was big but him being circumcised just turned me all the way off. I would have done it again with him if he wasn't cut. He was desperate for months after but nope not for me. I never told him though because it wasn't even his choice and he even mentioned once that if he had had the choice he wouldn't be circumcised at all. 


It's a weird, primitive cultural practice.

This tale….😂

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why are some always so hellbent on defending genital mutilation? 

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I'm cut and I've made thousands of dollars with it, everyone should mind their business :suburban:

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Thor said:

What kinda dumbass question?


USA is practicing good hygiene + uncut is beyond gross and unsafe. They are disturbing to look at.

You do realise Thor (both the mythical Norse god and Australian hunk) have uncut c**k? :suburban:

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