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Scooter Braun and 400 others call for inclusion of Israel in Eurovison.


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48 minutes ago, Windy Day said:

but when kanye said that the industry was filled with zionists they said it was a "conspiracy theory"




Did he say zionists or jews? I'm pretty sure he always talks about all jews, not just zionists. 

Edited by Taylena
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American zionists do not get an opinion on ESC

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1 hour ago, AvadaKedavra said:

Is not Israel a middle eastern country? i thought Eurovision was for European countries only :giraffe:

They even have Australia participating now. It's all a big joke. 

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We have been shocked and disappointed to see some members of the entertainment community calling for Israel to be banished from the Contest for responding to the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust

are you ******* kidding me :deadbanana4: so manipulative 


the people who signed this list are ROTTEN

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1 hour ago, AvadaKedavra said:

Is not Israel a middle eastern country? i thought Eurovision was for European countries only :giraffe:

Israel has been competing for like 50 years though.  This is not new. 

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having americans sign a list for a european show that makes absolutely no waves over here, totally unsuspecting guys :rip:

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Not a coincidence that most of the biggest champions of Zionism are capitalist vermin and that should tell you all you need to know about its legitimacy :cm:

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A zionist "country" located in the middle east being part of Eurovision never made sense to me... And it's also against Israel's continuous desperate attempts to be seen as legitimate, because why would they participate in a European contest if they think of themselves as a legal Asian middle eastern country :-*.

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These American Zionists need to stay out of this! They have nothing to do with Eurovision. 

Eurovision was created to bond countries after war. To include countries which are committing ethnic cleansing would be contrary to the initial mindset behind. I don’t personally want Israel to be included in the competition. If the EBU could ban Russia, they can ban Israel now. Azerbaijan should be banned as well. They are literally committing ethnic cleansing in another EBU country.

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Either kick them (and Azerbaijan!) out or, if they really want to go all out with their "non-political" bs, invite back Russia. 

Edited by JennyWayne
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Thank God, my faves weren't on this list. If Russia is banned, Israel should be and should stay banned. 

No sympathy for the genocidal especially with those pro-genocide anthems they have been producing, EW.

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The head of the Grammys being on this list... shocking

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3 hours ago, Gwendolyn said:

Let's not try to remedy a man who said he wanted to go 'Death Con 3' on all Jewish people.


3 hours ago, Taylena said:


Did he say zionists or jews? I'm pretty sure he always talks about all jews, not just zionists. 

he said jews but we know his autistic ass can’t express himself and this isn’t even a drag nor it is an attempt to defend him. i understand what he meant, but the way he delivered his message was wrong on every level. still, we can see today that he isn’t totally wrong. the industry IS filled with zionists and control some of the biggest media groups. i knew kanye wasn’t 100% wrong when he brought up the very real fact that french billionaires are exploiting african countries and doing neo colonialism and everybody quickly shut him down (doesn’t help that he dropped the h**** bomb in the same speech :rip:)


anyway, back the topic, look at all those powerful CEOs backing israel :laugh: i seriously feel awful for palestinians

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3 hours ago, Gwendolyn said:

Let's not try to remedy a man who said he wanted to go 'Death Con 3' on all Jewish people.

also he meant "defcon 3" meaning he had to get ready to defend himself against them. proving my point that he’s horrible at expressing himself :laugh:

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This is one of the worst things Helen Mirren has ever done but i'm not surprised...look at what she said when she played Golda Meir: 

“I witnessed things that were wrong,” she said of her visit. “I saw Arabs being thrown out of their houses in Jerusalem. But it was just the extraordinary magical energy of a country just beginning to put its roots in the ground. It was an amazing time to be here.”


so like you saw Arabs being ethnically cleansed yet you didn't give a **** because there was a cool energy of a contry being established by ethnically cleansing the local Arabs? wtf?

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"Among 400+ celebrities" But where are the celebrities? These D listers genocide supporters can rot, they are irrelevant in the US but in Europe nobody even knows their names and nobody of us could care less about their opinion regarding OUR show

Edited by taylor__fan
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the whole thread does not contain a single post that is not completely stupid, full of hate or totally inhuman. time to log out

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mmmhmm I bet they've never watched Eurovision... that being said... ESC is not going to remove them... but the public can still give them ZERO POINTS ! :gaycat5:

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On 2/15/2024 at 11:56 PM, 4th Time Around said:

Why am I not surprised to see Scooter, Boy George and Sharon Osbourne on a list like this?

Steve Harvey Cringe GIF by ABC Network

I did not have "Boy George takes a stand against kidnapping hostages" on my 2024 bingo card.



On 2/16/2024 at 12:04 AM, glitch said:

Why do all of these Americans suddenly care about Eurovision? :rip:

When bombs are falling on children, there are always going to be a huge number of Americans that will take the side of the people dropping the bombs, as long as they are American bombs and the children are perceived as being not white enough or not western enough to be worthy of protection.


From Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, through to more recent wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Saudi bombing of civilians in Yemen, they are happy to see bombs falling on children.


There were a lot of Americans that supported Hitler too.


18 hours ago, Alex said:

The head of the Grammys being on this list... shocking

The same Grammy president that had the Ukrainian president on the Grammy show in 2022, because Ukraine had been invaded and occupied by Russian troops and Russia attacked hospitals and killed civilians.


But now he believes that music events should be non-political?

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I saw Gregg Sulkin’s name in OP and was so worried that daddy signed the wrong petition :jonny:


Glad he didn’t!

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israel isn't even in europe, why are they in this in the first place?

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If Israel participates I pray we witness the biggest humiliation in television history.

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