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Golden Hit: Season 6 🪷 Congrats to Legend E! 🏆


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Hey, Hitmakers! It's me, the other host! It's time for the second results show of Golden Hit: Season 6!


There's not going to be any changes in style from how they were presented in Round 1, and everything said back then rings true now. Let's not delay and get to the exciting part!





Results for Round 2's Reason for the Season challenge are in, and the scores are even higher this time. Well done to all of our contestants! With an average score over 8 this time, still with no score below a 6, surely you all have reason to celebrate this time.


Our first batch of writers all scored within the 6-7 range. This generally means that we liked your songs, yet also saw some room for improvement:


At #11 we have hurricane326 with a score of 6.583 for "Twenty-three".


At #10 we have @Armani? with a score of 6.75 for "Mother Earth".


Our next batch of writers all scored within the 7-8 range. We really loved your songs, but had a few notes:


At #9 we have @AccioMiley with a score of 7.083 for "Best friends".


At #8 we have @helpthomas with a score of 7.25 for "Hey Mom".


At #7 we have @Prisoner with a score of 7.75 for "Mount of Cavalry".

So that has our Top 6 for the Reason for the Season challenge with a score of 8+. An impressive round to be sure! :clap3:


At #6 we have @OreGuy with a score of 8.117 for "A Regretful Son".


At #5 we have @Invisibility with a score of 8.167 for "Flavors of Life".


At #4 we have @Weld_E with a score of 8.667 for "April's Fool".



:3rdplace:At #3, earning a Bronze Hit Token, we have @Kylie Jenner with a score of 8.833 for "I Went to a Party"! :3rdplace:


The party in your song was a bust, but hopefully you can find something worth celebrating here. Well done!


This puts our Top 2 of the Round at @Legend E and @Ya Ya. These two competitors are proving to be ones to look out for, both featuring in our Top 3 last week as well, but which one is going to be celebrating a round-winning song?



:2ndplace: At #2, earning a Silver Hit Token, we have @Ya Ya with a score of 9.417 for "Heavenly Father"! :2ndplace:


:1stplace: At #1, earning a Gold Hit Token, we have @Legend E with a score of 9.5 for "Baby Cherry"! :1stplace:


Legend E came out on top this week, but to say it was close is an understatement. Ultimately you were the favorite to win of two of the judges. Congratulations on your first #1 of the Season! :clap3:


As for Rotunda, debuting with a 9+ scoring song is nothing to scoff at. Following it up with ANOTHER 9+ is (near) unprecedented. (Also, your entry this week was my first 10 of the season!) I hope you're not discouraged at all with coming #2 twice. This game rewards consistency, after all. I hope you'll continue showing us what you're capable of moving forward. Well done to you both, and to all of our contestants. :heart2:




...and there you have it, the results for Round 2, featuring off-brand colors because if I was told the hex values I can't remember them. :clap3: Hopefully Aurora won't be too mad.


Speaking of Aurora, they'll be working on the Top 3's Hit Tokens, which will hopefully be here before Round 3's conclusion.

The deadline for the "Country Renaissance" challenge is in 2 days, so I hope y'all are giddy upping on your horses rassling up some real country classics for us! :gayoncecat3:



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  • ATRL Moderator

Holy **** that was surprising :jonny: I believe this is my highest-rated song ever? Thank you so much for receiving it so well, especially for something that was written so quickly :cries:


Congrats to Rotunda and Kylie and everyone else too :heart:

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Congrats @Legend E on the slay :clap3::clap3:



Thank you judges for the #2 :heart:

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Congrats and thanks! :heart2: 

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Ready to start writing my All Too Well (30 mins version) (Prisoner's Version) (From the Prison Cell) 





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#8 - #5 slowly climbing the charts :clap3:

Congrats to the ppl on the podium this round!!

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Me never writing a country song before this


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  • ATRL Moderator

In my head, I'm a bit tempted to use a lot of country-specific tropes but I feel that might backfire.


I am having like two working titles, but hmmm, a bit unsure of either.

