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I just kinda want to get through this week... I'm already so tired. 



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tired :gaycat6:

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Feeling good since i don't have to work for a few days 

also waiting for the Joker 2 trailer to drop already 

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Ya'll same, tired and already over it and there's still 6 days left



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Slightly less suicidal than usual I guess :bird:

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Energized :WAP:

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Very stressed as my dissertation for uni is due on Monday :gaycat6:

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TTPD's release in 10 days is keeping me from ending it all :heart:

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Woke up with a sore throat and I can feel that I'm getting sick.. 

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1 hour ago, Illuminati said:

TTPD's release in 10 days is keeping me from ending it all :heart:

we all can relate

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I'm sorry to hear that stupidjock, you deserve a big sweaty forehead kiss.




Here's a cute bop to help you power through the week like a champ



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stressed as ever, yet hopeful…


I woke up to a text from my parents with a receipt showing that they've sent me my two extra german bows for my bass

this is great news cause at some point around november, my old faithful bow randomly gave out and all the hair just broke off :deadbanana4: it was BAD! but I asked my parents the other week if they'd look around for spare bows and they're sending me two which is just great! this way, once I get them, I can add flourishing string parts to the new songs I'm working on for my upcoming fourth EP


at the same time… yeah I'm stressed. I R E A L L Y need a job, badly. I need one by the end of the month, I need money saved so I can rent two hours at this rehearsal space downtown to record myself playing piano, drums (which I do NOT know how to do at all but I'm determined to do all of my instruments myself so… Joe drumming era for exactly 2 minutes of one song here we come!), and potentially some electric guitar. being a musician is really f*cking stressful when you're unsigned, have crippling ADHD, and are headstrong in a lot of ways lol


regardless, I'm destressing right now by working out in the basement gym of my apartment complex and I plan to have a productive rest of my week full of music and job-acquiring :nuts:

hugs to all y'all going thru it btw :hughard:

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Ive been having "stomach issues" so im bffs with the bathroom. Im trying everything I can think of to get over it.

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19 minutes ago, Pendulum said:

I'm sorry to hear that stupidjock, you deserve a big sweaty forehead kiss.




Here's a cute bop to help you power through the week like a champ



The way you know excatly czego mi trzeba 



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Trying to keep it together but its not working.


Concerned blank stare GIF on GIFER - by Nirdred

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1 hour ago, LCTV said:

Ive been having "stomach issues" so im bffs with the bathroom. Im trying everything I can think of to get over it.

Lots of water, fruits and fibres

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The Man Who

Anxious but powering through.

I hope anybody else who is struggling at the moment has a better end to their week.  :heart:

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Low-key traumatized. Last Tuesday I stopped an attempted robbery at my aunt's so I'm trying to pick up all the pieces 

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Just over it. Struggling. 

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I have been feeling okay, but at the same time somewhat bad because I've been surrounding myself with people who don't contribute much to me, but I don't know how to cut off those friendships. It's complicated. Dont wanna hurt their feelings. I engage with really toxic people, and then I regret it; I'm a fool.

Physically, I've been feeling a bit off because there's a stomach virus going around where i live.

I've also been somewhat stressed because I want to work this year and be productive, but the city where the job is, 40 minutes away, is just dangerously unsafe. In these past 2 months alone, 7 of my friends/acquaintances have been robbed or attempted to be stabbed. It's exhausting to see so much insecurity. It's exhausting to have to worry every day about whether someone will try to rob me if I take out my phone or if someone will try to harm me. Livin in the third world. What a blessing sweetheart. 

The one thing that excites me is that Taylor's album is coming out soon. That excites me a lot. Im so curious about the genre and vibe :gaycat4: 

Edited by AvadaKedavra
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Fantastic with you in the world bb 🫶🏾 but sad that you're all struggling. I hope everything gets better for everyone in here :heart2:

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I'd be just fine if I didn't have this congestion, due to a head cold. It's just uncomfortable, more than anything. I slept longer than I wanted to today, but I needed the rest. Hopefully I'm fine by the weekend.

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