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Project 2025: Trump’s plan for full-blown dictatorship if elected

Horizon Flame

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3 hours ago, WokeEqualist said:

The fact that some of y'all genuinely believe the Palestine situation would be better under Trump :ahh::ahh::ahh: America is cooked

Literal worms for brains…

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1 hour ago, Raver said:

More fear mongering & insulting voters you and Biden need for him to win lmao good job 😴😴😴😴

It's completely delusional to reject reality when it's represented to you in the face like this. You sound exactly like the type of person who believes in Project Fear. But stay  😴😴😴😴 , dear.

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It's sad that this thread is just 5 pages of people arguing with each other about things that have nothing to do with project 2025. Did any of you read the plan? It contains things like:

- Jailing members of the media who speak negatively of the president

- Banning abortion & porn

- Rolling back gay rights

- Not doing anything to fight climate change

- Dismantling the separation of church and state


Is that what you want?




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Democrats did it themselves. BOTH Trump terms will be 100% their fault. Inepts

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46 minutes ago, Rep2000 said:

It's completely delusional to reject reality when it's represented to you in the face like this. You sound exactly like the type of person who believes in Project Fear. But stay  😴😴😴😴 , dear.

You sound like the QANON version of the far left believing made up conspiracy theories. Good Night 😴😴😴

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31 minutes ago, PillowCase said:

It's sad that this thread is just 5 pages of people arguing with each other about things that have nothing to do with project 2025. Did any of you read the plan? It contains things like:

- Jailing members of the media who speak negatively of the president

- Banning abortion & porn

- Rolling back gay rights

- Not doing anything to fight climate change

- Dismantling the separation of church and state


Is that what you want?




So what are the Democrats doing to make Biden more appealing to voters?

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  • ATRL Moderator
41 minutes ago, PillowCase said:

It's sad that this thread is just 5 pages of people arguing with each other about things that have nothing to do with project 2025. Did any of you read the plan? It contains things like:

- Jailing members of the media who speak negatively of the president

- Banning abortion & porn

- Rolling back gay rights

- Not doing anything to fight climate change

- Dismantling the separation of church and state

What is there to talk about? Literally none of these things are new. :rip: 

  • "Lock Her Up" was a literal rallying cry from 2016 (albeit it never happened, but the sentiment was there).
  • Abortion rights were overturned during Biden's presidency with a Democratic majority in the Senate and the House.
  • They're already rolling back gay rights at the state level and are actively trying to criminalize trans people altogether.
  • They've never done anything about climate change since the turn of the century.
  • The GOP has always pushed for Christian rule.

This all sucks and is terrible, of course. But this is standard issue GOP politics. We talk about it everyday. It's more relevant to discuss how Biden can position himself in a way that improves his chances of reelection. Saying, "Omg, Trump is bad" is going to result in him losing again. He should get on his typewriter and draft up some inspirational platform that gets people excited to vote for him. Now is the time for him to campaign like democracy depends on it (or drop out and let someone up for the job do it).

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We are doomed. I already live in Texas. :chick3:

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13 hours ago, Bloo said:

What is there to talk about? Literally none of these things are new. :rip: 

  • "Lock Her Up" was a literal rallying cry from 2016 (albeit it never happened, but the sentiment was there).
  • Abortion rights were overturned during Biden's presidency with a Democratic majority in the Senate and the House.
  • They're already rolling back gay rights at the state level and are actively trying to criminalize trans people altogether.
  • They've never done anything about climate change since the turn of the century.
  • The GOP has always pushed for Christian rule.

This all sucks and is terrible, of course. But this is standard issue GOP politics. We talk about it everyday. It's more relevant to discuss how Biden can position himself in a way that improves his chances of reelection. Saying, "Omg, Trump is bad" is going to result in him losing again. He should get on his typewriter and draft up some inspirational platform that gets people excited to vote for him. Now is the time for him to campaign like democracy depends on it (or drop out and let someone up for the job do it).

You need to re-read it then. Getting rid of the department of justice, FCC, and FBI are "new". Making it so the president can deploy the military for domestic law enforcement under the Insurrection Act is "new". These new plans are far more extreme than they ever been, much more than "they always did nothing for climate and didnt like gays"


Also this comment you made "Abortion rights were overturned during Biden's presidency with a Democratic majority in the Senate and the House." is misleading. You need a super majority of 60 votes to avoid republicans filibustering (which they vowed to do) and Democrats did not have that majority. Also we had two democratic senators siding with republicans :rip:


Agree with the bolded though, Biden's messaging and platform need to drastically change (would prefer if he stepped down altogether)

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  • ATRL Moderator
1 hour ago, QueenB said:

You need to re-read it then. 

I was directly responding to a comment listing out certain things that are not new.

