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6 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Welp seems like you were correct 💀

Isn't it interesting that those most upset about people wanting Biden to not be awful and earn their vote are largely not American but European nationals (doesn't that description oddly fit you too?)? So interesting. :celestial5:


I don't know, girls. If my county's livelihood depended on generosity and aid from Americans in the form of military weapons, I wouldn't make my entire interaction with American politics as a European blind stanning of a geriatric politician who largely hates poor people. 


Demonizing poor Americans for wanting healthcare? Okay, sis. I guess we can both go without heallthcare after Trump wins and your country too has to triple its military spending to combat invading neighbors. Whoopsies. Guess we're all gonna suffer. :cm:

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10 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Welp seems like you were correct 💀

I know. It's always the same. I have also learned to not respond to them. Ever. It's a bottomless pit.

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1 minute ago, ontherocks said:

I know. It's always the same. I have also learned to not respond to them. Ever. It's a bottomless pit.

Enjoy that free German healthcare while it lasts, sis! You're gonna get to learn what's its like to be an American too. :fan: and yall thought those cold winters without Russia oil were already bad as it is. :chick3:

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can i win the lottery and move to denmark already?

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30 minutes ago, Communion said:

Who started what war?


White supremacists like you not even from or living in America but championing the usage of US tax payer dollars to slaughter Palestinians are almost enough to convince me to actively campaign against Biden. 


Yall want to revel in the slaughter of Palestinians? **** around and find out and some of us with our vote can make all of us suffer as badly as you're apparently indifferent to Gazans suffering. :celestial5:

You know exactly what I am talking about. By Genocide Joe logic, if Biden is complicit in the suffering of Palestinians then Hamas leaders and their elite supporters in Iran and Qatar are ten times more complicit. 


I would not give Israel money even if they were fighting for a good cause  considering how powerful they are in comparison to their neighbours let alone to bomb hospitals. They simply don't need it, I'd rather use the money for charity. 

Edited by Aristotle
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It's over for all of us! I'm going back to Mexico tbh.




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Not trying to say he isn't a dangerous piece of **** but sometimes I can't help but wonder if he really supports all of that or if he's just being an useful idiot because he likes playing president so much that doesn't care about the consequences at all. :mandown:

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That pround homewrecker defender trying to claim moral high ground 



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Just now, Aristotle said:

You know exactly what I am talking about. By Genocide Joe logic, if Biden is complicit in the suffering of Palestinians than Hamas leaders and their elite supporters in Iran and Qatar are ten times more complicit. 


I would not give Israel money even if they were fighting for a good cause  considering how powerful they are in comparison to their neighbours let alone to bomb hospital. They simply don't need it, I'd rather use the money for charity. 

And yet you're demonizing Americans who don't think it makes sense for their tax dollars to go buy other rich nations fighter jets and bombs instead of supplying poor Americans with access to healthcare? 


No American election is going to be decided by Israel's horrific genocide in Gaza. Foreign policy is not at the center of focus tor most voters. The larger harm of Biden being so pro-genocide is that foreign policy is disproportionately important to activists who volunteer their time.


What's more likely to make Biden lose is that he allowed 17M Americans to be kicked off of Medicaid within the last year alone. 



But I guess if the girlies posting from Warsaw and Berlin think that is fine, we then all will get to enjoy a taste of beautiful American capitalism under Trump. Yall can join us in the fun too. :coffee:


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Just now, Communion said:

And yet you're demonizing Americans who don't think it makes sense for their tax dollars to go buy other rich nations fighter jets and bombs instead of supplying poor Americans with access to healthcare? 


No American election is going to be decided by Israel's horrific genocide in Gaza. Foreign policy is not at the center of focus tor most voters. The larger harm of Biden being so pro-genocide is that foreign policy is disproportionately important to activists who volunteer their time.


What's more likely to make Biden lose is that he allowed 17M Americans to be kicked off of Medicaid within the last year alone. 



But I guess if the girlies posting from Warsaw and Berlin think that is fine, we then all will get to enjoy a taste of beautiful American capitalism under Trump. Yall can join us in the fun too. :coffee:


I was not demonizing anyone I was simply correcting "it's all Biden's fault" narrative.

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6 minutes ago, Raptus said:

That pround homewrecker defender trying to claim moral high ground 



But then if I write in Ariana Grande on my ballot and your country ends up a satellite state under Russia (not something I think could happen but acknowledging your claim that America owes Europe to defend it from Russia), I'm meant to... feel at fault?




Again, this is why liberalism - particularly European liberalism - should be of no concern to any American. 


