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The girls are fighting: Cardi B vs Ice Spice & Raymonte

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On 4/3/2024 at 7:34 PM, dinorhino said:

There's so much ignorance behind this that idk how anyone is defending Ice Spice being a dumbass or the dumb Nicki stans


1. Cardi has every right to be mad about people who are obviously calling her Mexican not out of a mistake but to intentionally disrespect her and dissociate her from her identity and community. She's also right that people don't call her Dominican-American peers Mexican either to further show the discrepancy. If someone tells you what they are and you very clearly break their boundaries by calling them something else then you are being disrespectful. This is the same principle as misgendering. Do you people run around intentionally labelling Jamaicans as Nigerians? Puerto Ricans as Cubans? And when they correct you you still intentionally do it and you tell them they're the problem? If someone tells you what they are and you intentionally call them something else then you are being disrespectful. Y'all are NOT calling Jennifer Lopez Mexican. Bad Bunny Mexican. Rosalía Mexican. Y'all  do it as a form of disrespectful to generalise Latinos, black or otherwise. 


2. Ice Spice is saying "black" in reference to her parent being a Black American because in the US African-Americans/Black-Americans are simply called "black" and everyone else who's black is referred to by their specific demonym. All African-Americans are mixed as well, having a quarter or more in European ancestry too. Reality is a lot of the Black-Americans you call black wouldn't be called black outside the US and definitely not in Africa. That even includes Ice Spice's father she uses to one up Cardi for being black

Cardi's maternal side is black and from Trinidad in addition to Dominicans almost always being significantly black in ancestry regardless of phenotype. People are running up and down showing Cardi's father and showing that as proof he's not black but I can easily show miss Tina Knowles and her parents and say the same thing. Your race isn't dictated by your phenotype, because if it was Beyoncé wouldn't be black either despite her maternal lineage having very recent French ancestry and most of her maternal ancestors being half white~predominately white in ancestry. Even in spite of that Ice Spice still looks just as black as Cardi B and her sister so...what now


3. Some of y'all need to read a ******* book. Dominican isn't a race, it's a nationality. And virtually all Dominicans who aren't sole descendants of immigrants (i.e. Chinese Dominicans, descendants of recent immigrant Spaniards albeit DR never received meaningful amounts of European immigration anyways) all have substantial African ancestry and have been mixing primarily with Spaniards and have minor indigenous input for centuries. And furthermore have more African input from bordering Haitians and West Indians from the French and Anglo West Indies. Depending on what region you're in some people look more black some people look more mixed and others more white, but genotype =/= phenotype. There was literally a Buzzfeed ancestry test testing Afro-Latinos showing them that they're way less African than they think and it's not uncommon to see the "white Latinos" actually have more African ancestry.


Another point: A lot of Americans racialise being Latino when there's no genetic component to being Latino. Hell, some of you even racialise speaking Spanish.

If miss Tina Knowles was named Agnes Martins y'all from Brazil y'all wouldn't call her black anymore either even if her ancestry was the same but because y'all racialise speaking English versus speaking Spanish or even Portuguese. I've literally seen Americans say people from Spain aren't white anymore because they speak Spanish. 


tl;ldr: 1. If someone tells you their ethnicity and you intentionally mislabel them then you are being disrespectful and they have every right to not like being called something they aren't. 

2. Genotype =/= phenotype; how someone looks isn't indicative of what their actual ancestry is*

3. Race =/= nationality. Being Dominican does not preclude someone from being black and virtually everyone in the DR has substantial African ancestry irrespective of how "white" you think they look. Black-looking Dominicans also are plentiful as well.

4. Y'all racialise speaking Spanish or Portuguese/being Latino way too much and it's stupid. Y'all run up and down showing pictures of Cardi's family saying they aren't black and imply they can't have African ancestry but then call people who look like Lena Horne and Julez (Solange's son) black and act like they just came off a ship from the Congo when they look obviously mixed just like Cardi's immediate ancestors if not more. But if they were from Spanish-speaking/Portuguese-speaking countries they would be precluded from blackness in the US even if they look like Celia Cruz. 


Some of y'all are bozos

omg ended the anglos

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On 4/3/2024 at 5:34 PM, dinorhino said:

There's so much ignorance behind this that idk how anyone is defending Ice Spice being a dumbass or the dumb Nicki stans


1. Cardi has every right to be mad about people who are obviously calling her Mexican not out of a mistake but to intentionally disrespect her and dissociate her from her identity and community. She's also right that people don't call her Dominican-American peers Mexican either to further show the discrepancy. If someone tells you what they are and you very clearly break their boundaries by calling them something else then you are being disrespectful. This is the same principle as misgendering. Do you people run around intentionally labelling Jamaicans as Nigerians? Puerto Ricans as Cubans? And when they correct you you still intentionally do it and you tell them they're the problem? If someone tells you what they are and you intentionally call them something else then you are being disrespectful. Y'all are NOT calling Jennifer Lopez Mexican. Bad Bunny Mexican. Rosalía Mexican. Y'all  do it as a form of disrespectful to generalise Latinos, black or otherwise. 


