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Do you use an automatic espresso machine at home? Should I get one?

Kayseri Mantisi

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I was on the verge of buying one that's from a really good brand, but i really can't be sure about cleaning process since it seems like such a chore & complicated to do it every month. Cleaning tablets, oiling, descaling and more.


(i'm not talking about Nespresso devices that are used with capsules, the one i'm talking about processes the coffee beans that you put in)


If you're using, does it really worth all of these? Should I get one? Is the regular maintenance process really annoying like some people say?

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I’ve had a proper coffee machine with beans for over 1.5 years. One of the best purchases!!! 

The cleaning is very straightforward, it’s in the manual. I only need a coffee machine cleaning liquid and that’s it, the programme does the rest. 

Now, me and my bf drink a lot of coffee (4shots every morning per person and then more of that throughout the day), so I would say buying beans is the annoying part because they run out quickly in my situation. 

We got a machine with a steamer on the side but I’ve only used it once in all this time.

Edited by Lana Banana
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I had a DeLonghi one but I sold mine as I was younger at that time and didn’t realise how much I never used it, but I would definitely get one now that they’re cheaper, you can get a proper Breville one for £250 with automatic bean to cup and automatic tampering, I’m thinking about it myself tbh, cause I loved making proper coffees, I have a Nespresso Vertuo machine but I prefer the manual coffee machines, cause the coffee tastes better when you make it from scratch.

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I have a Sage barista pro. Well worth the money and it isn’t difficult to clean at all. Paired with freshly roasted beans, whew. I’ve saved so much money in the long run

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honestly my sage bambino espresso machine was cute for like the first month but the novelty wore off and the maintenance makes it such a CHORE for me now. occasionally i’ll use it, just not as often as i should be considering the price :katie:

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I have one and it's a bit tedious tbh, I'm considering switching to a drip machine even if the quality of the coffee is worse

Edited by playboi
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deffo worth it taste-wise.

are you saying that you might get a machine that grinds the beans and makes the espresso? like an all-in-one?

ive used those and theyre great. not something to use if you dont have the time but i dont really find the cleaning/maintenance that bad.

the more expensive ones allow you to steam the milk perfectly/to your taste. :mmm:

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8 hours ago, flower moon said:

are you saying that you might get a machine that grinds the beans and makes the espresso? like an all-in-one?

Yup, thinking to get a Philips or Siemens. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!

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I have a Breville Barista Express and I've MORE than obtained my value out of it and have had it for about 6 years now. I make a latte every single morning and the cleaning of it really isn't that big of an issue. Every few months maybe? As long as you take care of it they're great investments. Takes a little getting used to finding the right grind size, amount of coffee to use, etc.

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i have a delonghi one and tbh they're lowkey annoying. every time i turn it on it wants something from me. it's either no water, empty the coffee waste or refill beans :rip: but all of this is done quite fast and i've had mine for like 6 months and it hasn't asked for descaling yet.


the coffee is amazing though and very much worth it

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I prefer French press

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