You say to not care about foreign policy and the wars America helps to wage on countries in the Global South, and that poor Americans should put their interests first...


...but you don't care about poor Americans. 


You don't think Biden should be supported because his domestic policies help poor Americans, because they largely don't. You like him because his foreign policy funnels billions in American tax dollars to the benefit of your country. 


And so to the reality of the average non-voting American, you respond with how Americans are privileged over Europeans and not voting for Biden comes from a place of privilege...after just bashing the idea that it takes privilege as an American to prioritize your own needs and ignore how one's vote for Biden enables mass slaughtering of people in the Middle East?... Oh.




#Ariana2024 I guess it is then.

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26 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

@Communion you're lucky I did not report you cause you'd get banned. 

What, suddenly you don't like the idea of making people face the consequences of certain electoral outcomes? :chick3: I thought that was Biden's entire electoral strategy. 


I myself don't *want* any of the consequences I'm describing to happen (continued Russian imperialist expansion, further collapse of European economies). I'm simply acknowledging no differently that these are all likely outcomes if Trump wins. Just like you and others. 


Difference is I'm acknowledging maybe the best way to prevent these things from happening is not to browbeat, mock, and demonize the actual only people capable of stopping it. Maybe your ire should be aimed at the DNC for committing to such an unelectable candidate. 


But I guess it's all "haha Americans so dumb and stupid" until Americans sitting at home on election day realistically has more chance to destroy and disrupt your nation's stability than its own. Hmm. :chick2:

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11 minutes ago, Communion said:

Difference is I'm acknowledging maybe the best way to prevent these things from happening is not to browbeat, mock, and demonize the actual only people capable of stopping it. Maybe your ire should be aimed at the DNC for committing to such an unelectable candidate. 


From my perspective, predicating one's vote entirely on a genocide that was going to happen regardless of whether Biden gave Israel any support, and that will continue to happen no matter the outcome of this election as a symbolic, single-issue show of discontent is a worthless cause and a waste. You can argue that degrading anti-Biden voters is pushing them away even further, but it's how I choose to cope with the fact that Trump is practically guaranteed to win this election at this point. I can choose to take my anger out on the DNC or I can choose to take my anger out on them, and I'm choosing the latter, because at least the DNC provides a sliver of hope that Trump will lose (given that they're running the only guy who even has spitting distance odds of pulling it off), something that single-issue anti-Biden voters essentially rob from me. Maybe it's petty and more personally cruel than your method, but I think I'm more likely, at this point, to shame people into voting for Biden than you are into shaming the DNC to pick a different candidate. 


To me, it feels like single-issue anti-Biden voters in swing states are choosing to give Trump the golden ticket to dramatically ramp up aid to Israel; to gut all social services; to ban birth control, no-fault divorce, gay marriage, and birthright citizenship; to increase deportations to an unprecedented scale; and to destroy all the remaining democratic institutions we have, just to prove a point. Yes, what's happening in Gaza is abhorrent and Joe Biden has supported it, and not giving him your vote is well within your rights, but whoops! Trump is president now, and he's going to take everything you hated about Biden and make it a million times worse! I don't support any degree of US aid to Israel, but I support increased US aid for Israel plus the rolling back of as many social services and civil rights as possible even less. 


The DNC has made its choice. You can hate Biden as a candidate as much as you want (and I certainly do), but only a naïf, a deluded ideologue, or an idealistic wannabe-revolutionary would consciously ignore the consequences of not supporting that choice. I'll save my ire against the DNC until February 2025. Of course, in the unlikely reality that Biden actually wins the next election, then there's a conversation to be had in the DNC about not gambling the fate of the country on shitty, unpopular candidates because you can bank on the other guy being less popular, but that's a conversation for February 2025 (assuming Trump hasn't shut the DNC down and imprisoned most of its leadership by that point). 

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24 minutes ago, wastedpotential said:

From my perspective, predicating one's vote entirely on a genocide that was going to happen regardless of whether Biden gave Israel any support, and that will continue to happen no matter the outcome of this election as a symbolic, single-issue show of discontent is a worthless cause and a waste.

That’s a shallow perspective. There are actual American voters that have lost loved ones in Gaza from attacks funded with our taxes because of Biden choosing to fund such attacks. Those voters have every right to not want to vote for Biden. You cannot explain away that trauma and tell them to sideload that fundamental problem with Biden. That’s a ridiculous claim. If you cannot empathize with why genocide is a sin too far gone for people to reconcile, then that’s on you. But you vote shaming them isn’t helping anyone. The focus now should be on trying to get the Democratic Party to listen to the demands of those voter blocs that can swing entire presidential elections. 

