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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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The pro-Israel ATRLers have been very silent lately since recent revelations and attacks :bird:

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Don’t even know what to say anymore… The entirety of the Western corporate media is complicit in this genocide

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Laughable that people pretend Joe Biden was good on foreign policy UNTIL October 7.



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In one of the other threads someone was complaining about rhetoric being directed at the Israeli people.


Here is a list of who was the elected* Prime Minister of Israel at the end of each year for the last 25 years.

- counting the person holding the office of PM at the end of the year


2009 Benjamin Netanyahu
2010 Benjamin Netanyahu
2011 Benjamin Netanyahu
2012 Benjamin Netanyahu
2013 Benjamin Netanyahu
2014 Benjamin Netanyahu
2015 Benjamin Netanyahu
2016 Benjamin Netanyahu
2017 Benjamin Netanyahu
2018 Benjamin Netanyahu
2019 Benjamin Netanyahu
2020 Benjamin Netanyahu
2021 Naftali Bennett
- note: Yair Lapid was also PM in 2022, but didn't last a full year.
2022 Benjamin Netanyahu
2023 Benjamin Netanyahu


Netanyahu was also Prime Minister from 1996 to 1999.

Israeli people know who Netanyahu is and what he stands for.


But for some reason Israeli citizens are not considered to be responsible for their choice of PM, but in Gaza more than 12,000 children can be killed (more than a third of the total death toll) because of Hamas.


You can safely bet that when this war is over and Netanyahu is out of power, Israeli people will say they didn't know what was happening and they never really supported him.


For those who don't know Naftali Bennett, he is probably best known for his role in the Qana massacre of 1996, where Israel shelled a United Nations compound where Lebanese civilians had taken refuge, killing over 100 Lebanese civilians and UN peacekeepers.


* Yes I'm aware the Israeli people don't directly vote for PM, but there were elections in 2009, 2013, 2015, 2019, 2019 (again), 2020, 2021 and 2022 and everyone knows who will be PM when the party they vote for gets into power, and people voting for one of the smaller parties knows the likely coalition that will be formed when the party they voted for becomes part of the government.

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Israeli rhetoric is straight up terror incitement at this point. Sad that zionists get to keep their platforms after calling for the death of people who don’t support their views.

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The way germans have fully embraced zionism is scary :mazen: wtf is going on...



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Haven't seen this story in western media.


Children, women death toll in Israel war on Gaza 6 times higher than Russia-Ukraine War




Israel's attacks have killed 29,410 Palestinians, including at least 12,660 children and 8,570 women. Additionally, 69,465 others have been injured, with more than 70% of the wounded being women and children.


According to the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission (HRMMU) in Ukraine, 10,378 civilians, including 579 children and 2,992 women, have been killed, and 19,632 others injured since the beginning of that war in early 2022.



In both conflicts there are likely to be people buried under rubble, or in other areas where the dead can't be counted, but it seems clear that Israel is killing children at a higher rate than any modern conflict.


Edit: From January 2024 data.

Israeli military killing 250 Palestinians per day with many more lives at risk from hunger, disease and cold


15 January 2024 CLARIFICATION:  Using publicly available data, Oxfam calculated that the number of average deaths per day for Gaza is higher than any recent major armed conflict including Syria (96.5 deaths per day), Sudan (51.6), Iraq (50.8), Ukraine (43.9) Afghanistan (23.8) and Yemen (15.8). 



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2 hours ago, Maddox said:

The way germans have fully embraced zionism is scary :mazen: wtf is going on...



so so so ashamed of my country.

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Rest in peace Aaron Bushnell. 

“I don’t need guns, I need fire extinguishers!”


A poignant & apt summary of the current state of “humanity”.


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16 hours ago, LIT said:


The cop aiming a gun at his burning body like he was a threat :rip: I’ve seen it all. 

Edited by DAP
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The video of the guy in front of the Israeli embassy omg… 

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Every accusation is a confession [2]



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I was convinced, particularly after the “gutting a pregnant woman” story, that these false reports were being intentionally planted & pushed to deflect from the credible reports of r*** and slaughter attributed to Israeli citizens - because that did happen, but to a Palestinian woman. The same with burning babies/baby in the oven. 

When these key words & original stories with Palestinian victims are searched now, the results are instead flooded with the disproven or unsubstantiated accusations made by Israel. It’s such a heinous inversion of facts & historical record. Now, instead of calling for accountability, most people are roped into having to pointlessly debate hasbara. The goal isn’t to make you believe claims, necessarily, but to deflect  & avert your perspective & consequently, be able to accuse you of “xxx denial”. 

And that’s partly why “every accusation is a confession” & why it’s futile engaging in roundabout debates with Zionists. The energy is better spent elsewhere. 

Edited by FOCK
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For those who want to donate to a trustworthy, credible organization: 

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4 hours ago, State of Grace. said:

Every accusation is a confession [2]



I just about threw UP

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12 hours ago, DAP said:

The cop aiming a gun at his burning body like he was a threat :rip: I’ve seen it all. 

Was that police or a security guard employed by the embassy? Anyway, RIP Aaron Bushnell. Most of the western media appear to be working overtime to avoid mentioning the reason for his protest, or to avoid mentioning that his last words were "Free Palestine".

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15 hours ago, FOCK said:

Rest in peace Aaron Bushnell. 

“I don’t need guns, I need fire extinguishers!”


A poignant & apt summary of the current state of “humanity”.

I've just seen this video on my timeline and I'm so utterly disturbed. America is such a broken country and anyone blindly supporting it is either dumb or mentally ill.

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I specifically remember as a young kid the massive global backlash when the Abu Ghraib photos were released. The backlash was so bad it led to the soldiers involved being held accountable even if the gov't did not want to hold them accountable.


Now in 2024, we see photos from Israeli soldiers committing worse crimes against Palestinians and nobody blinks an eye. It is insane.

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