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22 years old Billie lies about not knowing how to type on computer, gets mega dragged

Kayseri Mantisi

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People saying "oh I was never taught how to type" Guys no one is taught how to type since the 80s. Since then, people just "learn" it on their own. If you used a computer, you now how to type it. You might not be a the best, but you know

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10 hours ago, romas_ld said:

my husband's 21 yo brother doesn't know how to use a laptop and type either :skull: it's very common for newer generation since they use smartphones for literally everything 

Yup smartphones are the root of the problem. I'm teaching 1st-years at uni & the kids born after 2000 can barely use a laptop (it was truly shocking to witness one of them struggling to plug in a USB & then taking 10 mins to copy/paste files from the USB to their laptop :deadbanana4:)

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10 hours ago, Park Jinyoung said:

And she was homeschooled so whose fault is that lol


No but seriously, my nephew literally has been taking coding class since first grade and at no point did they bother to teach him to to type properly or basic things like how to print something, create a word document, save and search a file or how to google things efficiently. I had to teach him all of that.

wait are those supposed to be taught?


i did it by myself lol

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People get outraged at the stupidest **** ever :rip: We are ******* doomed as a society. 


As someone else said before, i reaaaaaally hate that the Rolling Stone social team took what was such a sweet and vulnerable Billie interview, turned it into a bunch of out-of-context inflammatory but still harmless little quotes for people to get needlessly mad at all for for some Twitter engagement... again, we are doomed. 

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idk i'm younger than her and i know how to type and operate electronics other than my phone :suburban:


i will say that i have a millennial sibling and basically played and learned a lot from their stuff when i was younger so that could've been it, because by the time i was in high school "typing" classes were no longer a thing

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I'm honestly perplexed by this thread and the responses 

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she's obsessed with this  "hey i'm gen z" at every occasion she seems these vegetarians "hey i'm a vegetarian".


but in a funny way 

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Anyone born before 2003 ABSOLUTELY learned how to type properly in school. Idk what it's like in the US though AND she was also home schooled so i'm guessing her parents didn't teach that to her and tbh that's a pitty because it truly is important to know how to type properly still. Most jobs dont let you do your work just on tablets and smartphones...plus some programs can only REALLY work on computers so that stinks. She's lucky she's an artist though. 

But yeah typing classes were so important tbh! I think if i didnt have them I wouldnt know how to type without looking. You'd think it's something that you'd learn naturally but you just won't. Look at your older parents who may have not gotten those courses...they can't type quickly and without looking sadly. 

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All the Billie Eyelash stans on the first page trying to gaslight everyone saying it's normal that she doesn't know how to type because she was HoMeSchOolEd :skull:

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Do you think her homeschooling required her to do any research? any writing?
It was probably always bs but since starting music (at 14) there's no way it resembled real school at all

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15 hours ago, Trent W said:

Typing is something you pick up on your own


Computer clases for millennials were about files, sending emails and programming.


No one has ever teach you how to type on a keyboard or cellphone 

False. We had typing classes in elementary school and learned the Office suite and other essentials for getting a job in middle school.


9 hours ago, andresg770 said:

This probably varies by country/region, but my school in Peru did make us take a typing class in 5th or 6th grade (which would've been 2000 or 2001).  We essentially played the DOS version of Mario Teaches Typing for 2 hours a week on the oldest computers in school.  It was awesome! :biggrin: 


And then when I moved to the US, I definitely remember taking a Computer Applications class in 9th grade (2004-2005) that started with a typing module.  But it wasn't more than about a third of the semester.  The bulk of the class was more geared towards Word, Excel, PPT, email, internet, etc.

Omg I forgot all about Mario Teaches Typing. That was a classic! :alexz:

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13 hours ago, Rogue said:

Exactly. I was so stunned to learn that cursive wasn't a thing anymore. Hell even when I was growing up it wasn't enforced like it was for my parents. So what Billie says completely makes sense and it's sad. 



same. my elementary school taught it and shared how it still had some importance.

i think anyone who was born in the first half of the 90s, schools made it kinda optional. like we can teach u cursive but its not in our curriculum to grade u on it anymore.