Regardless, none of the document is shocking. The GOP is a fascist regime. The Democrats have been saying that for ages and I agree with them. So why would I be shocked by anything in that document? It’s a bit surprising it’s as explicitly fascist as it is, but it’s in keeping with the spirit of the GOP. So, still nothing new for me. 


Also this comment you made "Abortion rights were overturned during Biden's presidency with a Democratic majority in the Senate and the House." is misleading. You need a super majority of 60 votes to avoid republicans filibustering (which they vowed to do) and Democrats did not have that majority. Also we had two democratic senators siding with republicans :rip:

It’s not misleading. I never said that Biden had a supermajority; Obama, however, did in his first term when he decided just not to try codifying Roe v. Wade into law.


The reason I mention that is that Kamala Harris going on The View and saying we need to reelect Joe Biden and win Democrats the House and Senate to save abortion rights is unconvincing since they did next to nothing when they had both Houses last time—and Roe was overturned during the same time. I personally am still irritated that Biden was working to appoint an anti-abortion federal judge in Kentucky, my home state, after the Dobbs decision. His administration has done effectively nothing in either words or actions to rally for abortion rights.

My larger point is that voters have every right to feel their vote does not matter because Biden and the Democrats have taken voters for granted for too long. 

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23 hours ago, wastedpotential said:

I certainly agree with this, there is no effective method of enforcement that any other country can use to punish the US for its actions because of its military might, economic self-sufficiency, and current penchant for isolationism. That being said, does the thought of what Trump would be capable of, after having destroyed the few remaining domestic political guardrails and with men like Stephen Miller and Nick Fuentes whispering in his ear without any remaining moderating influences, and without any international force able to intervene to stop him, not scare you?


Biden's handling of the genocide in Gaza has been a catastrophic and cruel lack of action, and in any rightful world I wouldn't feel compelled to vote for him, but entrusting the situation to a man who once came dangerously close to provoking a nuclear escalation with North Korea over Twitter, a man who has taken to interpolating some of Hitler's core vernacular into his stump speeches (and who will gleefully implement some of Hitler's policies onto Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Arab Americans once given the chance), a man who has made comments stating that he'd give Israel as much support as they needed to escalate the violence further and "finish the job", seems shortsighted at best. 


I hate that Biden has failed to live up to 99% of his campaign promises, and I hate that he's the only other viable outcome that the US political system has provided, and I hate that his election advisors have directly chosen to make this gamble, and I especially hate that he's doubling down on his pro-Israeli stance in spite of the horrific suffering that is causing in Gaza and the clear consequences we will all likely face because of that choice. And yet, I'm still planning to vote for him.


I'm not going to try and convince you that Trump will be worse, because I know that you know that, and it's clear that you believe we all deserve it anyway, and you do have the right to vote for who you want (at least for now), so I won't waste my time. I'm glad you've found a way to absolve yourself of personal responsibility for Trump's future actions, but an abstention or third-party protest vote (especially from a resident of a swing state) that directly lead to the destruction of my country and to mass human suffering on a scale that makes what's happening in Gaza pale in comparison would probably drive me to suicide. I can only hope for your sake that you still feel so strongly about the righteousness of your anti-Biden stance a few months into 2025. 

These essays… Spend this time holding your Dem “lesser evil” politicians accountable if you don’t want “the destruction” of the US. 

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12 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:

These essays… Spend this time holding your Dem “lesser evil” politicians accountable if you don’t want “the destruction” of the US. 

Nahhhhhh, they'd all rather just berate people whose votes genuinely don't matter rather than actually doing what would be necessary to win.

Edited by ClashAndBurn
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In Europe we are told that opinion polls of the U.S. public indicate that it is likely Trump will be re-elected. The News suggests there is a suspicion amongst the U.S. public that Biden is in the early stages of a degenerative disorder and those around him are trying to keep it under wraps.


We know Democrats are rightly sympathetic toward funding weapons for Ukraine to use to fight Russia and lessen the impact Russia has in its unremitting efforts to take over Ukraine (in the first instance).


We know Republican senators will block this funding and re-apportion it toward strengthening the U.S./ Mexico border. I really don’t know if the fear of a Mexican invasion is something Americans truly fear or if it’s drama whipped up by the media.


America purports to hate communism yet Russia is a communist state and it was apparent from Trump’s first term in office that he and Putin (both being on the right of the political spectrum) got on well and that Trump appears to actually like Putin.


It is illogical why the U.S. working classes and the rest of Trump’s base don’t fear Trump’s sycophancy towards Putin and the communism he represents as the media suggests communism is perceived to be “Un-American” by the average U.S. citizen and a threat to the American way of life, yet Trump’s (very considerable) base appear incredulously oblivious to what their leader’s feelings are towards Putin and that base continues to support Trump nonetheless.


