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Random Twitter thread+former P4K writer claims Katy's career deliberately sabotaged


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48 minutes ago, Taylor fanboy said:

She ended herself. End of story.

omg you're back! :clap3:

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Not this braindead M stan being a reliable journalist now :rip: 

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Witness did bad because people did not associate her with 'message' songs beyond something empowering like Roar or Firework. It's hard to transition to a new type of lyric in your music, sometimes you lose a big chunk of your audience.

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If Nicki can survive 2018, there's no reason Katy couldn't have survived 2017. 

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3 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

Not this braindead M stan being a reliable journalist now :rip: 

It's getting weird




tho none can top Queen Angela Cheng


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Wait I just realised who posted it, he is fake :bibliahh: close 

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which atrler wrote that article?

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Did they planned the SNL performance too?



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okay <3

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1 hour ago, Trent W said:

All i'm gonna say is that if your career has strong foundations it's really hard that a bunch of bullies take you down


Maybe Katy didn't have at the time that base to keep things going


Taylor, Bey and others all have gone through smear campaigns and keep floating 


The key for longevity is riding those negative waves

Exactly this. If someone was so easy to take down as Katy was then it was bound to happen at some point and soon. I'm sure there were strings pulled behind the scenes because of the circumstances she endured but yeah. I think ppl really do overlook the simple fact that the quality of her albums had always been filled but with pre planned hits in between but for Witness they were literally all filler and not good by any means. 

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I don't understand why stans seem to think there's a definitive reason for people's declining popularity.


Katy Perry was a pop star who was popular for a few years and then stopped being interesting or cool and people moved on to the next person. It's how the vast majority of artists' careers go. Only a few can stand the test of time.

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It's so much easier to pretend everything is out of your control because of a grand master conspiracy rather than accept that sometimes things happen. 


I have no doubt the Katy hate train generated more articles because the clicks brough tin more money, but her career faltered due to her own choices.

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Gee i wonder who

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Are we sure they're not trolling? I looked at their tweets and …

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No both Katy and xtina are the sole reasons there careers declines nobody stopped Katy from releasing a new album a year later after witness with a new image and team of writers and producers and pretend witness era never happened. Same thing could be said about xtina she could've quickly scrambled a new team and work on a radio friendly album and image. 

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2 hours ago, Machete said:

Her decline came from the music industry changing RAPIDLY between Prism (2014) and Witness (2017) and her not being able to adapt.

Exactly. Pop music like Teenage Dream and PRISM was NOT in style anymore by 2017. There just wasn't space for her type of music anymore.

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Yeah, the Witness era was wild. She went from America's sweetheart too being ridiculed and laughed at. Now don't get me wrong, I know some of the criticism was warranted (Witness album was quite weak), but a lot of the hate she got was very misogyny loaded. People disliked her drastic change in appearance from the pin-up girl look she was loved for to the short pixie cut, and multi media platforms (blogs, gossip sites, social media etc) all perpetuated those narratives. Everything about the era was woefully mismanaged; from that bizarre livestream she did, to "that" performance of Bon Apetite. I get that some of these creative decisions would've been hers and were less than ideal, but no one can argue that the haircut became such an issue when it really shouldn't have. Mainstream media basically perpetuated the idea that without the pin-up look and signature black hair, she was no longer worthy of our attention. Sad really, just another example of mainstream culture using someone until they find a reason to hate on them. 

On a positive note, Katy has an amazing voice and NRO slaps and remains on my workout playlist to this day. 

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I can't believe Kittycats still can't cope with the direct consequences of stanning an easily replaceable popstar :deadbanana4:

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I clocked this back in 2017 as it was happening. It felt super orchestrated. 

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She ended herself during Witness era. 

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She had one flop era and its suddenly decline? :confused:

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The hate train was crazy but in all honesty, Witness wasn't a good album. I even remember back then thinking that it was such a weird name for an album. 


When you look at other negative stints in the media, other artists rode it out with better albums:


Taylor - Reputation (and later folklore)

Ariana - Eternal Sunshine

Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice

Britney - Blackout (and Circus to a smaller extent)


Katy didn't have that. 


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i know some ppl on here will never believe such things solely because of their hate towards katy and the kind of music she makes. 


but you've gotta be delusional to deny that the media wasn't being insanely harsh towards her during witness, and i think this has a lot to do with her publicly going against trump & pushing the "woke" agenda, and less about pop music conspiracies/rivalry (even tho it's possible). 


media outlets were tearing her apart left and right, and that is ought to impact the public reception of her music. 

she was literally getting hate for breathing (literally she once trended on twitter for saying she copes w anxiety by breathing). 

i think the haircut and the weird behavior came as a result of feeling threatened & targeted. 


not saying witness era was perfect, but to deny that she was mistreated and at some point sabotaged is just pure delusion. 

i almost guarantee if any other pop girl released an album similar to witness sonically & thematically (with an aesthetic that draws inspiration from avant garde 70s comics) she would've been praised to the heavens by critics, it's just that ppl hated it bc it's not katy's "brand" but then they criticize her for not changing her sound/image and not taking risks?? 

let her live. people are always too harsh/judgmental when it comes to her. 

Edited by KatysPrism
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The way Christina Aguilera is universally used as the standard for flops will never not make me laugh :bibliahh:

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