The voter bloc I just described was pivotal for Biden winning Michigan in 2020 and Biden is choosing to ignore their plights. That ultimately is on Biden and the Democrats for choosing to ignore that very legitimate problem. 

Pro-Biden people need to stop mistaking anyone highlighting that Biden has too many chinks in his armor to be a strong candidate against Trump as being “pro-Trump”.

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5 hours ago, suburbannature said:

The literal fascism. 

But, yes, let’s continue to focus on Hunter Biden or Hillary Clinton. Thank you, Bernie Bros, for voting third party in 2016 just for your candidate to turn out to be a Zionist as well. 

More Bernie voters voted for Hillary in 2016 than Hillary voters voted for Obama in 2008. What does Bernie have to do with Trump possibly beating Biden in 2024 though? Is Bernie running? 

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1 hour ago, Raptus said:

Communion week after voting for Trump in next elections:


Beyoncé - Ring The Alarm on Make a GIF

Trump wouldn’t get sworn in until 2025, so is he going to be round up by the DNC?

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Aww, thats sad!


Imagine if the Dems actually cared about all of this and picked another candidate instead of being busy funding and supporting the killing and raping of Palestinians right now and screaming "but Trump will do XYZ!!!". Eat ****!



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6 hours ago, Dula Peep said:

impeach donald trump GIF by Pretty Whiskey / Alex Sautter


Y’all realize Hillary isn’t the candidate in 2024, right? What is Biden doing to rally his party behind him?

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1 minute ago, Bloo said:

That’s a shallow perspective. There are actual American voters that have lost loved ones in Gaza from attacks funded with our taxes because of Biden choosing to fund such attacks. Those voters have every right to not want to vote for Biden. You cannot explain away that trauma and tell them to sideload that fundamental problem with Biden. That’s a ridiculous claim. If you cannot empathize with why genocide is a sin too far gone for people to reconcile, then that’s on you. But you vote shaming them isn’t helping anyone. The focus now should be on trying to get the Democratic Party to listen to the demands of those voter blocs that can swing entire presidential elections. 

The voter bloc I just described was pivotal for Biden winning Michigan in 2020 and Biden is choosing to ignore their plights. That ultimately is on Biden and the Democrats for choosing to ignore that very legitimate problem. 

Pro-Biden people need to stop mistaking anyone highlighting that Biden has too many chinks in his armor to be a strong candidate against Trump as being “pro-Trump”.

You can call it shallow, but I'd consider it pragmatic. Netanyahu would've carried out this exact same campaign of terror with or without US aid, secure in the knowledge that AIPAC will always be able to sow enough discord in congress to prevent any US intervention. I can offer those voters sympathy for the tragic and senseless loss of their loved ones in Gaza, and then I can offer them further sympathy once their non-citizen friends and family in this country get deported back to Gaza, let alone the endless possibilities of Trump (and his chief advisor Stephen Miller) stripping them of their own citizenship. I'm incredibly sorry that Biden has unwaveringly supported a regime that has gleefully slaughtered their loved ones, but ignoring the elephant in the room doesn't serve anyone. It's well within their right to vote for whoever they choose to and for whatever reason they may choose to, but it's also within my right to be critical of people who choose to vote in a way that enables a Trump victory when he's making the consequences of that outcome this clear several months in advance. 


The DNC and the Biden administration are continuing to make incredibly stupid decisions, but that doesn't discount the fact that they're the only choice (for swing state voters, at least) that doesn't directly lead to a dramatic ramp up in aid to Israel; the gutting of all social services; a ban on birth control, no-fault divorce, gay marriage, and birthright citizenship; an increase in deportations to an unprecedented scale; and the destruction of the remaining democratic institutions left in the US. Maybe it's shallow, but I think it's short-sighted for those voters in Michigan to cast their votes in a way that enables the victory of a candidate whose chief immigration advisor is literally floating legal pathways to try to strip citizenship from all immigrants (+ their descendants) who arrived in the US after Hart-Cellar, which would include about 99% of all Muslims in the US, along side tens of millions of people. It's a shitty place to be, but when the options are A) genocide, and B) genocide + mass deportations + the end of birthright citizenship + the destruction of what remains of the US welfare state + the stripping of civil rights and basic liberties from literally every group of people that aren't straight, white, Christian men, the decision seems pretty cut and dry... Biden is a universally awful President and candidate, but everything bad about Biden will be substantially worse under Trump. 