There is a real fear and growing danger in Europe that Putin is getting increasingly trigger happy and building up confidence towards using Russia’s Nuclear capabilities (of a similar size and strength as those Nuclear capabilities of the U.S.) against Ukraine in the first instance but it has been widely speculated by several sources that Putin merely sees Ukraine as the first country (of many) that he seeks dominion over in his pursuit of increasing Russia’s influence globally with the end goal of Russia taking over not only Europe but ultimately the U.S. as his endgame.


Yet, despite Trump’s alignment and friendship with Putin (and Putin being communist in nature), it appears U.S. media outlets (such as Fox News) are instead spreading a message of fear against Mexicans invading America and how only Trump can secure the U.S. border against them.


If I were American and working class I’d be far more concerned with the threat of my country’s potential next leader aligning himself to the leader of a communist state, a state that represents a culture and interests that are the absolute antithesis of American values.


Yet it appears that Trump’s base fear Mexicans more than the increasing threat of a mushroom cloud, cancer and all out threat of nuclear invasion by Russia.

I really think those supporting Trump need to ask themselves what they consider worse, Mexicans crossing the U.S. border or nuclear missiles being launched against them by Russia?

Edited by Dante Silva
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It's all very depressing. It's looking likely Biden is going to lose to one of the most hated men in the world.... What does that say about him???:rip:



Even if Biden wins, we get 4 more years of.... this? And then what? 8 years of Desantis?  :gaycat7:

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  • ATRL Moderator
6 minutes ago, Dante Silva said:

It is illogical why the U.S. working classes and the rest of Trump’s base don’t fear Trump’s sycophancy towards Putin and the communism he represents as the media suggests

How did you write paragraphs about Trump being scary because he’s communist? :bloo:

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Just now, Bloo said:

How did you write paragraphs about Trump being scary because he’s communist? :bloo:

No. I stated he sympathises towards the communist leader of a country that is traditionally seen as being the antithesis to American values and interests. 

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The president don’t even have that much power. Stay in school kids

Edited by Gorjesspazze9
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16 minutes ago, Dante Silva said:

America purports to hate communism yet Russia is a communist state and it was apparent from Trump’s first term in office that he and Putin (both being on the right of the political spectrum) got on well and that Trump appears to actually like Putin.


It is illogical why the U.S. working classes and the rest of Trump’s base don’t fear Trump’s sycophancy towards Putin and the communism he represents as the media suggests communism is perceived to be “Un-American” by the average U.S. citizen and a threat to the American way of life, yet Trump’s (very considerable) base appear incredulously oblivious to what their leader’s feelings are towards Putin and that base continues to support Trump nonetheless.

Girl WTF are you talking about.

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8 minutes ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

The president don’t even have that much power. Stay in school kids

Um The president (along with his judge picks and his admin picks combined with his lackeys in congress) absolutely does have the power to make all of this happen. 💀 

Edited by GhostBox
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I promise you, on God, there is nothing less persuasive of an argument to get people rallying around Biden than "Biden needs you to stop Trump from bringing about communism and not continuing aid to Ukraine".


Biden hasn't even gotten weed rescheduled despite having the power to do entirely in his hands.

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  • ATRL Moderator
11 minutes ago, Dante Silva said:

No. I stated he sympathises towards the communist leader of a country that is traditionally seen as being the antithesis to American values and interests. 

You think Vladimir Putin is a communist? :rip: 

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  • ATRL Moderator
17 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Um The president (along with his judge picks and his admin picks combined with his lackeys in congress) absolutely does have the power to make all of this happen. 💀 

Don’t worry. I’m sure the Senate parliamentarian won’t stand for any of it. 

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Dr. Alexander
On 1/17/2024 at 7:28 PM, Trent W said:

But life became more expensive and harder under Biden, and honestly he lowkey had a worse term and Palestine :rip:

Minorities went through absolute hell under Trump’s administration, and it’s very telling of who you are as a person to even make such an ignorant comment. We still see the effect of it today. It would have never gotten this bad if Trump was never in office. Hate crimes were at a lower rate from 2009-2016. 



We find compelling evidence to support the Trump Effect hypothesis. Using time series analysis, we show that Donald Trump’s election in November of 2016 was associated with a statistically significant surge in reported hate crimes across the United States, even when controlling for alternative explanations. Further, by using panel regression techniques, we show that counties that voted for President Trump by the widest margins in the presidential election also experienced the largest increases in reported hate crimes. 



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17 minutes ago, Bloo said:

You think Vladimir Putin is a communist? :rip: 

No, I intimated that he represents a state rooted in communism.


I am of the belief that Putin (himself) is ultimately an egoist.

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22 minutes ago, Bloo said:

You think Vladimir Putin is a communist? :rip: 

It’s pretty clear that whenever people spew this nonsense, they think communism encompasses any and all forms of totalitarian dictatorship.


Gullible neoliberals think Nazism is a leftist ideology because the Nazi party’s name was shorthand for “Nationalist-Socialist” :skull:

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