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4 years since COVID. Where were you when it first happened?


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It's HARD to believe that COVID started its grip on society just 4 years ago. Where did time go y'all? Feels like just yesterday. Y'all were getting OLD :biblio:


How do you remember events unfolding from November 2019 - March 2020? Where were you on the week that it went down FOR REAL, for real? How were you impacted by the proceeding lockdowns? Let's discuss :redface:


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At Home

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I woke up to get me a cold pop... and the rest is history.

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I was home 

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girl I cannot believe it's been 4 years omg. My first memory is going to the Chick-Fil-A drive thru and it was a literal ghost town which is UNHEARD OF. The roads was empty and I live in a large congested expensive metro area so that was eerie and weird too… I still thought the media was overhyping it so the super early days of it I didn't know what to think until I realized miss COVID was srs and not just a cold.


When I think of COVID I also think of TikTok. We were all locked up in the house on lockdown so I spent a lot of time on TikTok watching these influencers (Bryce Hall, Addison, Larray, N*kita) in LA partying, living in mansions… COVID was such a weird f*cking time.

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How has it been 4 years already :redface:

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I was doing the Lord's work 

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I was starting uni and then suddenly we weren't allowed to go in ❤️ and had to download this app called Zoom

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Not 4 years already. :rip:


I was in college at the time. The lead-up to the lockdown was insane... All those stories coming out of Wuhan and Italy, the fear over cases reaching new countries, the wait for the inevitable lockdown announcement. Despite that, I never thought it would last as long as it did, I really thought it'd be over by summer. :redface:


Also, this is so random, but I'll never forget that week where a sports player touched all those mics and Tom Hanks got infected. :rip:

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I was doing my social service then our supervisor came and said that it was our last day coming to the venue in a month or so until the quarantine was over, I never came back to that place, I finished my social service online and did all the paperwork online as well so I never saw those guys again.



Edited by Romova99
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I only remember seeing the first comments about the outbreaks in China and some isolated cases in certain parts of Europe. The next thing that it was already in US and boom! A pandemic :rip: 

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About to go on vacation; best four-months home of my LIFE! Before, there were rumblings of things possibly shutting down, and while on my planned vacation things shut down.

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In the hospital because of appendicitis (literally the day of lockdown in France). Because the hospitals were overcrowded, I couldn't get surgery. I got an IV and meds to calm the infection for three days but it came back 3 weeks later. I had the surgery this time around, but having the infection twice and all the meds (for the first infection, in between, then for the second infection and after the surgery) literally wrecked my body. I developed neuralgias that are still affecting my daily life and preventing me from doing a lot of things. What could have been a simple appendicitis in a normal setting turnt into something that still has consequences 4 years later, so my mind always goes out to the people who had MORE SERIOUS health issues (more than a random appendicitis sdffrsssehgfff) during this period.

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sophomore year of hs

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I was in Guanzhou and then went to Venice where I got sick as a dog (at the time I didn't think much of it) so I might've been patient 0 in Italy. That was like December 2019. 

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I remember getting out of lecture at my college and seeing an email we'd all be going home for the near future.

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Home, just in total disbelief. Can't believe it is being 4 years, wow

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I was working and kept working, once we were sent home office, I took many freelance commissions and would only work all day, I made a lot of money during the lockdown, didn't allow myself to get depressed or annoyed, only nice expensive things :gaycat2:

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I was still in college and was playing board games with a several friends. We were talking about how COVID was spreading, and one of my friends had connections to student government and said that apparently spring break was going to be extended for one more week to stop the pandemic. We were so excited. Little did we know we would never see each other in-person again. :deadbanana:

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Starting my animal crossing island 

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My covid experience in Chapters :gaycat4:  :

 :ihype:So excited about the future. December of 2019. Premonition


December 31st 2019 /  That day I had a great party and everything went just great and i was very very hyped about the new year. I remember telling myself-thinkin  "This new decade is going to be revolutionary." "This new decade is Mine im gonna be a star" "I feel like this decade is powerful and will bring a lot of new energy for everyone around the world" . "It's going to be life-changing" lol.

The year 2020,POWERFUL. The numerology says it. There's something special about this year. I Feel it in my bones lol. :rip:

I Watched the New York Times Square Ball Drop and then The last song I played that 2019 was "OMG" by Carly Rae Jepsen. To celebrate
This decade will be about Development,Sophistication, New Advancements. Evolution. :rip:



January-February-March 2020 :heart: So Dope



January of 2020 and I had moved to the largest metropolis in my country Colombia. I joined the university I always wanted and lived in a great neighborhood with a sweet old lady. Truthfully, I was having a magnificent time. I kept myself entertained in my free time with my friends, eating at the best restaurants, and having all sorts of new experiences. I was, let's say, at the peak of my young adulthood. I was havin my Imperial era.... After bad experiences in 2018-2019, I had come into the light in 2020.  