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I was born when Thriller came out and got my first computer in 1998 when I was a teenager. Before that I had nothing to do with typing. And even I learned how to typing. It's not that hard. 


Being born in 2001... and not knowing how to type or type "correctly" (as if there is such thing)... is weird to me. The 2000s generation are digital natives. 

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Just click on the keyboard keys, the ****?

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15 hours ago, HealerKirby said:

Yup smartphones are the root of the problem. I'm teaching 1st-years at uni & the kids born after 2000 can barely use a laptop (it was truly shocking to witness one of them struggling to plug in a USB & then taking 10 mins to copy/paste files from the USB to their laptop :deadbanana4:)

This!!! I taught undergrads recently and was also shocked to see a bunch of so-called "digital natives" struggle with (and **** up) something as simple as attaching a file to a discussion board post on Canvas (similar to Blackboard, for those unfamiliar). They could definitely kick my ass with social media and related tech, but I don't think schools are doing a good job of teaching the basics for educational tech anymore. And I'm sure this simplified notion of the "digital native" isn't helping in that respect  :michael: 


9 hours ago, nadiamendell said:

False. We had typing classes in elementary school and learned the Office suite and other essentials for getting a job in middle school.


Omg I forgot all about Mario Teaches Typing. That was a classic! :alexz:

What's funny is that my cousins, who are only like 4-6 years older than me and attended the same school, still had to do the typing class with typewriters and found it incredibly boring :dies: I got so lucky lol

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Is this why her album is in all caps while all the tracks have lowercase titles



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that sounds like a boomer who only knows how to use voice-to-text function

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We call it touch typing and were taught as part of generalised IT classes from the time we were around... 11? We'd have to type while our hands/the keyboard were covered in a cloth. We may have even had to do some of it blindfolded lol. I remember hating it back then but it's definitely been more useful than times tables ever were for example. But it's also a skill that's been around for ages because of typewriters.


But I can totally see how a homeschooled kid w an emphasis on 'creativity' in the 'learning space' might not get taught that kind of skill since it's a very repetitive/drill style thing. For most people of her generation it would depend heavily on their school's resources, emphasis on IT education at the time etc etc. whether or not they were taught.


But the main thing is that this reads like such a weird 'poor me' sound bite, which isn't what billie needs rn after the whole vinyl variant fiasco :coffee2:

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On 4/26/2024 at 2:59 AM, Batsy Armada said:

I still remember those computer classes I had to take. I always did hate them because much of it felt so pointless, especially when we actually had to fill out a blank keyboard. That's something I vividly remember having to do and I didn't do so well on it. :katie: That's something I still can't really do, map out a keyboard, but I type just fine without having to look at the keyboard. It's just something you get the feel for with general usage.


I don't know what kind of education or upbringing she may have had, but I can believe that she didn't get formally educated in typing. What I do find bizarre is that she claims to not know how to type. "I never learned to type." That's just a statement I'm trying to wrap my head around, for how intertwined computers are with our lives. It's not something that needs to be formally taught, per se, you just do it—however slowly at first, even if you're just looking at the keys as you type. That's still typing.


I'm really curious about the context she's speaking in, since it was brought up at all for whatever reason.

She was homeschooled, it's likely just a thing that never came up

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I was born in 1992 yet I dont type the correct way. I type kinda fast but do it my way and I don't look at the keyboard much at all. 


There are many things this girl can be drag for but I dont think this is the one. But I always feel pretentious vibe from her and she talks to much just to be different and cool

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On 4/25/2024 at 7:43 PM, DevilsRollTheDice said:

Why are people dragging her? Typing classes have been phased out of high schools all over the country. She clearly means that she didn't learn the "correct" way.

Is this post a joke im not getting?


You don't need a typing call to learn how to type on a laptop/computer the "correct" way


It just comes with practice 

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i'm a bit confused cause how… i don't think people learn how to type on computer like you just push buttons…

is she referring to something else that i'm not getting


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also she never had a computer at home? :confused:

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