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Friend being really dramatic about turning 27 in a few months. How to "console" him?


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? the people asking me to sleep with him and suck him off, when if anything it's the rever-




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47 minutes ago, Price of Fame said:



gen z is gonna handle aging so foolishly 

producers of Botched are about to make some serious money in the coming years :rip:

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People in their forties believe that he is still a child lol

Edited by Strawberry Bubble
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I have major age anxiety too.


At some point you have to just accept it. Aging is one of the only universal experiences of all living things. No one is exempt, we all go through it.


Worrying about it means you are wasting the youngest moments you have left remaining on this Earth. You are never going to be younger than you are right now. He will turn 27 and wish he was still 21. He will turn 30 and wish he was still 27. He will turn 40 and wish he was still 30. 


Someone once recommended to me that every morning, wake up imagining that yesterday you were 75 years old. How grateful you would be to be 27 (or 30, 35, etc).


It's all about perspective and he's going to lose the rest of the youth he has left worrying if he doesn't fundamentally change how he views his age.

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tell him to go outside and touch grass. there's so many people who die young and never get to experience aging.


god it's sad how vapid and vain so many people are

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He kinda needs to get a grip about the age thing and I agree with what someone else said that this is just a manifestation of a larger self-esteem issue


There are people who turn 37, 47, 57 etc and still get up every day and go to work, do their best, etc etc. There will come a time when he looks back and kicks himself for letting himself feel so old and washed up or whatever while he’s still relatively quite young and hasn’t even been an adult for 10 years

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Gwen Stefani was 27 when she wrote her best album "Return of Saturn" with her band No Doubt. Let that and songs on that album inspire him!

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I’m 30.  Does he have group of friends and celebrities that he grew up with? Sometimes that helps. Most my long terms friends are either 30s or late 20 like 28 plus. 
Also most of the celebrities I grew up adoring or familiar with like Beyoncé , Rihanna , Taylor, Gaga, Katy , Britney , Usher , etc are all above 30 now . So naturally, I just feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be and not ageing alone .


The perception of we are all ageing together actually helps. Also no much difference between 21 and 27 anyway, they will all be in their 50s in 30 years time , so it’s still his age bracket . Lol

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Slap him like Cher and tell him: “You’re pushing 30! Snap out of it!” 


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Just say something mean and block him

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Honestly this is one of those situations where tough love is needed. Tell him to get a grip. I'm turning 27 this month and I genuinely have never felt better. It's time to take up some new hobbies and realise you'll never be as young as you are now. Enjoy the present and stop worrying about the future

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17 hours ago, Phantom said:

He KEEPS bringing it up and I feel like I have to console him, and no matter what I tell him he just doesn't believe me?? I mean if you're going to compare yourself constantly to 21 year olds you will always feel old, but he doesn't stop

I have huge gaps in my family too. I have first cousins on my mom's side who are literally 18/19 years younger than me; I can almost see where you're friend is coming from.



Then we have my dad's side where my oldest first cousin is 40 years older than me (he is even older than my dad, who is his uncle!).


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:rip: what a loser 

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tell him to shut the **** up

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Is he gay :suburban:

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Tell him you're actually 38 and you didn't rot so that's good to look forward to.


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The lashings :rip:

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Tell him everything there is to know about Club 27 :cm: 


But no, he needs to grow up (ironically).

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help him relax by giving him the iconic suqq

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Tell him to take a breath.





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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/5/2024 at 8:53 AM, ithinkheknowsoutsold said:

I have huge gaps in my family too. I have first cousins on my mom's side who are literally 18/19 years younger than me; I can almost see where you're friend is coming from.


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Then we have my dad's side where my oldest first cousin is 40 years older than me (he is even older than my dad, who is his uncle!).


Sis very similar, and ngl I see what the problem is but like...I guess he triggers me too?


He called me crying a day before and it just bothered me more than anything.

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1 hour ago, Phantom said:

Sis very similar, and ngl I see what the problem is but like...I guess he triggers me too?


He called me crying a day before and it just bothered me more than anything.

No I can understand you getting triggered. When I brought up my feelings about being so much older than my cousins to my sister (who is 4 years older than me), she scolded me partially for making an issue out of nothing and then later on for kind of triggering some anxiety in her too (although it wasn't nearly as bad as mine).


I think the best way to address this would be to see some positive older role models, older people (as in people between 35 & 40, not 80 year olds) who don't seem too affected by their age and are still doing well for themselves. That personally helped relieve a lot of my anxieties, maybe that could help your friend too and cause him to stop passing on his insecurities to you?

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Sorry but I can't take seriously somebody who is "suffering" or getting bad anxiety just for turning 27 :rip: 


It's truly giving 'Kim there's people dying' and not having real problems to deal with in their life, when people deal with more serious issues especially related to health, family and financial, not to mention what it's happening around the world.


More than a consolation, you should give them a lecture.




Age truly doesn't matter as long as a person is fine health wise.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/18/2024 at 5:34 AM, ithinkheknowsoutsold said:

No I can understand you getting triggered. When I brought up my feelings about being so much older than my cousins to my sister (who is 4 years older than me), she scolded me partially for making an issue out of nothing and then later on for kind of triggering some anxiety in her too (although it wasn't nearly as bad as mine).


I think the best way to address this would be to see some positive older role models, older people (as in people between 35 & 40, not 80 year olds) who don't seem too affected by their age and are still doing well for themselves. That personally helped relieve a lot of my anxieties, maybe that could help your friend too and cause him to stop passing on his insecurities to you?

Very late reply but he called me crying and it triggered the **** out of me :mazen:

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