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Nicki Vs Megan Megathread (HISS & Bigfoot)


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2 minutes ago, CatchIt said:

yknow what's funny. You ppl on the thread do the EXACT same thing. Ya'll circlejerk with your anti-Nicki posts and downvote anyone that takes a different view. Like how are you any different from her?

Um we aren’t married to a rapist or bailing pedophiles out of jail?

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8 minutes ago, Nicolette said:

Nicki is clearly not in her right mind, so I'm not sure what you guys are enjoying or what y'all find funny about this. This does not benefit either of them and has gotten to the point of no return, which is so unfortunate. You just never know what anyone is going through, and what might push them over the edge. A mess all around. 


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2 minutes ago, CatchIt said:

yknow what's funny. You ppl on the thread do the EXACT same thing. Ya'll circlejerk with your anti-Nicki posts and downvote anyone that takes a different view. Like how are you any different from her?

Probably the fact that he didn’t marry a r*pist / murderer

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Just now, Lille said:


No, you dont have to feel sorry. I'm just super concerned for both of them, and i don't find it funny at all. I feel like this can easily go very bad. 

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She’s still going??? :deadbanana: 

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17 minutes ago, Stimulus said:

Sounds like what someone in an "Only God Can Judge Me" shirt would say while stealing clothes from a store. We can call out anyone we want.



Kenneth Petty is a registered sex offender and this information is public, thanks to Megan's Law.



Sure, nobody said you can't call out Nicki for her actions. You're perfectly entitled to. But also, be prepared to take the heat from others who don't share the same moral compass. Morality is not black and white. If it were that simple, a lot of what you guys are suggesting (like perpetual condemnation) would have been codified into law but its not. 


Yes, her husband is a registered sex offender, the information is public and he is subject to certain restrictions that he has to comply with. And what exactly is your point? Is he doing anything that is in violation of the restrictions or is he not allowed to get married to anyone? And if he did violate any restrictions, was he not subject to legal consequences? What exactly was the outcome of the legal case because as far as I'm aware, he's not in jail now. 


And not really sure what's your point sharing the interview. I fully sympathise with what she went through and I will not downplay it but I think the courts should determine what the consequence should be (and not random ATRL users and stans on Twitter). 


Anw I'm tired of this nonsense....this thread is abt Nicki and the horse and I still do think Nicki is going to come out of this.

Edited by CatchIt
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1 minute ago, CatchIt said:

this thread is abt Nicki and the horse


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She did have competition though, the Iggy Azalea erasure



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A 48+ hour drug-fueled psychosis. How has nobody stepped in yet?

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Just when you think it’s about to be the end, she takes another bump.


I fear for her nostrils when all is said and done.



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1 minute ago, Fitzswiftie said:

She did have competition though, the Iggy Azalea erasure



Did she put Papa Bear to bed? Like go be a mother already. :skull: 

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She could’ve used all this energy to secure a new beat and write a verse but ima be quiet cause it’s embarrassing. :deadbanana2:

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1 minute ago, Rogue said:

Did she put Papa Bear to bed? Like go be a mother already. :skull: 

Kenneth doing all the chores in da registered residence  is the kii for me :ahh:

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1 minute ago, Rogue said:

Did she put Papa Bear to bed? Like go be a mother already. :skull: 

She filled his bottle with Mountain Dew, switched the tv on to play Baby Shark and scattered some goldfish all over the floor, then hightailed it back to her overheated Mac.

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6 minutes ago, Fitzswiftie said:

She did have competition though, the Iggy Azalea erasure



Iggy was never competition lol.

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Not 13 pages since I went out to dinner with friends. I thought this ***** finally sobered up n went to feed her baby :giraffe:

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3 minutes ago, Rocket said:

She filled his bottle with Mountain Dew, switched the tv on to play Baby Shark and scattered some goldfish all over the floor, then hightailed it back to her overheated Mac.


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9 minutes ago, Rogue said:

Did she put Papa Bear to bed? Like go be a mother already. :skull: 

I hope her nanny is getting paid overtime for this bs



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I know this crazy nazi of all people didn’t try coming for Meg’s bodyyy; she’s clearly already lost and grasping for the last straw that clearly only exist in her psychotic imagination



Edited by Kh-Loud
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2 minutes ago, Bewitched said:

I hope her nanny is getting paid overtime for this bs



Hope she has a manny, can’t trust Kennith.

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55 minutes ago, CatchIt said:

Look, I'm sorry for what you went through but you still don't get to be a moral police. Nobody does. You are not Nicki and you don't walk in her shoes. You don't know the man. You're not a personal victim of her husband. You probably don't even have a good understanding of the legal case and have likely pieced together information from a bunch of anti-Nicki accounts on Twitter. If you are a woman (idk if you are), you'd know damn well to not attack another woman for what her husband or brother did. And I can only hope some of you can get out of your woke shells and accept that people do change for the better and it simply isn't fair to hold them to what may have happened YEARS ago especially if they have paid their dues. 

Defending a rapist and a pedophile to support a rapper you like is certifiably insane. Doing so in a statement to a sexual assault survivor is actually just at its core completely evil. That should be an automatic no questions asked ban. 

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Not someone hitting up Cheryl Lynn for her thoughts. 


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8 minutes ago, Lightbringer007 said:






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