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Should your SO/Spouse be your best friend?


Should your SO/Spouse be your best friend?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Should they?

    • Yes, no other people allowed
    • No, should have people outside the relationship you can talk to.

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Was watching a video on YouTube where the couple were saying the spouse/so is suppose to be the one you confide in and you shouldn’t need to talk to other friends about your problems.  Do you agree?

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I think your spouse can be your best friend but you should still absolutely have other people outside the relationship. The worst part about my last break-up was losing my best friend but I'm so glad I had a support system outside of that.

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I think your SO is supposed to be your best friend, but it would be very unhealthy to not have other close friends you can confide in.

Besides, I think getting a different pov or advice from friends can be very valuable. It's not like your SO always knows what's best.

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Yes and other people should be allowed.


I feel perfectly fine discussing literally everything with my bf. We vent, we talk - from serious to unserious, things that bother us every day.

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Yes they should be your best friends and no, having a best friend doesn't mean you shouldn't have any other fiends. TF? 

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What kind of heteronormative bs is this. My boyfriend is my best friend but that's just my relationship, why would I need to generalize it to everyone? Imagine a woman never being able to talk about her struggles except with a straight man, the horror

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ofcourse :heart:  if i'm ever in a relationship I want to be there best friend too.


when your in a relationship you can feel the non friend part .. that's called Friends with benefits (not even that Ive been in relationship with guys that I felt they hated me but just had me around to do them favors) 

but a strong relationship and a strong friendship makes a healthy relationship



but if dating someone and not let your partner or you have friends outside of it then thats toxic asf

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i mean you should have other friendships outside of that relationship to confide in but i if i’m going to be potentially growing old with you there needs to be a foundation of companionship/ friendship for me personally 

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I didn't vote. He is my best friend but not the only one and that's how it should be imo.

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My partner and I are currently going through this now. We've been together for 7 years and spend almost all our time together. We need to branch out and make other friends but it's difficult because we get lazy out of habit sometimes and just spend time together instead of going out and making our own friends outside the relationship.


I think it depends on what kind of person you are. Me, I need my personal space...no matter who you are and how much I like you, so I definitely have to set boundaries sometimes when I go out with my friends and kind of imply that he isn't invited because I need alone time with my friends too.

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2 hours ago, WitnessOblivia said:

I think your SO is supposed to be your best friend, but it would be very unhealthy to not have other close friends you can confide in.

Besides, I think getting a different pov or advice from friends can be very valuable. It's not like your SO always knows what's best.


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No. Especially if you're str8 since str8 men and women barely have common interests.


Adults focusing on SO and family is why they're all so lonely.


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They should definitely be your best friend but not your only close friend. 


I have a best friend but my boyfriend became even closer to me than him cause we've been together for almost 8 years. I consider both of them my best friends.

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5 hours ago, Symmetra said:

you shouldn’t need to talk to other friends about your problems

Sorry to anyone who got this mindset, but you need to grow the f*ck up :skull:

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I think the potential of a relationship is maximized when your significant other is also your best friend. I feel like that could only be of great benefit, having both a solid friend and lover within the same person—having similar interests, being able to relate to each other in some capacity and having someone who is able to understand you in a way that others may not be able to. Personally, if I'm in a relationship with some, I'd want them to be the person I'm able to go to regarding problems or issues without feeling any type of judgement.


It's both healthy and important to have friends and a life outside of a relationship, having other people to socially connect with. But, I'd personally hope that my significant other would, in time, become my best friend.

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11 hours ago, simplywohoo said:

The answer to the question in the title is yes but this doesn't mean you can't talk to other people, even exclusively, about certain topics

Exactly what I came to say :clap3:

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