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What people have you unfollowed on instagram (temporarily/permanently) and why?


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For me it's Jessie J cause every time I opened the damn app it'd just be a new pic of her baby which fine whatever but I've had enoughย :gaycat6:

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Rihanna and I'm saying this as a navy.ย 


I don't wear makeup so its pointless atp

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The Man Who

One of my uncles on my dad's side as he'd constantly post drunken rants on his Instagram stories that were either homophobic or racist. Thankfully, my entire family also cut him out of their lives.ย 


He moved to Australia in 2016, so he's their problem now.ย 



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Some people I used know. Why? Cuz they unfollowed me first. No way I'm gonna keep following these *******ย :alexz2:

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Britney. I didn't want to keep saying her naked on my feed or read the constant random word vomit :deadbanana2:ย Still my sis tho!

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Chrissy Teigen. She's always shared alot but after seeing some of her past posts, I realize she's a bit of a bully, but tries to conceal it.ย 

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For me to unfollow, they have to be quite problematic in some way.


J.K. Rowling, for instance.ย 

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Random, (mostly semi naked) male fitness influencers/ models who are clearly desperate to be famous but are not. I will follow one, then a few hours later change my mind.

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The Kardashians. I unfollow and follow them again couple times a year.

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Madonna, I got tired of her racy pictures and those selfies. I kinda have this issue with Britney so I muted her, love my queen but girl...

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Lady gaga for obvious reasons

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Britney Spears cause her ig is giving me acute anxietyย :biblio:

Gaga cause I was tired of her Haus Labs Beauty **** at some point

Madonna cause she looked horrible on all her pics... and now she blocked me so I can't even follow her back if I wanted.

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Unfollowed a former friend because he kept putting transphobic nonsense into his Stories.

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Plenty of Ru girls when they lose the plot tbhย 

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My sister (only cos sometimes i post thirst traps lol)

And i unfollow those who unfollow me ofc

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I unfollowed Madonna in like 2021 cuz her post were getting weird.

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had to block all the kdashans from clogging up my feed with bs


it was awful being on ig in 2019

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People I met thru Tinder, who only wanted to trade IG really early on

they are bad in a conversation, but even worse when we get on IG - after awhile, I'm unfollowed (while not removing me as their follower)


it's usually people from another town

but gah damn :biblio:

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People who post AI "art." And this really hot bear that I was into until I saw some not-so-sexy clips of him and his boyfriend where the boyfriend was very most not into performing.

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Leah McSweeney from RHONY bc she was on some Zionist bs

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I unfollowed Raye back in 2018, because she used to post random drunk videos of herself+ crying videos all the time. It got tiresome.


I also unfollowed a girl I went to school with who used to post multiple selfies a week which were just her sat in the same position in front of her bedroom mirrorย 

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In my personal life I only unfollow if they unfollow me first, I don't think someone has ever been bad enough for me to unfollow out of the blue first.


Celebrity wise, I unfollowed Ariana back in 2017-18 ish because she spammed her ig stories sooo much :deadbanana2:

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I deleted Instagram in 2018. Highly recommendย 




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All celebrities. I really don't care that they're having dinner in a place I'll never go to, on a yacht on a body of water I'll never be on or in a club I wouldn't even care to be in. Outside of their projects, their lives just aren't relevant to mine to where I need to see what they're doing.

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On instagram I think I unfollowed just about most of them ๐Ÿ˜… I only follow the important ones but I don't even follow Jordan on insta tbh because I don't use it. I only watch like alldays or 360s stories only for random tour dates or merch but that's it


Even denis I stop checking because I got hurt with the stuff he posted

Partly why I dont follow Jordan because he is currently my bpd crush atm and I rather not make it worse :skull:ย 

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