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Btw I decided to write a 3rd verse to my last entry 


The song will definitely be serving almost 6 minutes long if I ever decide to record it:rip:


Spells of storms break cycles of sleep
Twisters spin in months once hibernal
A once in a lifetime Katrina now eternal
With greed's curse upon a infernal nation


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9 hours ago, Legend E said:

In my head, I'm a bit tempted to use a lot of country-specific tropes but I feel that might backfire.


I am having like two working titles, but hmmm, a bit unsure of either.

Ultimately it's your writing, so do what feels right. I can only speak for myself when I say that a couple of country-specific tropes is probably enough, and there's a line between authenticity and parody. So long as it doesn't veer into the territory of the latter, you should be fine! :gayoncecat3:

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You are the reviews! My first reviews ever will arrive extremely soon. :gayoncecat3:

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9 hours ago, Hey Dude said:

You are the reviews! My first reviews ever will arrive extremely soon. :gayoncecat3:


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Surprised this new round went as easy as it did for me since this is my 1st time writing something country


I thought I would struggle, but I guess it wasn't as hard to write things more authentic to me in this style.


Almost done

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    You had an interesting structure to your track, I think in the past Platinum Hit and Golden Hit have had rounds where lyrics had to be written without a chorus yet still maintain the qualities of lyrics rather than a poem. I think you did that well! The flow and the rhymes definitely maintained the atmosphere of lyrics so I think the track is able to get away without a chorus. Now, what the track isn't able to get away with sadly, is the connection to the round's theme. It was an out-of-the-box decision, but since the round specifically asked for holidays that's what ultimately forced me to deduct points. But you very clearly have great experience with writing lyrics so I know that if the round allowed for the topic you chose, you would definitely rank better, and that's what's important in the end of the day.
    Your sources of inspiration are out-of-the-box and I like that, especially what you had for round 1. I'm sorry that technicality costed you this round but we both know you can easily bounce back on round 3.


    I like how your track took a role of activism, it definitely reminded me of MJ's own interpretation of the effects of society on the environment. What I like about your lyrics for this round and the previous round is how your lyrics truly feel like real tracks, I can totally envision the lyrics as real official lyrics because the flow is smooth, the rhymes make sense and overall the lyrics stick well to the main idea they aim to convey. I think for this track, more lines would add more to it, I saw you posted an update to the track, and I liked it. One way to add more to the track would be to have some alternate words in the chorus, in this case specifically wrath/pleas/truth could maybe be replaced in the follow up repeats of the chorus with other similar words. 
    I love how you have a very realistic approach to lyrics, it makes your tracks stand out and I think to add more of those elements to your lyrics can elevate the tracks even more.


Kylie Jenner,
    I am so impressed by how you turned this into an actual track! This track had so much to its story. I like how you chose St. Patrick's Day, it's a very vivid holiday that I oddly have a lot of really fanatastic memories around even though I'm not Irish. I love how every line takes the story forward with more details, more action, I'm reading a book about story structure these days so I pay extra attention to storytelling now and I think this track did a great job in describing the events. The details of alcohol and Enya's music were really clever connections to the holiday and still familiar in a way where I can say "oh yeah Enya is Irish!". Overall, this track packs so much to it, it felt very complete and full of texture.
    Your attention to detail is out of this world, I really hope we can continue to see more of your storytelling in this season.


    This read like a very personal track and the holiday you chose is definitely one that allows for such a personal theme. Often times this holiday is described as very happy, so to write sad lyrics about it does add an interesting twist to it. Overall I found that the individual lines were on the shorter side but I liked how the chorus had the theme of questions and how due to the point of view of the lyrics, we don't know what the answers to these questions are, so there is a potential for a follow up to this track. I think that is what could have elevated the track to a whole new level; a secondary part where the questions are answered either through a time skip, or from the mother's side of the story. So overall I think this is a track that has good room to build upon.
    I like how you found the confidence to approach an emotional topic and make lyrics out of it and I hope that you will continue to develop on your ideas.


