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Why do pathological liars lie about nonsense?


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I know someone that lies about the dumest, most unimportant stuff and always gaslights me into believing its true. for example, its half past 8 but he lies and says its a quarter past 8. just dumb stuff that can be easily proven wrong but he still lies about it. the lies go further where they will tell stories that happened to them which you just know are manipulated and stuff that was completely made up.


i like this person a lot but i cant trust them because of this anymore. I never understand why people who are pathalogical liars lie and it seems that there is no solid reason why they do it. What is your theory why people do this and if you dealt with pathalogical liars / narcissists in your life… how did you deal with them?

Edited by KatyPrismSpirit
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I kinda think they can't help it. They lie so much that they have no idea what's true and what's a lie anymore, so they just say anything.

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People like this are broken at the core and cannot be helped by a normal person usually. Some people just lie so much that they have to cover up a lie with another lie that turned in a tangled mess that cannot be fixed :redface:. It's probably for the better that you just try your best to start distancing yourself. Because eventually they'll lie about you too and get you caught up in something you have nothing to do with.

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I once lied to a classmate at uni that my mum was born in Kyrgyzstan while my grandparents were travelling in the Soviet Union :snowball:

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I have no idea. Perhaps it’s tied to narcissism and trust issues. My mum will even lie about which shop she’s going to if she goes out for shopping :dies:


I will never understand lying about tiny things like that. Must be exhausting 

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Come to the mic Sza 🎤

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5 minutes ago, airplane said:

Come to the mic Sza 🎤

her lying about never having a tv … was so odd

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I had to cut off my best friend because of this.  If they don’t have the self awareness to address their compulsive lying then you can’t maintain a relationship with them, if you second guess everything they say. 

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because it feeds our everlasting void 

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They’re practicing for important lies

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they need professional help to address it, not much you can do 

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i have so many crazy stories and anecdotes that I always get worried ppl think I’m a pathological liar :thing: 

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Well I mean your question also contains your answer. 


It's pathological. 


Pathological means that it's a compulsive and obsessive behavior, usually stemming from some sort of mental illness. They're not lying with intention, it's a habit that they cannot break themselves out of. They don't discern between what things are worth lying about what isn't, it's just an automatic response. The same way some people with OCD obsessive over certain things that don't make sense. It's difficult for someone on the other side to tolerate and deal with for sure, but it's also difficult for the person with the compulsion to deal with as well. 

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dumest? Oh the irony. But to answer your question if you choose to interact with this person who's constantly insulting your intelligence then simply choose not to interact with them. If they don't pay your bills the relationship is only so important and it is being soured by these useless lies. Better to keep your peace and sanity by not fukin with that corny liar

Edited by Tudors
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