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PokéRate 4.0 - Sinnoh - Fin


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Highest Score: 10 x 4 (Subomie, Gourgeist, G.U.Y, Sawk)
Lowest Score: 1 x 6 (Magickarp, AbeHicks, Conker, Heldenzeit, Touch Pass, BambiStar)


0's Received: 2
Norte, JoeRobert



Conker: "Bigger doesn't always mean better."


Ewan Chaos: "Any time I use Close Combat on this thing, I whisper "you'll die soon enough fatty"."


Suilen: "not a fan of the facial hair, and it's for both genders? We demand a Joanne version."


AMIT: "I like the electromagnetic and compass inspirations, but the actual execution is... yeah."


illWill: "When you realize he's huffing drugs and that's not a stache."


Sawk: "My Jewish king <3"


memeboy: ":emofish: "

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  • Subomie


  • BambiStar


  • Curaga


  • Conker


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Probopass hate is so 2006.

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1 minute ago, Curaga said:


Kinda surprised to see him go already, but I only gave him a 6, so...!

Shocked that you didn't fatshame her.



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Nosejob iykwim :-*

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2 minutes ago, Subomie said:

Ewan Chaos: "Any time I use Close Combat on this thing, I whisper "you'll die soon enough fatty"."

I'm not the only fatphobic one here, I see 



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The Stefani version would've gotten a 6+ score since Nosepass had some potential. Some might say it's a non-binary icon, but having Sam Smith is enough.

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I will say, as a Nosepass acolyte, the human-like eyes are kinna creepy :rip: Nosey had it right the first time.



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Highest Score: 10 x 1 (Chiidish)
Lowest Score: 1 x 3 (Gourgeist, PillowCase, Touch Pass)




Curaga: "Hair? COIFFED. Eyebrows? ON FLEEK. I'm intimidated!"


Conker: "Run of the middle bird."


AMIT: "decent, but kinda another awkward mid stage and admittedly a bit bland overall."

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Goofy-looking mfer :rip:

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wtf not this coiffure icon leaving before hair disaster Staraptor :deadbanana2:

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not too mad over any of the elims yet

where is my 0 though

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When you try hair mousse for the first time.

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Entire line ate and finally started putting regional bird on the map :clap3: so good even us Gen V girlies tried to coop her into the region and forget the actual abomination we have 

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And while we're kicking out awkward teens...

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Highest Score: 10 x 1 (Chiidish)
Lowest Score: 1 x 4 (Magickarp, Gourgeist, PillowCase, Ponzi)




Conker: "Looks like a cat more than a lion, honestly. Not that it's a bad thing."


Konril: " Its face serves awkward teens."


AMIT: "that hairdo certainly gives awkward teen days. sis was spending too much time with bad influences like Mightyena, I suppose."


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4 minutes ago, Curaga said:

wtf not this coiffure icon leaving before hair disaster Staraptor :deadbanana2:

Not too much on the emo punk representation...




Luxio is cute and nailed the puberty concept (unlike some...)

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3 minutes ago, Subomie said:

AMIT: "that hairdo certainly gives awkward teen days. sis was spending too much time with bad influences like Mightyena, I suppose."

Wasn't enough for the dark-type to rub off on her unforch!

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Okay, how many of you gave Darkrai, Giratina, Spiritomb, Chatot, Combee and Bronzong 10's and 11's? 

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Aw, it looks cute in the Platinum sprite! Never knew this one had gender differences

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The Shinx Line >>>>>> The Electrike Line


Electrike | Pokédex

The puke green color was always a turn off for me. The Shinx line was done with better results. 

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Just now, Curaga said:


Aw, it looks cute in the Platinum sprite! Never knew this one had gender differences

A female Luxio has to work twice as hard to earn half as much coiffed hair.

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Electrike is a scary cutie. I'd take him and Mane over dull emo-looking Luxray and co.

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Highest Score: 10 x 2 (AbeHicks, SlowGinFizz)
Lowest Score: 1 x 4 (Conker, artc0cx, Gourgeist, Touch Pass)



Shendelzare: "what is your purpose?"


Curaga: "Bioluminescent icon! I just wish her tail weren't so awkward."


Conker: "Jonathan & Victoria from The Amazing Race levels of bad."


Ewan Chaos: "A little cuter than Finneon but still so forgettable!"


sunbathinganimal: "no one's favourite Pokémon."


AMIT: "it's sort of pretty, but otherwise it doesn't have much going for it unfortunately. feels its purpose is basically for worldbuilding. a specially-inclined mono water type fish pokemon is just so boring at this point. and still no Quiver Dance for her..."


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