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(Not so) fun fact: ABBA killed social democracy

Virgos Groove

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Back in 1982, exports of Swedish pop (read: Abba) were booming, but the local economy was recovering from a recession. The leftwing Social Democratic Party, seeking to overturn a weak coalition government in the upcoming election, had a new pitch for downtrodden workers.


Its proposal, pioneered by Swedish economist Rudolf Meidner, was to force Sweden's leading firms to give a fifth of their "excess profits" to trade unions. The unions would in turn use this money to buy company shares, effectively handing part-ownership of the private sector to workers. Big business would supposedly be run less in the interests of outside investors, and more in the interests of the little man.


Abba certainly did not find this proposition funny. "It is ridiculous to think [the unions] could take care of the money better than us professionals,” the group's manager, Stig Anderson, told The Christian Science Monitor magazine at the time. If Sweden elected the Social Democrats, he suggested, it would be akin to voting to go behind the Iron Curtain. An outdoor concert was organised in Stockholm to help finance the campaign against the alleged communist takeover and Björn Ulvaeus, one of Abba's members and lead composers, turned his writing talents to penning pamphlets about the perils of the policy.




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ABBA is cancelled and over 





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so in a way ABBA is kinda responsible for Sweden's current gang violence and fire arms murder problem :ryan2:

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Rein-Meidner was over by 1975 pretty much. The Soviet Union still went on until 1991.


ABBA's always given greedy capitalist anyway. Anni-Frid taking about feminism and I think complaining about the taxes at the time... I did hear her interviewed recently and she was praising Greta Thunberg which I found interesting. All of them are literal baby-boomers though. I forgot who it was but someone said that boomers have essentially reduced their tax expenses throughout their lifetime - reducing taxes on their wages when they were working age but then as they aged, reduced taxes on pensions and capital income (while increasing taxes on wages again).

Edited by Mean Trees
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oj det är inte...

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Cancel these bastards. They commited enough crimes against music and democracy already, the filthy capitalists

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Olof Palme, RIP king :heart2:

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Deleting chiquitita from my playlist!

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