    Straight off the bat, this is a very interesting source of inspiration. I'm curious if there's actually any books written about this "what if?" type of question, I never thought about it myself. There were really clever rhymes in the lyrics, I adore how they all connect to Biblical vocalbulary, it really cemented the track's religious atmosphere. The way your bridge is based around the days of the week is also a clever way to fit the biblical atmosphere because the Bible does present the concept of week days. I find it interesting how the track is both Christian and also a critique of Christianity at the same time, it strikes that middle point where it sparks a conversation. This reminds me of God Bless the Outcasts from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame, that is a track that critiques selfish wishes in a way that opens ones eyes to flaws in the ways they act. Really creative thematic you created in this track.
    Very creative sources of inspiration, I'm really curious to see what you will have for future rounds.


    I was really excited by the world you created in this track. It's fun, it's dramatic, there's a twist, and it has strokes of seriousness and I would even say humor due to the connection to the holiday you chose. The overall story was down to Earth but a lot of the expressions had fantasy elements to them that helped strike this balance of a very vivid story. Overall I really liked how much thought you put into the story of the track, and every line added details to it. Back to my story-structures book, I think the story of this track could even translate to a full-scale book if you give it a comedic twist.
    Very creative interpretation of this round, your story structures really work in your favor and give a lot of depth to your lyrics.


Legend E,
    I have to admit, your description of the story for the lyrics did get me a bit emotional. Connections between nature and death always get to me. Such a vivid story, I could actually see it in my head. When I was little I got to watch short animated movies of various Russian folk stories and rather serious stories that aimed to present a moral that can be learned from them, and I could honestly see this be depicted in such a visual way. Your story for the track was very creative, the lyrics is vivid, the story is emotional, overall this track really left an impression on me. I also like your choice of holiday, it reminded me of Sophie's latest album Hana and I really think if Sophie was offered this lyrics, she would definitely turn it into a track for her album.
    I really love the heartfelt themes of your lyrics and how much content you put into them.


Ya Ya,
    What I really liked about your lyrics is how you took a spiritual theme and made a track that is very down to Earth, focused on real thoughts and emotions. Also, the turmoil is an aspect that definitely makes sense with the Christian theme of the track, it is very common to look towards religion in desperate times so this adds a potential personal connection that one can have to the lyrics. I think it would be really interesting to lean more on what type of father is referenced: the father of a church, or the actual parental father. That could allow for two different interpretations that are both technically true.
    From what I understood this is your first season, I'm really surprised by that and who knows maybe you will maintain 9+ scores for the whole season!


    I found your source of inspiration to be really sweet, I've been told in the past that cheerful lyrics are not very common in Platinum Hit / Golden Hit so that automatically adds uniqueness to your track. Overall the references in the lyrics were really cute and sweet. I think the best way to add more to the track, would be to add depictions of events or situations where you helped each other out. Maybe the first one could be where you help your friend, and the second one could be where your friend helps you. I also think a line that talks about how usually musketeers come in three, but that the two of you more than make up for a duo, would also add to the thematics of the track. I know you wrote the track may seem a bit cheesy, but I think that to fully commit to a cheesy vibe, actually adds a lot to the track in the sense of, so sweet that how can you hate it type of way. 
    Overall I love the sweetness of your tracks and hope to continue to see you send more lyrics and find ways to continue to elevate what you have.


    I want to say, "My God is an awesome God" is seriously my favorite line in the track due to how serious the deliverence of it is. This track unintentionally seems to go really well with OreGuy's track in that your points of views contradict each other, because you see from a point of view that the other doesn't see. Overall I think the track flowed really well and as I said, the awesome God line added so much personality to the track because every other line is very serious and this line breaks the reality. It has class to it. Another line in that vein would have ruined the track but this was a perfect dose of out-there that without it, the whole track would feel different. 
    I know you said you were drunk when you wrote this, I think overall it turned out well and I hope to see what you can achieve with more time to work on a track.


