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Project 2025: Trump’s plan for full-blown dictatorship if elected

Horizon Flame

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I will never understand why socialism is a dirty word in America and why the working classes support right wing politicians who want to deny them free healthcare at all costs whilst throwing money gleaned from public taxes at the military.

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5 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

Joe Biden is following protocol


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6 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

not risk destabilizing the middle east even worse than it already is and protect US interests in the region


Israel and the US :clap3: The most stabilising forces the world has ever known!


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At least we can seek advice from people in countries destroyed by US-backed dictatorships on how to cope I guess

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"Why won't you realize 'TRUMP IS BAD!!' is a convincing argument to vote for Biden??"


Meanwhile, Biden, moving to the far right to woo Republicans in Congress while his admin pushes the message to them in hopes of sealing the deal: "Under Trump, we won't be able to convince Congress Dems to give you AS MANY THINGS AS WE ARE PROMISING TO GIVE YOU RIGHT NOW!".




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maybe it will get so bad under Trump that people will wake tf up and never vote Republican ever again.  And maybe the outrage will be so huge that it will cause massive young voter turnout in 2028 to remove them all.  

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Israel: *murders +30,000 people. 70% being women/children*

Zionists and Biden bros:

37 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

Has Israel been found guilty in an international court of law?


Then until then, this is rhetoric, and nothing more.

Lmfao y'all are a joke. You deserve Trump and more.

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America is about to be ran again by 4chan members and the "progressive" voices are once again calling for a boicot of the "lesser" evil (which is still bad af but you get the point)... Y'all really have some God-like complex of being the saviors of the World by standing for "what's right" (even when we all know a Republican administration will obliterate what's left of Palestine quicker than any Democrat in the White House would). America has been a right wing nation for a while now, progressive platforms will never thrive in a land of extreme individualism, extreme greed and delusions of grandeur. 

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Democrats are too weak to combat this. Maybe they are ok with it happening, either way we are ******

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1 hour ago, Miss Show Business said:

Leftists will literally let the US descend into a fascist authoritarian dictatorship before admitting any wrongs :doc:


I do not care if you hate both parties. Vote for the platform that sucks LESS. Time to radically accept that this is our reality.

we have the numbers to win..

its time to suck it up and do what’s best for the country, we have no other choice you losers

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7 minutes ago, TaggedGalaxy said:

Democrats are too weak to combat this. Maybe they are ok with it happening, either way we are ******

Of course they’re okay with it happening. How else will they get back into “fundraise and network without the perceived responsibility of doing anything” mode? The Democratic Party thrives under conditions that they know are horrible for voters.

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Loves it! Can't wait for him to fix the middle east

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26 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

Israel: *murders +30,000 people. 70% being women/children*

Zionists and Biden bros:

Lmfao y'all are a joke. You deserve Trump and more.

"I don't think / don't know if Israel is committing genocide"



"Israel has committed no war crimes and is completely innocent"

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2 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

"I don't think / don't know if Israel is committing genocide"



"Israel has committed no war crimes and is completely innocent"

The fact that you don't think Israel is committing genocide is.....even worse

Edited by State of Grace.
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1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

And you support a president and political party that is materially aiding an ethnic cleansing carried out by an apartheid state. You have zero moral high ground to stand on.


I don't even support Trump, but the Democrats don't deserve to hold power ever again, given what they are allowing to happen.

and the Republicans do? what do you think they'll do? what do you actually think will happen in Palestine with Republicans in power?

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2 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

The fact that you don't think Israel is committing genocide is.....even worse

The fact that you continue to make the worst generalizations even though I continue to present to you multiple different angles...

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Biden had shitty boomer views indeed.


There is no way in hell that means that people should elect Trump. America needs to stop thinking in binaries, it's ******* reductive. Left and right. Good and evil. 


Find alternatives. Push alternatives and vote for those.


Either way, the current political class seems a bit too close to the saying "Let nature take its course". I'm afraid neither Biden or Trump could see the end of their term at their current age, health and with whatever is happening in the world. Anyone of that age would croak. 

Edited by jadeabove
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1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Israel has already said they will disregard anything that comes out of The Hague. They know what they're doing, and how they've shown their genocidal intent on full display for the entire world to say. Joe Biden is trying to provide them with financial/military support and diplomatic cover, so he's also complicit. But the United States and Israel both act with impunity in all of the atrocities they've ever committed because they know they have unique privilege and support from white Europeans.

I certainly agree with this, there is no effective method of enforcement that any other country can use to punish the US for its actions because of its military might, economic self-sufficiency, and current penchant for isolationism. That being said, does the thought of what Trump would be capable of, after having destroyed the few remaining domestic political guardrails and with men like Stephen Miller and Nick Fuentes whispering in his ear without any remaining moderating influences, and without any international force able to intervene to stop him, not scare you?


Biden's handling of the genocide in Gaza has been a catastrophic and cruel lack of action, and in any rightful world I wouldn't feel compelled to vote for him, but entrusting the situation to a man who once came dangerously close to provoking a nuclear escalation with North Korea over Twitter, a man who has taken to interpolating some of Hitler's core vernacular into his stump speeches (and who will gleefully implement some of Hitler's policies onto Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Arab Americans once given the chance), a man who has made comments stating that he'd give Israel as much support as they needed to escalate the violence further and "finish the job", seems shortsighted at best. 