My best memories were the night of the superbowl. Eating sushi,burritos with my friends and so so proud about Shak-Jlo :heart2:


Finding out about Covid-Sars Cov 2 :chick3: Virus Containment Cancelled ☣️


I found out about COVID in January-February of 2020. I remember seeing the video on Reddit of people in China crying and locked up, and I was  scared, but I just continued with my normal happy life. Then I saw the testimonials when the virus reached Italy, and that's when I got fully scared-terrified. I decided right then not to return to my university and told my family that things were going to get really bad here in Colombia-Worldwide and that we needed to start buying provisions and masks. I returned to my hometown in the weekend (6 hours away) and locked myself in with my parents. About 2 weeks later, they locked us all in and blocked the cities cause the virus got out of control, but I had left in time. Thank you, Reddit. :cm: i was able to take care of my fam


Lockdowns and Pandemic and takin Safety Measures with mom and dad :gaycat6: 



During the pandemic, I took on the role of a PARENT with my Dad and my mother. Masks, handwashing all the time, gloves. vitamins. medicines... I forbade my parents from visiting friends and family, told them that if they did, they would die, and not to believe in conspiracy theories. I was super annoying and cautious with just everything and them. It was 2 years of full lockdown and being stuck at home. Only going out to the local park next to where we lived,grocery store and back home again. My family never took off their masks. In university, we later had alternating attendance, but I didn't went back. I wasn't going to go back until we had vaccines and my family was full protected. I got Pfizer and Moderna. Dad Pfizer and Mom Pfizer and Sinovac. We never got the virus or my family was asymptomatic and we were not aware :giraffe:  My neighboor throw parties in 2020 and two members of his family died. 

Distant Family Members with the Virus :emofish:



The virus first hit a distant relative who is a top surgeon in my country and it made him really sick and he has breathin problems since then. Then it hit an aunt, and she had to be hospitalized and was in so much pain. Then it hit other cousins, but it didn't hit them hard cause they were really young and lucky. Then, due to the lack of ICU beds in my country, everyone in my distant family started taking more care, and no one got sick in 2020. By 2021, one of my aunts got careless cause she's very wealthy and she thinks she's invincible. She went to eat an empanada with a student of hers, took off her mask, and the student had the virus. Three days later, my aunt was in the ICU. She was intubated for 10-20 days, and my father's family was all in tears and thinkin she would die. In the end, she survived. 

Music in the Pandemic and Entertainment :celestial4:



The pandemic was a very strange,scary and distressing time of uncertainty and i was worried everyday and the same time there was so much peace???. The lockdowns. I used to play folklore and reflect on my past experiences. I had the opportunity to go to my grandmother's farm during the lockdowns, far from the city, and playing folklore in the woods was something i will never forget.  I remember listenin "The Lakes." and just losing myself in the wilderness and just straight forgetting about the pandemic goin on.   

I also remember playing "Smile" by Katy Perry to improve my mood, "High Road" too..... Also, when I felt sad, sometimes I would listen to "Chromatica," and that futuristic, dystopic robotic feeling from the album I remember was perfect and matched the eerie times, or "Midnight Sky and those neon tones." I played a lot of "1000 Doves." when i was sad and havin regrets about the past.  At night in brighter days, I played "My Future" by Billie Eilish, longing for a better future, and "Levitating" by Dua Lipa, dancing even when things didn't look good. 

I had nights waking up with panic attacks where i was sure i had the virus and it was just my mind makin stuff*** i was so terrified of the fate of my parents cause both were in their 50s.

In the pandemic i went back to Supernintendo games to kill the time and i dont know. I was not in the mood to play new games. . I played Earthbound for the first time and i associate that game with the pandemic. The strange feeling of the game too. Listenin the music of it makes me cry

I gained over 20kg in the pandemic :gaycat2:




End of 2021-Mid 2021 Things went better. Thanks god. Universe. Life:jonny::celestial3:The sun came out



By 2021, everything looked better with the vaccines, and "Solar Power" is the pivotal album of that year for me. The feeling that everything was getting better, and listening to that song gave me so much hope. I also loved "Good for You" by Olivia because it took me back to the 2000s. How crazy the time of the pandemic was. I will never forget it. All the people who died. All the millions. What a  tragedy.  Even if it was like 4 years ago i think we all got traumatized by this  :'( and life feels like a before and after.  




Edited by AvadaKedavra
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at my job in a grocery store calling the police because people were getting into fist fights over toilet paper :coffee2:

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i was travelling in africa with plans to go to europe. i was aware of the virus spreading in other countries like china, iran, italy etc, but didnt think it would go global the way it did.
then one day we wake to hear airlines are literally like closing down and countries are locking down, so we had to scramble to buy new tickets home (there was like one airline left at this point, very expensive.), and when we arrived back into NZ the country went into a super strict lockdown the next day :gaycat6:

it was extremely stressful.

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working in a grocery store fighting for my life and telling people they could only buy one package of clorox wipes :deadbanana4:

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