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New Poll: Americans warm to mass deportations


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It is obviously true if you spend any time around other people. I am not saying it is or is not right. But when a country is going through financial hardship and they are told resources, even a penny, are being spent on something not for citizens they are naturally going to be unhappy. Even if it is in the constitution. They do not read into how money is actually spent, what the biggest demons are, they do not understand typically how that will effect labor costs, all that. They simply see money > illegals > worsening government spending > bad. The same goes for other matters that personally do not benefit them. It is just even more pronounced now in a harder economic period. I have had this discussion with various right wingers in how it is a right to immigrate constitutionally and very American. And how they actually help keep costs lower. They do not care. They want not a penny going toward them. And the right is doing an amazing job weaponizing this

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14 minutes ago, If U Seek Amy said:

But when a country is going through financial hardship

America is literally the richest nation in the world and has had the best economic recovery from the pandemic globally. 


This is why liberals falling to reactionary politics gets people nowhere. 


Because you can't even diagnose that entire demographics of migrants like from Central America come to the US because it is the location of the largest centralized and hoarded wealth in the world. 


*America* is not going through a financial hardship. Poor Americans are and have historically facef the same material realities as those in even under-developed nations due to neoliberal policies that allow for a few select American elites to hoard disproportionate amounts of wealth. 



Edited by Communion
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It's a good thing we didn't have a Democrat president invite Trump to "work together" on immigration policy so these mass deportations can't happen



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35 minutes ago, If U Seek Amy said:

It is obviously true if you spend any time around other people. I am not saying it is or is not right. But when a country is going through financial hardship and they are told resources, even a penny, are being spent on something not for citizens they are naturally going to be unhappy. Even if it is in the constitution. They do not read into how money is actually spent, what the biggest demons are, they do not understand typically how that will effect labor costs, all that. They simply see money > illegals > worsening government spending > bad. The same goes for other matters that personally do not benefit them. It is just even more pronounced now in a harder economic period. I have had this discussion with various right wingers in how it is a right to immigrate constitutionally and very American. And how they actually help keep costs lower. They do not care. They want not a penny going toward them. And the right is doing an amazing job weaponizing this

Both parties have historically been against illegal immigration and for legal immigration. That has changed only recently. 

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How about we deport every CEO and see how much better the country becomes? :cm: 

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48 minutes ago, playboi said:

the rest of the world doesn't want americans tho :mazen:

The point is that they're not American and should go back to where they came from. 

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28 minutes ago, family.guy123 said:

The point is that they're not American and should go back to where they came from. 

That's how the natives felt when Europeans invaded. All they brought was death and disease. At least modern immigrants have skills unlike their Ancestors. 

Edited by Onyxmage
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4 hours ago, Kassi said:

And 30% of Democrats — as well as 46% of Republicans — now say they'd end birthright citizenship, something guaranteed under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

Which is insane, half of NYC wouldn't be here if that was the case :dancehall3:

2 hours ago, Communion said:

Of course resources can and do get strained with influx of undocumented migrants. The solution to this though is 1) a humane response to people in need like refugees seeking asylum and 2) broader foreign policy reform that addresses American actions that forced people to have to come to America, here a huge percentage of the world's wealth is hoarded. 

I mean, yes, 100%, but we've had decades upon decades to do this and have failed every step of the way.  We can't have a humane response to asylum seekers if we flat out don't have a humane and logical immigration system, or a humane and logical way of housing asylum seekers, or a humane and logical way of housing our existing homeless population, etc.  It's always scrappy, last minute, etc, essentially set up for failure from day one.  No one wants to spend time figuring this out, and voters would rather stop people from coming in than attempt to solve the underlying causes as you have nicely described. 

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1 hour ago, Communion said:

America is literally the richest nation in the world and has had the best economic recovery from the pandemic globally. 


This is why liberals falling to reactionary politics gets people nowhere. 


Because you can't even diagnose that entire demographics of migrants like from Central America come to the US because it is the location of the largest centralized and hoarded wealth in the world. 


*America* is not going through a financial hardship. Poor Americans are and have historically facef the same material realities as those in even under-developed nations due to neoliberal policies that allow for a few select American elites to hoard disproportionate amounts of wealth. 



Claiming America is not facing financial hardship then stating many Americans are facing financial hardship is so weird. So yes, Americans are facing financial hardship. We know

Edited by If U Seek Amy
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55 minutes ago, Absinthe said:

Both parties have historically been against illegal immigration and for legal immigration. That has changed only recently. 

Yes they have. But the right is weaponizing it more and causing more hate than there would be otherwise 

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26 minutes ago, If U Seek Amy said:

Claiming America is not facing financial hardship then stating many Americans are facing financial hardship is so weird.

It's not at all if you understand that capitalism is an inherently regressive and exploitative system. 


America is the wealthiest nation in the world. It also has some of the poorest people in the developed world. This is a policy design. This is a creation and intentional outcome of American neoliberal policy. 


Poor Americans suffer financially but not because their nation does not have resources or wealth, but because America choose to have poor people. America could house every single American today. America could dissolve all medical and student debt today. It could have the most robust welfare system in the world. The money to do this is literally there. It does not because both parties have committed to a permanent underclass of poor people. 


