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Shakira drags Barbie movie: "It was emasculating, my sons should feel powerful too!"


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Also, just the fact that there are so many  films with men as the main heroes and Shakira took this one film celebrating Barbie and women and was like, "we should have another film that makes men feel powerful". :rip:

I hope Shakira is aware of the backlash, because her ideas are dumb and embarrassing. Of all people, I thought Shakira would be educated enough to not to dictate what kind of "roles" men and women should have. 

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After reading through everything she said, I feel like it's not… that bad? She's not right at all and she made no points, but she's speaking as a mother who wants her two boys to feel empowered too (which.. Barbie did in its own way but that's besides the point). I get why she said it based on where she's coming from even if it's completely off base.


I don't think it warrants a ton of outrage, idk. I would just tell her "Mama let's research.” And keep it moving. She's not hating women necessarily, she's just advocating for her sons, in a misguided way, but I'm not getting any hateful vibes from her statement like others were saying.

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23 minutes ago, Mr. Loco said:

Nothing wrong with female empowerment in the film, but they could've had it without making all men in the film be so stupid tbh.

This movie actually showed, in the beginning, how a female dominated society could be (since this is theoretical) unfair to men, and in the second half, how a male dominated society (based in our current reality) is unfair to women.  Traditional male behavior is *the problem*, and the entire point of this movie is that both men AND women need each other to make a society that works for everyone.  The men in the movie are portrayed as dumb to highlight the insanity of how men make decisions for women that actively hurt and hold back women, amongst other traditional toxic male stereotypes.  

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5 minutes ago, vuelve88 said:

Also, just the fact that there are so many  films with men as the main heroes and Shakira took this one film celebrating Barbie and women and was like, "we should have another film that makes men feel powerful". :rip:

I hope Shakira is aware of the backlash, because her ideas are dumb and embarrassing. Of all people, I thought Shakira would be educated enough to not to dictate what kind of "roles" men and women should have. 

I remember you on ShakiraRules 👀

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barbie sucked but mostly because it was not a film that had truly something to say about feminism and instead tried to sell you something to buy in the name of feminism. 

if this capitalist take on feminism bothers you then you are probably a misogynist

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Shakira, I love you girl

but did you even watch the movie? :toofunny3:

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She has always been a bird. Idk why people are surprised. Her act has always been fake af.

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It's ironic since she kinda "sacrificed" her music career for her ex husband and children. 

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well at least Margot Robbie pays her taxes

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Send her to saudi arabia already! 

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Shakira is a dumb human being. She's just your usual soccer mom Karen.


Your boys have MILLIONS of other movies to feel "empowered".


Of course they hated Barbie, Shakira. They are little boys. Dumb b. :deadbanana:

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I don't expect men to like Barbie, but I feel like some people still didn't understand the movie even though it's pretty in your face

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she was at the cinema but couldn't pay attention, had to check Raya to see whom her husband was f*cking next

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This has to be a joke right? Happy April fools Shakira.

She can't be that dumb. :rip:


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she made no points I fear but the dramatics over this :rip:

anyway don't let it distract you from the fact LIFE-SIZE (2000) is the superior Barbie live action movie (love Margot et al tho)




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I have never liked that woman and found her voice annoying. Now i know why. 

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She's right, that's why Barbie flopped at the Oscars.

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I don't believe her children really said or suggested that they felt Barbie was "emasculating". That's too above the head concept for boys 11 and 9 years old. It's really Shakira's conclusions and impressions of the fact that they didn't like or didn't relate to the movie. But then that's fine, boys have nothing to do with barbies. Even Ken alone is not marketed towards them. So maybe Shakira is using the kids to talk about her own feelings and insecurities. Maybe she's using the movie as metaphor to absolve her own guilt feelings towards them? I mean recently she's the one who has been uncharacteristically (unusually for her) talking a lot about female empowerment, in order to sell her new album — an album full of Pique-diss tracks. That happens to be the children's father she has been busy dissing, not only in the songs but now also in the promos (making the rounds in magazine interviews and TV talkshow circuit). Her album selling pitch has been a lot of feminist sounding chatter. Lots of talk about moving on from a bad man and being an independent woman. Lot of talk about women better stop crying, let men cry for once or whatever (I think that's her pitch to explain the origin of the new album's title). So maybe living with her while she's doing all this promo --repeating the same feminist talking points again and again-- led to her own children's backlash? They're not used to her being one-sided like this after all :deadbanana:

Edited by Raiden
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Shakira is not a smart girl. It is what it is :gaycat6: what is this take even

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I can't even....girl 

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From this take you can understand A LOT of things, and how she sees life and how she saw her marriage with Pique. Gosh she was so submissive to him :hoetenks:

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Well she's right! Movie sucks! And it flopped at the Oscars 

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