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Year of Shadow

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Wait at the bug apocalypse :deadbanana2:

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Omg the insect genocide :rip:


Atrl serving lack of taste like always, some of you f@qq0ts have so much internalized homophobia, the kuntie mons leaving first round will never sit well with me, let’s have introspection :fish2:

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Some uglees out :clap3:

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Nothing but TRASH taken out I see :clap3:

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5 minutes ago, Sawk said:

Atrl serving lack of taste like always, some of you f@qq0ts have so much internalized homophobia, the kuntie mons leaving first round will never sit well with me, let’s have introspection :fish2:

Luvdisc and Illumise? :psyduck: Are the cvnt mons in the room with us right now

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looks a lil lost but can flash the way - memeboy” why did this send me :ahh: 

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I'm late but I LOVE seeing the fireflies out already :clap3:as they should

Y'all did Barboach wrong tho

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I gave Plusle a 1, & Minun a 10 just to make sure that ***** wouldn't outchart the better colorway, but it looks like it never would've anyway :clap3:

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oops sorry I forgor


Not displeased with any of the losses so far even though Plusle and Minun both should already be out back to back. I guess Volbeat could have stayed longer.

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4 minutes ago, Canon said:

Pokeraters Comments: *normal pokestan nonsense*


@gardendreams Comments: Me trying an edible for the first time : r/IThinkYouShouldLeave

i said i would eat 13 of them



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one of the ones i would eat might be in the top 30 :lakitu:

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Is it just me? I can’t see any pictures? I don‘t even know who is eliminated. 

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The way bug got a genocide this round but Volcarona winning Gen V before. The duality. :laugh:

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Plusle and Minun are perfect and adorable and it’s not their fault GF ran the Pokeclone gimmick to the ground. Y’all just miserable and GAY!

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No 15's yet so far. 

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0, 5, 8, 3, 1, 8, 7, 6, 7, 7


mixed bag


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Not the europhobic MAGA time slots again :oxygen2:

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omg the visuals :O 
@HeyDude You did what? THAT! 

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7 hours ago, BambiStar said:

Luvdisc and Illumise? :psyduck: Are the cvnt mons in the room with us right now

Yes, both very cvnt :gaycat1:

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Can't complain about any of the eliminations so far, but Plusle leaving before Minun and Huntail before Gorebyss seems... interesting. And as much as I don't care about Illumise and Volbeat whatsoever, I will give flowers where flowers are due – they did somehow manage to serve one (1) time:


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Volbeat > Illumise

Plusle = Minjn


Volbeat and Illumise >>>>>>>>>>>>> the boring clones

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I gave out a ton of 1's.


I should have given The Firefly Sisters a pity 2 or a 3.


At least they're cute but, oh well. 


I probably would have given The Firefly Sisters a 2 or a 3, if either one was a Shadow Pokémon in Colosseum or XD but, they're not. 

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Carvanha, Sharpedo, Surskit, Masquerain, Azurill, Clamperl and that flop Zigzagoon line can all kindly leave ASAP.


I actually prefer The Firefly Sisters to all of those 8 Pokemon I just mentioned.


Huntail & Gorebyss > Carvanha & Sharpedo 




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