Regardless, as I said earlier, I think Trump has incredibly strong odds right now, and I believe that the pathway to weakening those odds is to convince those voters in Michigan that maybe it is in their best interests to vote for Biden in spite of the cruelty they have suffered at his hand, rather than to convince the DNC to run a different candidate (because that's clearly not working). Maybe that's a calculation you disagree with, but it hardly matters given that this is Trump's election to lose anyway and we'll all get to ride out the consequences together. 

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1 hour ago, wastedpotential said:

From my perspective, predicating one's vote entirely on a genocide that was going to happen regardless of whether Biden gave Israel any support

Again, not sure this is even meaningful of an occurrence outside of Michigan for anyone to fearmonger over. And not sure hand-wringing is how you convince Arab Americans that it was okay for Biden to support their grandmother, cousin, aunt, uncle, brother, or friend being massacred by Israeli artillery. 


I'll reiterate the below. Y'all need Trump to lose to ensure ~Western democracy is protected and to protect Europe from Russia~?

Okay then, we'll do a trade. Get Joe to support Medicare For All to earn my and others' vote and we'll protect Europe's future.  :bird:

No Medicare For All? No US military budget for the West to have. :heart2:

2 hours ago, Communion said:

And yet you're demonizing Americans who don't think it makes sense for their tax dollars to go buy other rich nations fighter jets and bombs instead of supplying poor Americans with access to healthcare? 


No American election is going to be decided by Israel's horrific genocide in Gaza. Foreign policy is not at the center of focus tor most voters. The larger harm of Biden being so pro-genocide is that foreign policy is disproportionately important to activists who volunteer their time.


What's more likely to make Biden lose is that he allowed 17M Americans to be kicked off of Medicaid within the last year alone. 



But I guess if the girlies posting from Warsaw and Berlin think that is fine, we then all will get to enjoy a taste of beautiful American capitalism under Trump. Yall can join us in the fun too. :coffee:



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2 minutes ago, wastedpotential said:

You can call it shallow, but I'd consider it pragmatic. Netanyahu would've carried out this exact same campaign of terror with or without US aid, secure in the knowledge that AIPAC will always be able to sow enough discord in congress to prevent any US intervention. I can offer those voters sympathy for the tragic and senseless loss of their loved ones in Gaza, and then I can offer them further sympathy once their non-citizen friends and family in this country get deported back to Gaza, let alone the endless possibilities of Trump (and his chief advisor Stephen Miller) stripping them of their own citizenship. I'm incredibly sorry that Biden has unwaveringly supported a regime that has gleefully slaughtered their loved ones, but ignoring the elephant in the room doesn't serve anyone. It's well within their right to vote for whoever they choose to and for whatever reason they may choose to, but it's also within my right to be critical of people who choose to vote in a way that enables a Trump victory when he's making the consequences of that outcome this clear several months in advance. 


The DNC and the Biden administration are continuing to make incredibly stupid decisions, but that doesn't discount the fact that they're the only choice (for swing state voters, at least) that doesn't directly lead to a dramatic ramp up in aid to Israel; the gutting of all social services; a ban on birth control, no-fault divorce, gay marriage, and birthright citizenship; an increase in deportations to an unprecedented scale; and the destruction of the remaining democratic institutions left in the US. Maybe it's shallow, but I think it's short-sighted for those voters in Michigan to cast their votes in a way that enables the victory of a candidate whose chief immigration advisor is literally floating legal pathways to try to strip citizenship from all immigrants (+ their descendants) who arrived in the US after Hart-Cellar, which would include about 99% of all Muslims in the US, along side tens of millions of people. It's a shitty place to be, but when the options are A) genocide, and B) genocide + mass deportations + the end of birthright citizenship + the destruction of what remains of the US welfare state + the stripping of civil rights and basic liberties from literally every group of people that aren't straight, white, Christian men, the decision seems pretty cut and dry... Biden is a universally awful President and candidate, but everything bad about Biden will be substantially worse under Trump. 


Regardless, as I said earlier, I think Trump has incredibly strong odds right now, and I believe that the pathway to weakening those odds is to convince those voters in Michigan that maybe it is in their best interests to vote for Biden in spite of the cruelty they have suffered at his hand, rather than to convince the DNC to run a different candidate (because that's clearly not working). Maybe that's a calculation you disagree with, but it hardly matters given that this is Trump's election to lose anyway and we'll all get to ride out the consequences together. 

Biden should’ve stepped aside ages ago. Even Nate Silver are calling for him to be replaced. The jig is up. 

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2 hours ago, Attitude said:

It's over for all of us! I'm going back to Mexico tbh.





what are we going to do sis



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