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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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17 hours ago, Aristotle said:

Removing illegal and violent settlements in West Bank will do wonders for peace and it will be the biggest step for a permanent ceasefire. 


Bombing hospitals will only make things, dramatically, worse.

This is a last resort for Israel. Even a significant number of Israeli liberals/leftists believe this is anti-semitic and extremist. Despite the legality and apartheid issues. Judea and Samaria is "theirs" and no one can take it from them. That's the mentality. 


Also, I don't think most people realize just how entrenched those settlements already are in the land. The pace and volume at which they're expanding is unprecedented as well. Again, Israelis are not even slightly thinking of getting rid of those illegal settlements. 


The number will approach officially a million illegal settlers somewhere around 2026, evacuating them from those areas would seriously be considered a second Holocaust in Israel and would rage a psychotic war. It's beyond obvious that these slow-paced but carefully planted settlements serve the long-term goal of strategically forcing Jewish presence on Palestinian land in a way designed to disrupt and weaken Palestinian societies. So that when the time for the "big war" (read: the ethnic cleansing of the WB) comes, they'll have enough Jewish presence to aid the process. Kinda like before 1948


Also, this is a controversial take that many will disagree with me on - but as someone who knows the insides out of the lives of both Palestinians and Israelis alike, I can tell you Palestinians are much more accepting of the idea of living amongst Israelis. Israelis will give you ten thousand (racist) excuses before even entertaining that idea. For Israelis, Palestinians are "a distant other" despite living next to them. It's impossible to erase this "fear" in them. 


A one-state solution is seriously the only plausible solution. Maybe a two-state solution could have worked many many decades ago. No more.

Edited by Jjang
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57 minutes ago, katara said:


yes, and?



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3 hours ago, welham said:

I have a feeling that no one, not even Israel's Western allies, expected how unhinged and in-your-face Israel is behaving. And all their actions now are them scrambling to save it from the consequences of its own actions, even though doubling down on their unconditional support is dragging them down and through the mud + threatens the legitimacy (if not the very existence) of the Western-dominated international order and institutions that they spent DECADES reinforcing.


Truly a baffling sight to see, but it's a moment that I feel will be taught in history books as the precursor to something BIG to follow. And I'm not sure if that "big" thing would be good or bad for the people of the world (faster transition to a multi-polar world, a major war, etc.)

You’re absolutely correct. 

In the two weeks following Hamas’ attack Ursula Von der Lyon tweeted 22 times about Israel’s right to self defence. Since November she has tweeted about Israel once; on November 6 (which was a limp “uhhhh… Israel is fighting Hamas… which we… support”)

The ruling class of the EU have been bamboozled by Israel’s flagrant bloodthirst and genocidal intent. It truly seems like they were expecting maybe a month of bombing; a few thousand children dead in retribution; then back to business as usual with a slow ethnic cleansing and genocide. The humanitarian disaster coupled with a multi-regional escalation (Lebanon, Yemen) was obvious to anyone except these bozos. 

And now these sons and daughters of Germany and Austria are lecturing Africa and South America on genocide. It is an utter humiliation on the world stage. 

Edited by Both Sides Now
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100 days and 75 years and headlines like this are still getting approved



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Guys. I can’t begin to describe the feeling I had when I walked around Washington DC waving the Palestinian Flag. I got the chills and then cried. I cried thinking about all the beautiful Palestinian souls who never lived to see a free Palestine. Who never got to live long enough to accomplish all their hopes and dreams. I cried thinking about the Palestinians alive today living through constant trauma and being denies their basic human rights at this very moment. I cried thinking about all the Palestinians who became refugees and want to return home but can’t. 

But I also felt like there’s hope. Never in my life have I seen so many people from so many different backgrounds come together to support a Free Palestine. The waves and waves and waves and waves of people gives me hope that the blood and tears we shed won’t go to waste and that those responsible will be held accountable and justice will happen. I have hope. 

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1 hour ago, State of Grace. said:

yes, and?



