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You have a time machine...


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but! you can only use it to go back and warn your fave about something in their future... career wise or not


I would go back to 2012 and tell Lana NAWT to do SNL...:suburban:



what would you tell your fave?

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Gaga don't collab with R. Kelly!!!!!!!!!

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Nothing, Taylor's career has played out perfectly. If you remove the Kanye stuff you lose reputation & its phoenix rhetoric. If you remove ME! you lose her chance to do a 180 with folklore. Etc 

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Would tell Demi to avoid that disgusting toxic team she had in 2015-2018 in every way possible. I would rather see her outside the BBH100 all that time than survive that horrendous week in 2018 and all the mess that happened during the california sober era

Edited by TitanicSurvivor
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Mariah: Do NOT pushback MIAM's release and don't release Triumphant as a single

Britney: Scrap Britney Jean

Christina: Release Bionic in 2009 and actually promote it past its release month

Janet & Justin: Do NOT do the 2004 super bowl

Toni: Don't sign with Blackground Records

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Christina: Do NOT let Destiny Child's be your opening act. Then they wouldn't be a thing and no solo artists would emerge from it tbfh!!! Oh, and skip the greatest hits album and release Bionic instead!!

Katy: Do not change your hair from the iconic black long hair you're known for

Edited by Xtina23
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Tinashe don't sign with RCA!

Also Lana don't upload Video Games to YouTube so you could've been the indie darling with acclaim and not the fame!

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— I understand that you don't want to cancel your VMAs show altogether because you're sick, but please DON'T perform and cancel it


— You have a strong urge to post a bath pic but you shouldn't do it or just change your caption idea


— Even though you have the best & sweetest connection with your fans, don't try to have an a capella moment for Writer In The Dark at tour cuz GP & kids will misunderstand it

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1 hour ago, White Rabbit said:

Tinashe don't sign with RCA!

Without RCA we wouldn't have got aquarius or nightride


I'd go back to 2014 and tell her to release how many times as the second single instead of pretend 

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Rihanna: don't do FB and the likes and lie saying it will get her to bankruptcy or something, and tell her to stay in music instead  *evil laugh*:sistrens:

Katy: don't cut hair and stay off social media and just drop the music in 2017

Tinashe: listen to the psychic and release How Many Times as the second single, don't be stubborn, if it flopped too then you can sue the psychic :fan:

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I'd go back to the early 90's and ask Madonna to make a pure House/ Pop album with Shep Pettibone/ Patrick Leonard/ Stephen Bray, instead of "Erotica" and to place far less emphasis on sex and not release that book.


I'd tell Kate Bush to stop smoking pot and instead keep making albums.


I'd tell Kylie that New Jack Swing is a fad with a short shelf life that is not going to last, will date quickly and she should instead allow her former producers to stay in their lane and keep her fourth album "Let's Get To It" in the Dance/ Pop genre as a sonic continuation of her third album "Rhythm of Love". Giving her a continuation of four more timeless bops from the early 90's (that never got written) making eight in total (as opposed to four).


I'd tell Enya to grow her hair out.


Id go even further back to the mid 80's and tell Madonna not to make the movie "Shanghai Surprise" or to cut her hair short after the "Live To Tell" video and confirm that the platinum blonde shade she adopts is a good idea.

I'd then tell European singer Sandra not to be afraid of flattening irons/ hair straighteners.


I'd go to the early 80's and tell Blondie not to sign bad contracts, to work through their differences and not split up.


I'd travel to Pennsylvania in March 1989 and distract a certain current artist's parents on the night she was conceived.



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Nooo don't question the culture :hippo:

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I'm going to the Wicked set and making sure Ariana and Ethan stay FAR away from each other



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Madonna PLEASE stay in Warner

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Going back to f Mr. Lipa and create family drama so she would never hire him as her manange

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Def going back to Mimi in 2001 and let her finally sleep in my place & punching everyone faces who tries to wake her up. Also telling her not to release Glitter on September 11

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I would make her tasteless ass perform peace at my Eras show



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I use it for early 2016 for M&G tickets to meet denis stoff


Legit am furious I missed my only chance 

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baby short hair is not for you ....

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Janet... I think it's obvious.

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I would tell her to keep Toxic, even if she was not going to make it a single.

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