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Isn't the "AI" we're seeing everywhere actually just machine learning?

Pop Art

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I don't pretend to be an expert in this area at all, but it's kind of annoying seeing "AI" starting to get plastered everywhere when I feel like what we're actually seeing (at the commercial/everyday level at least) is machine learning, not legitimate artificial intelligence.


Am I missing something? From my nontechnical perspective, it sort of feels like everyone just decided to jump the gun and call what we have now AI because it "feels" like it at the surface level even though it's not really true artificial intelligence. :deadbanana:


I understand the term "AI" has become more of an umbrella term as of late (under which machine learning sits), but to call what we're seeing with ChatGPT and the like AI...sits weird with me because I don't think it really is. :katie: (Unless I'm wrong?)

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It's just a marketing term to inflate your product's value. Like how they added internet to everything back in the dot com bubble era

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  • ATRL Moderator
6 minutes ago, Pop Art said:

I understand the term "AI" has become more of an umbrella term as of late (under which machine learning sits)

I mean you kind of explained it all here, no?


Also, machine = non-human = artificial

Learning = knowledge retention = intelligence


So "artificial intelligence" and "machine learning" are inherently pretty close, conceptually.

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Machine Learning is by definition a subset of AI, so I do not see the issue.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Machine Learning is a tool for AI. You can think of it as something falling under the family of tools and ideas that encompass Artificial Intelligence. It involves taking a set of data and extracting patterns from it, either to make predictions later, or clustering/manipulating/reducing dimenstionality the data to extract insights, etc. Using a computer or machine to learn about the world. 


AI is the process of leveraging computers, including tools from the ML toolkit, to produce behaviour mimicking human intelligence patterns. Products such as Chat-GPT are solidly AI. It is a product that uses both machine learning (neural network model, regression, etc.) and other tools, including complex instruction and alogirthms to guide the behaviour of the underlying infrastructure, to produce an interface that mimicks a human converser. AI. 


So no, AI we're seeing everywhere is AI for the most part. Machine Learning is only machine learning down to using tools such as K-means or KNN. 

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I mean yes and no. Might be an issue of semantics tbh. But AI is more and more becoming just a marketing catch-all term for the new hot thing.


That said, many models out there being developed like by Google, OpenAI, etc are full, genuine AI models and not just machine learning.

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5 minutes ago, jqnetto said:

Machine Learning is by definition a subset of AI, so I do not see the issue.



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artificial intelligence is a broad term that has many different meanings. it can refer to both machines that simply mimic intelligence and futuristic/sci-fi concepts of artificially created consciousnesses

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25 minutes ago, jqnetto said:

Machine Learning is by definition a subset of AI, so I do not see the issue.



It was annoying at first, but AI is better for marketing than explaining what machine learning really is.  Companies want the GP to think AI is magic.

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My friend who works in this field, other than helping me with the making of some AI models behind some famous AI Covers I posted, told me that what we're seeing is the result of machine learning so yes. It's correct

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Isn't that all AI really is is machine learning? I mean, essentially, human intelligence has a primary learning component. Sure, intelligence is somewhat dictated by genetics and how that relates to cognitive functioning, but how we develop our intelligence is through learning. I'd assume it's pretty similar in the case of machines. Machines possessing and cultivating (artificial/ non-human) intelligence. 

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machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence. they are not two different concepts


Also chatgpt is generative AI (another subset of AI) not machine learning. The way chatgpt replies to anything we ask falls under generative AI.


the concepts used to build chatgpt were machine learning tho.

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