Go live in a muslim country then and get to feel how being stoned or imprisoned for being gay feels like :lmao:

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Just now, katara said:

Go live in a muslim country then and get to feel how being stoned or imprisoned for being gay feels like :lmao:

I already live in a Muslim country as a non-religious gay man so I won't take any lectures from a European ****** about what it's like. :heart2: 


Do you have anything else to add to the topic outside of "terrorists! gays defending Islam! you would be stoned in Gaza!!!" or?

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3 minutes ago, katara said:

Go live in a muslim country then and get to feel how being stoned or imprisoned for being gay feels like :lmao:

So civilians should die because their  government doesn’t allow you to be openly gay is that what you’re saying 

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4 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

I already live in a Muslim country as a non-religious gay man so I won't take any lectures from a European ****** about what it's like. :heart2: 


Do you have anything else to add to the topic outside of "terrorists! gays defending Islam! you would be stoned in Gaza!!!" or?

Then you know exactly well that your entire life would become hell on earth if you ever came out of the closet to the people around you. Continue supporting that culture though :heart2:

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8 minutes ago, brraap said:

So civilians should die because their  government doesn’t allow you to be openly gay is that what you’re saying 

Did you graduate in the @communion school of strawmanning and projecting? :lmao:

Edited by katara
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Just now, katara said:

Did you graduate in the @communion school of strawmanning and projectiong? :lmao:


What is your take though I’m interested 

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4 minutes ago, katara said:

Then you know exactly well that your entire life would become hell on earth if you ever came out of the closet to the people around you. Continue supporting that culture though :heart2:

We got another mask off moment guys!!!

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Miss communion has been educating (yes in sometimes novels of a post) but since day! 

Can’t say the same for cardboard box

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Me booking my endless summer vacation to South Africa to get away from the ZioNAZI Germans.



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19 minutes ago, katara said:

Then you know exactly well that your entire life would become hell on earth if you ever came out of the closet to the people around you. Continue supporting that culture though :heart2:

Extremely supportive behavior and mindset from the progressive & liberal Western gays, I am consistently floored and touched by the amount of support that this community has shown towards people like me :heart2:

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You can be gay and Muslim :dies: at the same time you know 


I have many gay muslim friends although closeted who can’t come out because of the cultural stigma. For example in turkey they’re looked down upon, a secular country btw. This doesn’t deter their faith in their religion any less 


Yes Arab/Asian countries have a long way to go still in terms of gay rights but so do Eastern European ones, like Poland for example. A large portion of the world is not there yet which is the sad reality 


But you can’t blame a religion for that


Here’s a nice little article for you 





In the 19th and early 20th centuries, men who had been persecuted for their sexuality in Europe often sought refuge in Morocco and, long before same-sex marriage was dreamed of in the west, male-on-male partnerships were recognised – and marked with a ceremony – in the remote Egyptian oasis of Siwa.


These laws have a catastrophic effect on the lives of people who are unlucky enough to get caught but, despite occasional crackdowns, the authorities don’t, on the whole, actively seek out gay people to arrest them. Statistics are scarce but the number of arrests is undoubtedly lower than it was during the British wave of homophobia in the 1950s. In England in 1952, there were 670 prosecutions for sodomy, 3,087 for attempted sodomy or indecent assault, and 1,686 for gross indecency.


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25 minutes ago, katara said:

Then you know exactly well that your entire life would become hell on earth if you ever came out of the closet to the people around you. Continue supporting that culture though :heart2:

Imagine being a white dude from the west and lecturing anyone about what “culture” to support. 