Some Americans are poor because their politicians have legislated them into poverty. That is not the fault of a mother of 3 from El Salvador. She goes to America because America as a nation is rich. The issue isn't "a nation facing financial hardship". It's an issue of a nation with some of the world's worst wealth disparity because it is a corrupt nation run by oligarchs. 

Edited by Communion
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4 hours ago, Revolution said:

Anyone who isn't a Native American should be deported. They are on stolen land.


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Are you a Native American living in NYC? lol

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2 hours ago, If U Seek Amy said:

It is obviously true if you spend any time around other people. I am not saying it is or is not right. But when a country is going through financial hardship and they are told resources, even a penny, are being spent on something not for citizens they are naturally going to be unhappy. Even if it is in the constitution. They do not read into how money is actually spent, what the biggest demons are, they do not understand typically how that will effect labor costs, all that. They simply see money > illegals > worsening government spending > bad. The same goes for other matters that personally do not benefit them. It is just even more pronounced now in a harder economic period. I have had this discussion with various right wingers in how it is a right to immigrate constitutionally and very American. And how they actually help keep costs lower. They do not care. They want not a penny going toward them. And the right is doing an amazing job weaponizing this

The problem with this is that Joe Biden and Paul Krugman have been preaching that the US economy has never been better, we are living in an era of unprecedented universal prosperity and opportunity, and that anyone whose experience says otherwise is a filthy liar who only wants to believe things are bad because they don't like Joe Biden.


Thats also a talking point parroted by MANY democrats on here, Reddit, and Twit-X

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5 minutes ago, Communion said:

It's not at all if you understand that capitalism is an inherently regressive and exploitative system. 


America is the wealthiest nation in the world. It also has some of the poorest people in the developed world. This is a policy design. This is a creation and intentional outcome of American neoliberal policy. 


Poor Americans suffer financially but not because their nation does not have resources or wealth, but because America choose to have poor people. America could house every single American today. America could dissolve all medical and student debt today. It could have the most robust welfare system in the world. The money to do this is literally there. It does not because both parties have committed to a permanent underclass of poor people. 


Some Americans are poor because their politicians have legislated them into poverty. That is not the fault of a mother of 3 from El Salvador. She goes to America because America as a nation is rich. The issue isn't "a nation facing financial hardship". It's an issue of a nation with some of the world's worst wealth disparity because it is a corrupt nation run by oligarchs. 

And I agree personally. But many just hear "my tax dollars go to illegals" on the news and don't want that regardless of the truth and want deportation to fix it. That is much more simple of a solution for their short term anger than completely revamping the entire system and getting them to understand what is wrong with it and convincing them of a solution. Especially the blind "America is the best" crowd. I wish far more Americans actually employed critical thinking/logic and gave these issues the time of day but they don't. You can give them hard facts and they will not care. That is why imo the issue persists and it's sad. 

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5 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

The problem with this is that Joe Biden and Paul Krugman have been preaching that the US economy has never been better, we are living in an era of unprecedented universal prosperity and opportunity, and that anyone whose experience says otherwise is a filthy liar who only wants to believe things are bad because they don't like Joe Biden.


Thats also a talking point parroted by MANY democrats on here, Reddit, and Twit-X

I agree it is toxic. The economy may be strong… for large business. Most everyone else is not enjoying said benefits and if Biden/his admin truly does not understand this yet that is largely why he/his admin don't get why most Americans aren't happy with this "economy." Any nominal wins Biden gives the working class is really over shadowed by their continued allowance of businesses before people. Sadly though, as always, politicians are good at getting large groups to demonize the wrong problem and so they turn on illegals as a scapegoat 

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I am confused. Practically every country deports people who are there undocumented, illegally. Why is it a big thing if the United States does it? There are processes for immigration in every country that they enforce. Can someone explain? 

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4 hours ago, Kassi said:

I think because the public is broadly supportive of orderly, legal immigration. But our current immigration policy results in large queues for green cards and permanent residency. This leads people to cross the border illegally and declare for amnesty -- which is another pro-immigration feature. But that doesn't go over well with the public when it's 100,000s of people crossing.


Americans are more concerned with the process around immigration, while other countries in Asia, Middle East, and Europe don't even entertain the notion of mass immigration.

Which also isn't true. People only care about illegal immigration when it's not white people. There's a lot of white people illegally immigrating into the US. Particularly from Eastern Europe. But not one person has raise an issue about that. But when it's brown or black people Americans panic and talk about replacement theory. 

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On 4/25/2024 at 1:13 PM, Gladiator said:

I am confused. Practically every country deports people who are there undocumented, illegally. Why is it a big thing if the United States does it? There are processes for immigration in every country that they enforce. Can someone explain? 

Because Trump wants to deprt people who are even seeking asylum. :ace:


Mess @horizonflame down voting anything mentioning white immigrants. :dies:

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On 4/25/2024 at 1:08 PM, Onyxmage said:

That's how the natives felt when Europeans invaded. All they brought was death and disease. At least modern immigrants have skills unlike their Ancestors. 

Spoiler alert: they still only bring death and disease 

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