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American politics is in the midst of a racial realignment


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Imagine that! The democratic party has been relying on and expecting people of color to show up and vote for them. After years of making failed promises and not doing what they said they would, of course this was going to happen. I hope they wake up and realize people are not to be taken for granted and run & govern by doing something positive, to EARN their votes. 

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  • ATRL Moderator

yes I believe democrats are losing people of color of votes but sorry I don't believe the republicans are gaining these voters either. They are just losing less of them from their side. More and more people of color are completely disconnected from either party

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This is terrible.

Democrats taking for granted that minorities will vote for them :ace: 

then on the other hand the minorities who think republicans are going to do anything for them :rip: 


There's only one solution: The two party system needs to die and the sooner the better. break the ******* wheel

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Time to change political system in u s a

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Definitely voter apathy over nothing happening making POC not vote or try third party.


I believe they (being POC in this example) know at this point it's almost impossible to remove the two-party system, so they're just sitting out until something that motivates them comes around or someone actually tries to impact them. While I may not agree on certain aspects as we can't have a perfect world and we need to accept some flaws, the entire mindset is completely understandable and was eventually going to happen. I blame no one but society and the extreme political polarization of the parties themselves.

Edited by LustSpell
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I don't see those votes going republican, the political shift wouldn't make any sense especially with the current republican party, however I do see the voters increasingly keeping their heels on the dems necks and either not voting or voting uncommitted/third party

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This is a worrying sign for Biden's re-election chances...

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1 hour ago, Tsareena said:

yes I believe democrats are losing people of color of votes but sorry I don't believe the republicans are gaining these voters either. They are just losing less of them from their side. More and more people of color are completely disconnected from either party

That part. Speaking from lived experience, just because people of color feel alienated from Dems doesn't automatically mean we're all shifting over to Repubs. 


Society as a whole is becoming generally alienated and fractured. 

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That's what happens when you constantly make promises, don't deliver, and only fearmonger about the other side!


People need something to vote FOR, not against.

Edited by dawnettakins
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This is a lie. They say this literally every election, then it’s always 90+% black women and 80+% black men voters showing out for the Democratic Party. And I think 70+% Asian. I’m shocked y’all are continuing this BS.

And Latino isn’t a race. Many of these Latinos are white and consider themselves as such. Black and brown Latinos are clumped in with the white Latinos.

Edited by Seahorse
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there's a general feeling of disappointment towards this administration, the expectations were different I guess 

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For me, there is a lot at play here. Yes, there is a sense of disappointment towards the Biden admin, which, Gaza aside, makes no sense given the legislation that's been passed. I feel like there is yearning for overwhelming change but that doesn't usually occur at the snap of a finger. It really needs to start at the local level. Biden has actually been very effective. 


Of course, the repercussion of individualism in the US is voters thinking that their singular protest vote doesn't impact a community at large. While I don't think these votes will translate for Trump, it does make me worried about turnout. And a Trump presidency at this point is asking for the erosion of progress - possibly for the rest of our lifespan.

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The Dems finally reaping what they sow :cm:

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2 hours ago, Tsareena said:

yes I believe democrats are losing people of color of votes but sorry I don't believe the republicans are gaining these voters either. They are just losing less of them from their side. More and more people of color are completely disconnected from either party

Losing votes .. to who? Not to Trump I supposed because that would be suicidal 

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They say this every election 💀 we haven’t seen any evidence of this yet. Guess we will see come November 

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This isn’t a defense of Democrats/Biden but people have been talking about this for years and it never bears out to a significant degree.

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58 minutes ago, HardBambi said:

Losing votes .. to who? Not to Trump I supposed because that would be suicidal 

A lot of minorities are tired of the border crisis and believe only Trump will take it seriously. They're on Fox News everyday.

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how is this even possible when Trump is out there saying immigrants are horrible people....


like how on earth are these very people supporting him???? its insanity




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15 minutes ago, ryoncé said:

how is this even possible when Trump is out there saying immigrants are horrible people....


like how on earth are these very people supporting him???? its insanity

They're not immigrating the legal way. And minorities have increasingly unfavorable views of undocumented immigration for obvious reasons.

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I learned in US history that the political views of Democrats and Republicans shifted. It seems like it is shifting back.

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47 minutes ago, ryoncé said:

how is this even possible when Trump is out there saying immigrants are horrible people....


like how on earth are these very people supporting him???? its insanity




Ahh yes, the ironic American fear of someone conquering their country.

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2 hours ago, HardBambi said:

Losing votes .. to who? Not to Trump I supposed because that would be suicidal 

I think you would be surprised.  I know a couple Latino and Asian voters who voted or are considering voting for Trump. It’s not a majority but definitely indicative of a decreasing vote share. 

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1 hour ago, ryoncé said:

how is this even possible when Trump is out there saying immigrants are horrible people....


like how on earth are these very people supporting him???? its insanity




Well quite simply because POC =\= immigrants.  Just like white people =\= immigrants.  Other issues are more important to them (i.e economics).  (Also not to mention the can of worms that is racism between POC). 

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