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Has your taste in men ever changed quite quickly?


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I've just been finding the men that used to do it for me don't do it for me anymore, and the men that used to not do it for me are all I want.


Has anyone else had a big shift in preferences within a few months? I mean aesthetics and personality.

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In the last year my preference has really changed. I now enjoy a lot of different 'types' cos me and my bf are sl*ts

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Same it's so weird but as i get older i find my type in men changes too 

At this point i don't really have a type as long as i'm attracted to the person

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If they have no belly fat or gray hairs then I'm interested.

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Nope! I've loved daddies and bears since I was 17 and I'm almost 33 and still love them! 

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Not only that, recently my mind started thinking about GIRLS i'm so dead

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Yes I am from the Caribbean. I used to like mixed or black people like me. Now this year I dont like it anymore. Now I dont know what I like. I have feel betrayed with the posibility of contracting hvp (I am overcharing now) even if I tried to take care of myself. That opened my eyes and make me see that no one is going to take the same resposability and care of myself like me. I haved a tendency to be with people less smart, less good looking, less educated than me (I am no the most intelligent or street smart) I feel like I always tried to see people how they are instead of why they have. I never behave with people like me or my same level.


I feel people see me dumb and take advance of myself even I think I am pretty awake. Maybe I have low self steem. I feel people is complicated and egoistical. I dont want to have nothing with anyone. I find a lot of DL men who dont make anything to improve their life, people who want money from others (me) even if I am broke as ****, people who dont iniciated anything and act like they never wanted anything. 

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Not really, my type remains the same but Im not a picky eater like i was 2 years ago

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Yes, now I don't like any


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The Man Who

In terms of physical appearance, I'd say yes. 

I've never been a fan of 'muscle men' and although I've trained for years to achieve that particular body type, I've never really wanted it in my partner. I think I had a negative association in my mind of how those types of guys acted and I think subconsciously it turned me off from wanting to ever pursue a relationship with somebody like that.


Now I'm in a relationship with a personal trainer and he's one of the sweetest / most caring people I've ever met. It really taught me a lesson in judging a book by its cover, because if I saw him on Instagram I would have assumed he was so arrogant and dull, but he's such a nerd like me. I probably shouldn't have been so judgemental given that I've also received similar comments from people, still to this day, who assume because I enjoy going to the gym, I'm extremely superficial and boring. Don't get me wrong, those types of guys do exist and I've met plenty of them, but evidently not all of them are that way. 

If you would have told me two years ago that I would be with somebody who looks like my current partner, I would have laughed and said no way. Now, I can't imagine being with anybody else. He's been my rock recently as I deal with grief and it's really opened my eyes on pre-judging people before actually getting to know them. It's definitely a new life lesson. :heart:

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no, i like everything, as long as he can top the soul out of my derrière.

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My taste changed when I started doing drugs, the sleazier and rougher the better. I was only into vanilla men before that

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I don't think my preference for certain body types changed but there are definitely some guys who I would thirsty over a few years back and now when I see them all I think of is "damn my standards were below the floor" :thing:

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I'm a girl, I'm bi, and…I have many MANY crushes :thing:

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i've always been into twunks


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as a teen i used to hate moustaches and thought they all looked goofy and awkward, my partner now has a moustache lol


also i never cared about asses but then 2 years ago i went climbing with my friend and his cake looked so good something shifted in me. now i appreciate good asses a lot more and i'm vers. 

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I think alot of internal change is gradual, but our conscious realization of it comes all at once. As an example, I found out I enjoy topping after I was asked to do it. The switch felt like it came out of nowhere, but looking back I realize my search history had already been shifting for like a year and actually doing it was just the next logical step

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not really. since i was a teenager i've always been into masc-presenting men and never into femme-presenting guys and that's stayed true to this day

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Nope I've had the same taste in guys since I was 11-12. Long hair boys or emo boys tbh.





though first guy i ever stanned had curly hair 😅 and i used to crush on gordo from lizze McGuire and young Evan peters so idk if im into that anymore 🤣 But basically the same taste they just learnt to use a straightener 

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Last year I fell for the last guy I expected to fall for (And it hurt a lot but that's another story) but yeah, it's more like I'm more open to try with guys beyond the usual ones I used to date or hang out with.

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Yes, when I was in my 20s I used to find lean, athletic, jock guys attractive. When I turned 30, it was alllll about daddies and bears. Coincidentally I feel no excitement when I see jocks now. I like my men to have some beef on them 

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Changes with experience for me. I'm a *****.

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Yeah, definitely! I used to be all about outgoing, adventurous types—someone who could keep up with my spontaneous lifestyle. But then I met this guy who was more introverted and laid-back, totally not my usual vibe. Surprisingly, his calm demeanor and depth really caught my attention, and I found myself drawn to him in a way I hadn't expected. It was a wake-up call that sometimes what we think we want isn't always what we need.

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i thought taste in men's music :ryan3:

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It's always gonna be tall, tatted and fine. 

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