    I like how you take inspiration from your personal experiences for your tracks. For round 1 you took a very abstract, mystical approach for a real-world experience, and in this track you took a very intimate, down to Earth approach. I think that is really great because it shows how you approach lyrics in different ways. This lyrics' theme of "Mama knows best" but at the same time, "I can't stand in someone's shadow" is a reality that I have definitely felt in my life and I believe many also feel this. It can be difficult sometimes to understand that there are situations where our parents have good intentions, but there are better methods than what they know, but at the same time the fact we can recognize their intentions is what I believe allows us to take the steps to become who we are. Very powerful message to your track. The only aspect I feel I have to point out is that I wish the first 10 lines had more structured rhymes in the end of the lines because this is an extremely great concept for a track.
    I think between rounds 1 and 2, this is your best track, I love the vivid personal depictions, these are lyrics that are truly only yours.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Thanks for the sweet review, PoKi! Love the links you made. Animated folk stories are very fascinating, I know we used to have Hungarian ones on TV and they were always nice to watch. And stan HANA, of course :gayoncecat2:




Will submit quite late again I fear :rockon:

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  • ATRL Moderator

Hope you won't mind too much if I am 1-2 hrs late :emofish:

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i might make a late submission as well, my time management skills just vanished (worse than usual) 

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  • ATRL Moderator

Writing now but flopping hard hard.


Sent and probably flopped.

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Rank Writer Song Title Score
1 @Legend E Baby Cherry 9.5
2 @Ya Ya Heavenly Father 9.417
3 @Kylie Jenner I Went To A Party 8.833
4 @Weld_E April's Fool 8.667
5 @Invisibility Flavors of Life 8.167
6 @OreGuy A Regretful Son 8.117
7 @Prisoner Mount of Calvary 7.75
8 @helpthomas Hey Mom 7.25
9 @AccioMiley Best friends 7.083
10 @Armani? Mother Earth 6.75
11 hurricane326 Twenty-three 6.583



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It's time to present the top three of last round's Reason for the Season challenge with their bonus prizes: the Hit Tokens!

I've reviewed the requests from our trio of top writers for the week, and done my best to grant them for embossment.




Celebrating a third place triumph with "I Went To A Party" and its 8.833 score:


Here is your Bronze Hit Token embossed with your ATRL username and Ava Max. :3rdplace:

Congratulations! This is your first Hit Token of S6, and sixth Hit Token of Golden Hit overall! :lee:



Celebrating a second place success with "Heavenly Father" and its 9.417 score:


Here is your Silver Hit Token embossed with stained glass. :2ndplace:

Congratulations! This is your second Hit Token of S6, and second Hit Token of Golden Hit overall! :lee:



Celebrating a first place finish with "Baby Cherry" and its 9.5 score:


Here is your Golden Hit Token embossed with your ATRL username and Kelly Clarkson. :1stplace:

Congratulations! This is your second Hit Token of S6, and tenth Hit Token of Golden Hit overall! :lee:


I hope you all enjoy your Hit Tokens as much as I did making them! Feel free to use them as a forum avatar if you wish, or just let them be a reminder of your time in Golden Hit—ultimately the choice is yours, and if for whatever reason you are dissatisfied with your token or simply wish to change the embossed graphic/text please contact me and I can arrange a remake. Remember, the top three writers of each round will earn their own Hit Token just like the three above, so make sure to submit each week for the best chance to claim one of these bonus prizes. :lee:



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🤠 The Songs of Round 3 🤠


helpthomas - "Hear Me Out"

hurricane326 - "Do Good"

Augmented - "Pure Devotion"

Armani - "Tupelo"
Weld_E - "Space Cowboy"

Ya Ya - "Buried"

Legend E - "This Town"

djcalpal - "The Only One"

Jackson - "Tumbleweed"

Prisoner - "The Biggest Party In The Universe"



Thank you to the ten wonderful writers above (...so far?)—including one new addition to this season's roster of Hitmakers—for yeehawing with us! 🤠

The judges now have your entries and reviews will be posted over the next few days. If you still wish to submit a last minute entry, please try to do so ASAP.



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  • ATRL Moderator

Gorgeous, ty Aurora :smitten:

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