2. Ice Spice is saying "black" in reference to her parent being a Black American because in the US African-Americans/Black-Americans are simply called "black" and everyone else who's black is referred to by their specific demonym. All African-Americans are mixed as well, having a quarter or more in European ancestry too. Reality is a lot of the Black-Americans you call black wouldn't be called black outside the US and definitely not in Africa. That even includes Ice Spice's father she uses to one up Cardi for being black

Cardi's maternal side is black and from Trinidad in addition to Dominicans almost always being significantly black in ancestry regardless of phenotype. People are running up and down showing Cardi's father and showing that as proof he's not black but I can easily show miss Tina Knowles and her parents and say the same thing. Your race isn't dictated by your phenotype, because if it was Beyoncé wouldn't be black either despite her maternal lineage having very recent French ancestry and most of her maternal ancestors being half white~predominately white in ancestry. Even in spite of that Ice Spice still looks just as black as Cardi B and her sister so...what now


3. Some of y'all need to read a ******* book. Dominican isn't a race, it's a nationality. And virtually all Dominicans who aren't sole descendants of immigrants (i.e. Chinese Dominicans, descendants of recent immigrant Spaniards albeit DR never received meaningful amounts of European immigration anyways) all have substantial African ancestry and have been mixing primarily with Spaniards and have minor indigenous input for centuries. And furthermore have more African input from bordering Haitians and West Indians from the French and Anglo West Indies. Depending on what region you're in some people look more black some people look more mixed and others more white, but genotype =/= phenotype. There was literally a Buzzfeed ancestry test testing Afro-Latinos showing them that they're way less African than they think and it's not uncommon to see the "white Latinos" actually have more African ancestry.


Another point: A lot of Americans racialise being Latino when there's no genetic component to being Latino. Hell, some of you even racialise speaking Spanish.

If miss Tina Knowles was named Agnes Martins y'all from Brazil y'all wouldn't call her black anymore either even if her ancestry was the same but because y'all racialise speaking English versus speaking Spanish or even Portuguese. I've literally seen Americans say people from Spain aren't white anymore because they speak Spanish. 


tl;ldr: 1. If someone tells you their ethnicity and you intentionally mislabel them then you are being disrespectful and they have every right to not like being called something they aren't. 

2. Genotype =/= phenotype; how someone looks isn't indicative of what their actual ancestry is*

3. Race =/= nationality. Being Dominican does not preclude someone from being black and virtually everyone in the DR has substantial African ancestry irrespective of how "white" you think they look. Black-looking Dominicans also are plentiful as well.

4. Y'all racialise speaking Spanish or Portuguese/being Latino way too much and it's stupid. Y'all run up and down showing pictures of Cardi's family saying they aren't black and imply they can't have African ancestry but then call people who look like Lena Horne and Julez (Solange's son) black and act like they just came off a ship from the Congo when they look obviously mixed just like Cardi's immediate ancestors if not more. But if they were from Spanish-speaking/Portuguese-speaking countries they would be precluded from blackness in the US even if they look like Celia Cruz. 


Some of y'all are bozos

A dissertation to clarify Cardi's racial make up. :toofunny3:

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43 minutes ago, barbiegrande said:

A dissertation to shut the ignorant dumb-ass barbz up

fixed it for you :heart2:

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On 4/3/2024 at 3:03 PM, Taylor fanboy said:

Cardi is not black? Not even mixed? I'm confused.

She's black. She's Afro-Latina.

Some black people in America think black people are exclusively from America.

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On 4/3/2024 at 3:14 PM, barbiegrande said:



Cardi B is as black as Ariana Grande

So you're saying her mom is white? For some that stans Nicki, you should know how Trinidadians look.

Ignorance nowadays is a choice.


On 4/3/2024 at 3:23 PM, Click Clack said:

damn i forgot about that





watch her fans ignore it & play dumb



Where did she say she was not black? Do you know there are black people in Dominican Republic and outside of America? She never implied she was not black, she said she liked dark complexion and guys from a different culture. You wouldn't expect someone from Kenya, Trinidad, Brazil, Venezuela and the US to have the same culture, right? But you're probably one of those that think African Americans are the only black people in the world. 

