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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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Germany never in the right side of history. And lately they keep showing they still have a thing for genocide.

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Any aerial footage of the DC march yet? 


Live stream 


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Ate them up and left no crumbs.

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No one who was involved in committing the 1904-1908 genocide (which has been adressed by Germany and resulted in substantial monetary payments by Germany) is even alive nowadays, so I fail to see how this makes any logical sense. 


Funny how South Africa literally occupied Namibia for several decades and killed tens of thousands of Namibians as recently as 1988, subjugating them to literal and proven Apartheid policies,but she didn't seem to have a problem with South Africa's stance on Israel? 


In any case, the ICJ court case against Israel is already in full swing and Germany has literally 0 connection to it, so I guess she's already preparing her PR campaign when South Africa inevitably is unable to prove their case. 

Edited by Dephira
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Hitler teas



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21 minutes ago, Dephira said:

Oh so the far-right Germans know more about how much Germany has atoned for genocide in Namibia than the leaders of Namibia itself, whose entire issue is that Germany has not sufficiently atoned for the horrors it committed? :celestial5:


It's so wild you cannot understand yourself as on the wrong side of history. 

Your racialized chauvinism and view of the world as West vs its enemies that must be crushed prove this thread true about Germans as a people:



22 minutes ago, Dephira said:

and Germany has literally 0 connection to it

Germany is literally advocated to be part of Israel's defense:


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Another live stream:



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Also, I'm sorry, but this made me scream:

29 minutes ago, Dephira said:

the 1904-1908 genocide (which has been adressed by Germany 

*clicks link*

Germany officially recognises colonial-era Namibia genocide
28th May 2021, 10:29 EDT


If it takes you over a century to recognize you committed a genocide and have had to have your arm twisted to both appropriately atone and be held accountable for it, maybe you should be quiet when speaking up in defense of other genocides being committed.


Who next is Israel going to invite to the ICJ to speak on its moral character and offer expertise dismissing intent of genocide - WWII Japan? :rip:

Edited by Communion
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The genociders know better as to what Genocide is? What a ridiculous notion.

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Whew that was a read. An incredible statement. Whack it for me!


It’s deeply disturbing (albeit unsurprising) that "never again" can't be applied to Palestinian people.

Edited by State of Grace.
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There really is no better pastime than putting an idiot in their place with a scathing clap back



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The way he stays making Zionists pressed and angry and the only thing they can come up with is twisting his words to spread a fake quote and reporting him to the police :dies: 

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The numbers in Dublin today were absolutely staggering. I’ve been to 4 marches and this was by far the largest despite shite weather. 

Keep applying the pressure. 



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Well, Americans in the Empire believe this about themselves even though we’ve been the bad guys in almost every war pursued since the first Gulf War. The Hague Invasion Act (which Biden actually surprisingly voted against, even though Hillary Clinton eagerly voted Yes) is still on the books, meaning we are “legally obligated” to invade and conquer the Netherlands if an American official is ever scrutinized for war crimes or complicity in genocide.

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get them again for me :fan:


the grandchildren of the nazis really have the nerve :redface:

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Biden White House floating batshit insane plans for post-war Gaza, and pushing back on credible reporting 20 hours after the EXTENDED deadline as a fabrication is wild. Discrediting journalists is exactly what Trump did, and now Biden is echoing that behavior because they know how indefensibly evil their positions on Israel are.








Basically an even more incendiary version of Trump Administration's Abraham Accords... that led in part to October 7 happening to begin with.

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Some metacommentary from someone usually silently following this thread from time to time:


You really have to be a depraved freak to react "haha" emojis over a post that chronicle an outpouring of solidarity with Palestine. Especially when that one user has laid out their politics so directly...


Anyway, there's a march happening soon where I live; I will be going!

Edited by Phantom
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12 minutes ago, Phantom said:

Some metacommentary from someone usually silently following this thread from time to time:


You really have to be a depraved freak to react "haha" emojis over a post that chronicle an outpouring of solidarity with Palestine. Especially when that one user has laid out their politics so directly...


Anyway, there's a march happening soon where I live; I will be going!

Had the urge to comment this, but I wasn't sure if giving IT attention would lead to anything productive. Half of the Gazan population can die at this very monent, and his/her only reaction would be "but what about Khamas??!?1?! Nothing else could have been done :oh:". Genocidal scum of the earth.

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I have a feeling that no one, not even Israel's Western allies, expected how unhinged and in-your-face Israel is behaving. And all their actions now are them scrambling to save it from the consequences of its own actions, even though doubling down on their unconditional support is dragging them down and through the mud + threatens the legitimacy (if not the very existence) of the Western-dominated international order and institutions that they spent DECADES reinforcing.


Truly a baffling sight to see, but it's a moment that I feel will be taught in history books as the precursor to something BIG to follow. And I'm not sure if that "big" thing would be good or bad for the people of the world (faster transition to a multi-polar world, a major war, etc.)

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This thread really has become an anti-west, pro-islamism echo-chamber. Even islamists who are calling for massacres are getting upvoted a few comments up.


Is this still ATRL or have I entered a website Hamas, the houthis and other muslim brotherhood terror groups use for propaganda?

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