I hate that Biden has failed to live up to 99% of his campaign promises, and I hate that he's the only other viable outcome that the US political system has provided, and I hate that his election advisors have directly chosen to make this gamble, and I especially hate that he's doubling down on his pro-Israeli stance in spite of the horrific suffering that is causing in Gaza and the clear consequences we will all likely face because of that choice. And yet, I'm still planning to vote for him.


I'm not going to try and convince you that Trump will be worse, because I know that you know that, and it's clear that you believe we all deserve it anyway, and you do have the right to vote for who you want (at least for now), so I won't waste my time. I'm glad you've found a way to absolve yourself of personal responsibility for Trump's future actions, but an abstention or third-party protest vote (especially from a resident of a swing state) that directly lead to the destruction of my country and to mass human suffering on a scale that makes what's happening in Gaza pale in comparison would probably drive me to suicide. I can only hope for your sake that you still feel so strongly about the righteousness of your anti-Biden stance a few months into 2025. 

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6 minutes ago, o0l0o said:

and the Republicans do? what do you think they'll do? what do you actually think will happen in Palestine with Republicans in power?

All I know is that genocide-supporting liberals deserve at least a fraction of the misery they are inflicting on the world. I don’t care. I despise Joe Biden and everyone who has ever supported him.

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Those two rabid ultra-left dogs here always yapping at Biden will probably stay mum, when Trump is elected and turns Gaza into a parking lot, because at least Biden and libs got OWNED!!!111 God, they really live in their fantasy world :toofunny2: You don't get a moral higher ground either way, so stfu already

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2 minutes ago, wastedpotential said:

I certainly agree with this, there is no effective method of enforcement that any other country can use to punish the US for its actions because of its military might, economic self-sufficiency, and current penchant for isolationism. That being said, does the thought of what Trump would be capable of, after having destroyed the few remaining domestic political guardrails and with men like Stephen Miller and Nick Fuentes whispering in his ear without any remaining moderating influences, and without any international force able to intervene to stop him, not scare you?


Biden's handling of the genocide in Gaza has been a catastrophic and cruel lack of action, and in any rightful world I wouldn't feel compelled to vote for him, but entrusting the situation to a man who once came dangerously close to provoking a nuclear escalation with North Korea over Twitter, a man who has taken to interpolating some of Hitler's core vernacular into his stump speeches (and who will gleefully implement some of Hitler's policies onto Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Arab Americans once given the chance), a man who has made comments stating that he'd give Israel as much support as they needed to escalate the violence further and "finish the job", seems shortsighted at best. 


I hate that Biden has failed to live up to 99% of his campaign promises, and I hate that he's the only other viable outcome that the US political system has provided, and I hate that his election advisors have directly chosen to make this gamble, and I especially hate that he's doubling down on his pro-Israeli stance in spite of the horrific suffering that is causing in Gaza and the clear consequences we will all likely face because of that choice. And yet, I'm still planning to vote for him.


I'm not going to try and convince you that Trump will be worse, because I know that you know that, and it's clear that you believe we all deserve it anyway, and you do have the right to vote for who you want (at least for now), so I won't waste my time. I'm glad you've found a way to absolve yourself of personal responsibility for Trump's future actions, but an abstention or third-party protest vote (especially from a resident of a swing state) that directly lead to the destruction of my country and to mass human suffering on a scale that makes what's happening in Gaza pale in comparison would probably drive me to suicide. I can only hope for your sake that you still feel so strongly about the righteousness of your anti-Biden stance a few months into 2025. 

The thing is, my vote likely doesn’t matter. Polling is showing an extremely lopsided loss for Biden in my state; more than Hillary 2016 and Obama 2008 and 2012. 

Berate a non-voter in Wisconsin instead. That state will actually matter in the end. Not a state where Trump is up by +8%

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Biden is awful but he has my vote, unless they find another candidate. 

If you are an anarchist and want the world to burn faster then just say that :rip:




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1 hour ago, Breathe On Moi said:

understood, came here at a young age and pre 2017? I only ask this because the 2017-2020 comment while disregarding a global pandemic and someone having to pick up after all the **** that down during 2017-2020 is a bit random.

Yes moved here in the 00s when I was basically a kid


My mentioned post maybe sounded like Trump> Biden


But I hate Trump, just that honestly this term is much worse

I’m aware that the global pandemic and wars influenced Biden’s term but still he has been a terrible president 


And outside of his terrible performance an 80 year old man with clear cognitive issues shouldn’t be running for president.

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1 minute ago, IBelonginYourArms said:

Those two rabid ultra-left dogs here always yapping at Biden will probably stay mum, when Trump is elected and turns Gaza into a parking lot, because at least Biden and libs got OWNED!!!111 God, they really live in their fantasy world :toofunny2: You don't get a moral higher ground either way, so stfu already

Are you blind???? Gaza is already obliterated and uninhabitable, and that has happened under BIDEN who insisted NO RED LINES FOR ISRAEL SO THAT THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT.

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