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'I Am: Celine Dion' available on Prime Video now | 100% on Rotten Tomatoes


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I Am: Celine Dion is currently No. 1 in 36 countries around the world on Amazon Prime Video:


#1. Bahamas

#1. Belgium

#1. Bulgaria

#1. Canada

#1. Croatia

#1. Czech Republic

#1. Denmark

#1. Estonia

#1. Finland

#1. France

#1. Greece

#1. Hungary

#1. Iceland

#1. Ireland

#1. I*rael

#1. Latvia

#1. Lithuania

#1. Luxembourg

#1. Madagascar

#1. Morroco

#1. Namibia

#1. Netherlands

#1. New Zealand

#1. Norway

#1. Papua New Guinea

#1. Republic of the Congo

#1. Romania

#1. Rowanda

#1. Serbia

#1. Slovakia

#1. Slovenia

#1. South Africa

#1. Sweden

#1. Switzerland

#1. Uganda

#1. United Kingdom

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2 hours ago, ninetiesceline said:

I Am: Celine Dion is currently No. 1 in 36 countries around the world on Amazon Prime Video:


#1. Bahamas

#1. Belgium

#1. Bulgaria

#1. Canada

#1. Croatia

#1. Czech Republic

#1. Denmark

#1. Estonia

#1. Finland

#1. France

#1. Greece

#1. Hungary

#1. Iceland

#1. Ireland

#1. I*rael

#1. Latvia

#1. Lithuania

#1. Luxembourg

#1. Madagascar

#1. Morroco

#1. Namibia

#1. Netherlands

#1. New Zealand

#1. Norway

#1. Papua New Guinea

#1. Republic of the Congo

#1. Romania

#1. Rowanda

#1. Serbia

#1. Slovakia

#1. Slovenia

#1. South Africa

#1. Sweden

#1. Switzerland

#1. Uganda

#1. United Kingdom

Number what in the US?

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Just got done watching the doc. It's pretty harrowing. Praying for Céline's betterment. 

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8 hours ago, MP3 said:

Number what in the US?

#1 movie and #2 content overall

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watched it yesterday, it's touching and so vulnerable... seeing her suffer through one of the seizures was heartbreaking :sosad:

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That one scene. Confronting, gut-wrenching and extremely heartbreaking.


But the way that scene flipped from darkness to light and she found joy in the music.

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Watched it last night and it was a mistake... because, I couldn't stop crying at all she's gone through, and is continuing to go through.

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21 hours ago, dopamina said:


This is so sad to watch, heartbreaking. I will try to watch the doc this weekend.

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I watched it this morning and my heart just broke for her. She's always had such a genuinely beautiful and humble soul. It's heartbreaking to see her have to go through this. I admire her courage and honesty in bringing this condition to light and giving us a glimpse at her life.

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I just finished watching the doc. I am so heartbroken for her. I was crying from start to end.


She has given the world so much with her voice since she was just a young girl. I can't believe how cruel this all is. 


She does seem to be in a better place now, but she will always live with this disease. I hope they've found a way to control those seizures because that was terrifying for me to watch. I can't imagine what she goes through when that happens. 


A part of me wishes that I hadn't seen her in crisis like that. It's going to stay with me forever. I may just start crying the next time I listen to her music being haunted by everything she's going through.

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On 6/27/2024 at 8:02 AM, Rocket said:

That one scene. Confronting, gut-wrenching and extremely heartbreaking.


But the way that scene flipped from darkness to light and she found joy in the music.


On 6/25/2024 at 4:59 PM, ChapelHooker said:

the scene of her having a crisis towards the end was so harrowing to witness, oh my god. to be honest, the documentary ended on a really sad note.


On 6/25/2024 at 7:16 PM, MP3 said:

it's the only thing I would criticize about the doc, it should have ended with a more optimistic approach but at the same time I mean it's a serious disease and situation but she's Celine the most optimistic singer out there 

It's interesting to see the different interpretations of the ending that I've been reading. Everyone seems really split about it.


For me, I felt saddened by the ending. I really feel that it ends on a sad note. I almost feel like this is it. She's never going to perform again. You have her struggling to sing along to a song. Then cut to a young Celine with all her hopes and dreams ahead of her. So sad. 


But then you see her out and about now and she seems to be in a really good place so things seem positive now.

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she's truly an angel, watched with my mom and aunt and we cried a lot. 

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My Queen! The way she just loves being on stage and with people. Singing every single time she can. (I dare anyone to go after her "songwriting") 


She is the definition of conviction. The most important part of a musician, actor, performer, anyone in show business. 

I watched half of it the day before and stopped right after her singing All By Myself, I could barely imagine how hard that must have hit at the time. 

Later I watched the rest and that last scene was terrifying, no other pop girl would dare go that deep and show that. It's not a diary entry, it's deeper life and she's been through so much this past decade. I hope to see her love as soon as she and her health allows. 

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