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Those people on X/Twitter that use "Mexican" to refer to us all are ignorant af. 

And they think they ate whenever they post shi like that. 


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On 4/3/2024 at 5:34 PM, dinorhino said:

There's so much ignorance behind this that idk how anyone is defending Ice Spice being a dumbass or the dumb Nicki stans


1. Cardi has every right to be mad about people who are obviously calling her Mexican not out of a mistake but to intentionally disrespect her and dissociate her from her identity and community. She's also right that people don't call her Dominican-American peers Mexican either to further show the discrepancy. If someone tells you what they are and you very clearly break their boundaries by calling them something else then you are being disrespectful. This is the same principle as misgendering. Do you people run around intentionally labelling Jamaicans as Nigerians? Puerto Ricans as Cubans? And when they correct you you still intentionally do it and you tell them they're the problem? If someone tells you what they are and you intentionally call them something else then you are being disrespectful. Y'all are NOT calling Jennifer Lopez Mexican. Bad Bunny Mexican. Rosalía Mexican. Y'all  do it as a form of disrespectful to generalise Latinos, black or otherwise. 


2. Ice Spice is saying "black" in reference to her parent being a Black American because in the US African-Americans/Black-Americans are simply called "black" and everyone else who's black is referred to by their specific demonym. All African-Americans are mixed as well, having a quarter or more in European ancestry too. Reality is a lot of the Black-Americans you call black wouldn't be called black outside the US and definitely not in Africa. That even includes Ice Spice's father she uses to one up Cardi for being black

Cardi's maternal side is black and from Trinidad in addition to Dominicans almost always being significantly black in ancestry regardless of phenotype. People are running up and down showing Cardi's father and showing that as proof he's not black but I can easily show miss Tina Knowles and her parents and say the same thing. Your race isn't dictated by your phenotype, because if it was Beyoncé wouldn't be black either despite her maternal lineage having very recent French ancestry and most of her maternal ancestors being half white~predominately white in ancestry. Even in spite of that Ice Spice still looks just as black as Cardi B and her sister so...what now


3. Some of y'all need to read a ******* book. Dominican isn't a race, it's a nationality. And virtually all Dominicans who aren't sole descendants of immigrants (i.e. Chinese Dominicans, descendants of recent immigrant Spaniards albeit DR never received meaningful amounts of European immigration anyways) all have substantial African ancestry and have been mixing primarily with Spaniards and have minor indigenous input for centuries. And furthermore have more African input from bordering Haitians and West Indians from the French and Anglo West Indies. Depending on what region you're in some people look more black some people look more mixed and others more white, but genotype =/= phenotype. There was literally a Buzzfeed ancestry test testing Afro-Latinos showing them that they're way less African than they think and it's not uncommon to see the "white Latinos" actually have more African ancestry.


Another point: A lot of Americans racialise being Latino when there's no genetic component to being Latino. Hell, some of you even racialise speaking Spanish.

If miss Tina Knowles was named Agnes Martins y'all from Brazil y'all wouldn't call her black anymore either even if her ancestry was the same but because y'all racialise speaking English versus speaking Spanish or even Portuguese. I've literally seen Americans say people from Spain aren't white anymore because they speak Spanish. 


tl;ldr: 1. If someone tells you their ethnicity and you intentionally mislabel them then you are being disrespectful and they have every right to not like being called something they aren't. 

2. Genotype =/= phenotype; how someone looks isn't indicative of what their actual ancestry is*

3. Race =/= nationality. Being Dominican does not preclude someone from being black and virtually everyone in the DR has substantial African ancestry irrespective of how "white" you think they look. Black-looking Dominicans also are plentiful as well.

4. Y'all racialise speaking Spanish or Portuguese/being Latino way too much and it's stupid. Y'all run up and down showing pictures of Cardi's family saying they aren't black and imply they can't have African ancestry but then call people who look like Lena Horne and Julez (Solange's son) black and act like they just came off a ship from the Congo when they look obviously mixed just like Cardi's immediate ancestors if not more. But if they were from Spanish-speaking/Portuguese-speaking countries they would be precluded from blackness in the US even if they look like Celia Cruz. 


Some of y'all are bozos

The Garbz cannot read, but I hope they try with this and learn some since they did not back when they went to school.

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Cardi b is the only female rapper with "hit dog" syndrome. Every. Damn. Time with her.

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On 4/4/2024 at 12:03 AM, Taylor fanboy said:

Cardi is not black? Not even mixed? I'm confused.

You know that Black Latinas exist right?

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