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Act like it's 1547 and Henry VIII has just died


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On this day in 1547, the infamous King Henry VIII died.


I will roleplay as his sixth and final wife, Catherine Parr:


Chelsea Manor, London


My dear journal,


The news has reached my chambers, heavy with sorrow and uncertainty. It is the 28th of January in the year of our Lord 1547, and word has been whispered through the halls of the palace that my lord and husband, King Henry VIII, has departed this mortal coil. I find myself enveloped in a tapestry of emotions :cries:


Though our marriage was more a matter of political alliance and mutual respect than passionate love, the death of the King leaves a great void, not just in the heart of the kingdom but in the very fabric of English politics and society. Henry, a monarch of immense power and influence, a ruler who reshaped the Church and the state, leaves behind a realm in a state of flux :redface:


As a queen who has navigated the turbulent waters of Henry's court, surviving where others tragically fell, I am now faced with the daunting task of securing my own future and position. I must consider the welfare of the Princess Elizabeth, whom I have come to love and cherish as my own. Her education and well-being remain of utmost importance to me.


The young Prince Edward, now Edward VI, ascends to the throne, but he is but a child, and the realm will be governed by a council until he comes of age. The politics of the court will be a delicate dance of power and ambition, and I must tread carefully to ensure my safety and influence.


While I grieve for the King, I must also be pragmatic. My own religious leanings, more reformist than the late King's, might now have a chance to flourish, or they might put me in peril if I am not cautious. The future is uncertain, and the path ahead fraught with challenges :dancehall3:


I must now retire to my chambers to mourn, to reflect, and to plan. The world I knew with Henry at its helm is gone, and a new era beckons – one that I must navigate with wisdom and courage. For now, I shall pray for the soul of my departed husband and for the guidance to face the trials that await.


I command myself to God's grace and prepare for another day.



Edited by Gelato
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Edited to correct an inaccuracy - I originally put the location as Sudeley Castle in Gloucestershire but on second thought it's much more likely Catherine would've been at Chelsea Manor in London at the time of his death.

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King Henry, a monarch of unmatch'd vig'r and resolveth, did guide our realm through times of most wondrous upheaval and changeth. His passing signifies not only the loss of a king but the endeth of an epoch yond shall f'rev'r beest etch'd in the annals of our hist'ry. I cannot holp but recall the king's grandeur, his boldness in establishing the church of england, and the many strides our nation madeth und'r his ruleth. Though his reigneth wast did mark by tumult and strife, t wast eke a p'riod of undeniable growth and transf'rmation. 

In this timeth of mourning, i findeth myself reflecting on the impact that gent hadst on our liveth and our state.  The king's decisions did shape our nation in ways yond shall resonate f'r gen'rations to cometh. T is a legacy yond, despite the controv'rsies, shall remaineth a significant parteth of our h'ritage. As we visage this p'riod of unc'rtainty and transition, i taketh comf'rt in knowing yond we art unit'd in our grief and desire f'r the future.  May we findeth strength in each oth'r and in the mem'ries of king henry's f'rmidable presence

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5 minutes ago, illia said:

King Henry, a monarch of unmatch'd vig'r and resolveth, did guide our realm through times of most wondrous upheaval and changeth. His passing signifies not only the loss of a king but the endeth of an epoch yond shall f'rev'r beest etch'd in the annals of our hist'ry. I cannot holp but recall the king's grandeur, his boldness in establishing the church of england, and the many strides our nation madeth und'r his ruleth. Though his reigneth wast did mark by tumult and strife, t wast eke a p'riod of undeniable growth and transf'rmation. 

In this timeth of mourning, i findeth myself reflecting on the impact that gent hadst on our liveth and our state.  The king's decisions did shape our nation in ways yond shall resonate f'r gen'rations to cometh. T is a legacy yond, despite the controv'rsies, shall remaineth a significant parteth of our h'ritage. As we visage this p'riod of unc'rtainty and transition, i taketh comf'rt in knowing yond we art unit'd in our grief and desire f'r the future.  May we findeth strength in each oth'r and in the mem'ries of king henry's f'rmidable presence

Thank you for sharing sister


What beautiful words

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The Man Who


Listening to this in his honour.



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omg king henry died? he tanked so we really dont gaf.


anyways, does anybody else think that in around 450 years, a new heiress will emerge named ava max that will outsell his ass? i randomly got a vision chile

Edited by KatyPrismSpirit
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another inbred monarch in the casket

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He made everything to have a son and to leave the Kingdom to a man. Imagine if in the future a daughter will outpeak him and outlegend him



Edited by vale9001
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Now I will roleplay as his second wife, Anne Boleyn:


Ye Olde Honest Vocal Coach: *rubs crystals* :psych:




Ye Olde Honest Vocal Coach: I am getting a reading


*Ye Olde Honest Vocal Coach goes into a trance and begins channelling the late queen*


Ah, Henry, thou art gone, and here I wander, headless Anne, through these ethereal halls. Once queen, now but a specter, I feel neither joy nor sorrow at thy demise. Our fiery love and bitter end echo in the silent whispers of history. May our daughter, Elizabeth, eventually reign with wisdom, free from our shadow. Farewell, my once king. In death, may we find the peace that life so cruelly denied us.



Edited by Gelato
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A maids shakesperian soliloquoy from 1547:


"Pretty much I would let Henry know
that he is a fat c*nt
and, um the shoes that he gave me were
not something that I would particularly
buy for myself.
They were old maiden type of shoes, and
he said that those shoes were meant to
be worn on a beautiful man
So if that is the case he should have put
them back on the rack and he should
never even purchased them because he
was UNQUALIFIED to own those shoes if that's the case"

Edited by Makibro
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Stream Greensleeves to celebrate :angelo:

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yes, and?

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He's DEAD!!! :clap3:

FINALLY this misogynist is gone. Instead of naming his daughter his heir... He had to murder his wives to remarry just so he could have Edward. Edward was at least raised by Queen Dowager Catherine, right? Hopefully he's been influenced by her... A strong woman not afraid to state her views. :clap3: Hopefully the new King has learned and will not repeat the misdeeds of his father... And though I feel awful for Princess Mary, hopefully she never touches the throne... I wouldn't underestimate her hatred of Protestants after everything she's been through... :doc: Poor Princess Elizabeth... She would be a marvelous Queen, but I don't see it happening for her. Too many obstacles for her going forward.


Long live the new King :ryan3:

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He will be missed. A legend for saying f u to the pedo-filled Catholic church:heart:

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Omg Nicki nooooo

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He will rot in hell for torturing innocent people




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I just had a vision. It was the far far future. There was a Queen. A global, shapeshifting Queen. More powerful than any king before her.  When she spoke her voice sounded sweet, just like a prayer. She spoke to me with words that I can't yet  comprehend, so I wrote them down:


Dont you stand there

let's get to it

Strike a pose,

there's nothing to it



Don't know the meaning yet, but something big is comming, I feel it, love's coming down like...Rain



Luigi & Iango: Unveiled (Hardcover) | Face in a Book

Edited by Raptus
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Remember when you dissed me to side with that frog eyed ****?? Me too.


This feel betta than a drug //

To run it out of luck its still funny just because//

you said you would have my head hmmmm but somebody came and took yours instead! Ahahahaahahaha:ducky:


-Bxboy: The 16th Monarch Of The West House :fan:

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