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20 minutes ago, brraap said:

You can be gay and Muslim :dies: at the same time you know 


I have many gay muslim friends although closeted who can’t come out because of the cultural stigma. For example in turkey they’re looked down upon, a secular country btw. This doesn’t deter their faith in their religion any less 


Yes Arab/Asian countries have a long way to go still in terms of gay rights but so do Eastern European ones, like Poland for example. A large portion of the world is not there yet which is the sad reality 


But you can’t blame a religion for that


Here’s a nice little article for you 





I've said this countless times here before and I always get your typical braindead "yOu'Re dEfeNdiNg IsLaM" responses. I do have queer friends in real life who still practice their faith, and although I find it kinda ridiculous in theory, it's still none of my business. People have their own interpretations of their religion and their own relationship with God, and I'm happy for anyone who manages to find a way to reconcile their faith and their queerness. But it's a constant struggle when you have to live with the rejection from religious conservatives and your fellow queer people who will label you as a self-hating ***.


Anyway, let's not steer away from the main topic. It's been 100 ******* days of Terrorist Israel's "war against Hamas".

There are reportedly only 6 operating ambulances left in all of Gaza.



Edited by State of Grace.
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1 hour ago, katara said:

Then you know exactly well that your entire life would become hell on earth if you ever came out of the closet to the people around you. Continue supporting that culture though :heart2:

Take Dua, while openly advocating for lgbtq+ rights, honors her cultural (yes, also muslim) background. Sure she would approve of your ignorant ass comment..

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14 minutes ago, indochine said:

Take Dua, while openly advocating for lgbtq+ rights, honors her cultural (yes, also muslim) background. Sure she would approve of your ignorant ass comment..

She honors her albanian roots, not a religion. She hasn't ever professed for a religion. In fact she has been seen wearing crosses a lot of times if anything.


Stop making things up. 

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LGBT people in Gaza right now are more concerned with having a meal or to not get attacked by a bomb than anything else.  

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5 hours ago, katara said:

This thread really has become an anti-west, pro-islamism echo-chamber. Even islamists who are calling for massacres are getting upvoted a few comments up.


Is this still ATRL or have I entered a website Hamas, the houthis and other muslim brotherhood terror groups use for propaganda?


3 hours ago, katara said:

Go live in a muslim country then and get to feel how being stoned or imprisoned for being gay feels like :lmao:



Genuine question here - what is being taught in German schools that German nationals are some of the most reactionary members on here?

It's shocking because it's not just born-and-raised ethnic Germans, but multiple users like "I'm from a a Muslim family in the Balkans but am now a proud German who wants all Muslims wiped off the face of the Earth! Yes, I got here via migration, but support the demonization and racialized hatred of refugees! :)" :rip:


How does a country who committed some of the worst mass atrocities within the last 2 centuries make the entirety of its atonement for one of them normalized genocidal thought for others? It's also not about singling out German users, but piecing together the reality of Germany as a chauvinistic society to where Palestinians are being arrested for social media posts and police beat up progressive Jewish protestors calling for a ceasefire.


Also, this didn't take mass searching through all your posts or status updates from 2024-2011. I literally clicked the last page on your post history and bam. Because I'll always consider the merit of someone accusing me or others of being anti-West Westerners, cause maybe it'll have merit that urges reflection, but to see it come from someone - depending on your age - who has lived in Germany most of their life and has a politics rooted in personal grudges and resentment, I'm not particularly moved by the hatred that fuels your chauvinistic politics. I don't think there's anything in your personal interactions as a child with Islam that can justify your present desire to see the Palestinian people be burned alive. 

Edited by Communion
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1 hour ago, katara said:

She honors her albanian roots, not a religion. She hasn't ever professed for a religion. In fact she has been seen wearing crosses a lot of times if anything.


Stop making things up. 

Hello, Christian Palestinian here. 


We got yeeted off from our houses in the Nakba as well. don't forget us! hate us too! :heart2:

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1 hour ago, katara said:

She honors her albanian roots, not a religion. She hasn't ever professed for a religion. In fact she has been seen wearing crosses a lot of times if anything.


Stop making things up. 

being in some cultural form related to a religion =/= practicing said religion. She's literally from Kosovo, the culture of which she proudly claims as part of her identity. 

Anyway, there's the concept of intersectionality and inclusivity, which seems to be hard to grasp for some white folks.

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