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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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1 minute ago, Delirious said:

Youre disgusting.

It feels great coming from you Delulu 😂

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6 minutes ago, pisuke said:

I'm just baffled how can you support a genocide and a terrorist state called Israel and still think you are on the right side of history.


Nobody with a sense of justice, dignity and who consideres oneself a good and decent human being would believe ANYTHING that comes from Israel. Ignorance on the matter at this point is the same as being complicit. 

Nobody said that. I said numerous times I don't support IDF. Get with the times.


6 minutes ago, ScorpiosGroove said:

and what do you want us to do about that…?

To not be antisemitic. It's clear the majority of people who read the tweet immediately jumped to conclusions because of how much they hate Israeli people. They don't even believe the kidnapped people were victims.

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Just now, State of Grace. said:

It feels great coming from you Delulu 😂

Ok great I'm delulu, but still doesn't change the fact that you're still disgusting for literally making fun of a kidnapped victim and you think she deserves it.

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23 minutes ago, Delirious said:

In before the usual ATRLers come in here and talk about the kidnap victims thanking and shaking hands with their kidnappers btw!

Messs what when did this happen

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Just now, Insanity said:

Messs what when did this happen

Its in the main Palestine israel civics thread many pages before. 


MANY people were defending Hamas and touting how the kidnapped victims were treated well and were smiling and waving at the camera etc etc.

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Another day, another ATRL thread where some users exhibit no sympathy for the victims of Hamas, who bear no responsibility for their government's actions. 

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3 minutes ago, Taylena said:

Another day, another ATRL thread where some users exhibit no sympathy for the victims of Hamas, who bear no responsibility for their government's actions. 

She quite literally says "there are no innocent civilians there".


She is just as genocidal as the majority of Israelis. **** her and **** you.

Edited by State of Grace.
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2 minutes ago, Taylena said:

Another day, another ATRL thread where some users exhibit no sympathy for the victims of Hamas, who bear no responsibility for their government's actions. 

Oh I guarantee you there are tonnes of ATRLers on here who believe that the Hamas didn't ra*e or torture anyone. And if there were victims speaking out, they'll say it's imagination & lies just like the tweet state of grace linked earlier


The antisemitism is real. People don't even view Israeli people as humans anymore. It's sickening



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She’s an idiot who should’ve never been released .


does she not realize there’s currently still people being held hostage and making such comments makes their release less likely?

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5 minutes ago, Zefierce said:

She’s an idiot who should’ve never been released .


does she not realize there’s currently still people being held hostage and making such comments makes their release less likely?

This is somewhat true but they're most likely dead by now. A lot of them already were missing and even Hamas themselves didn't know where the f they went. Also she probably had enough of the suffering and lies that victims were treated nicely and wanted to tell her side of the story black and white.


At the end of the day, we should still be thankful that she was a victim that was released whether for the better or worse. A confirmed living hostage set free is better than unconfirmed missing hostages.


Also by the rate of how vicious IDF is doing the bombings, I don't think Hamas will have anymore sympathy

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Isn't this the lady who said "There are no innocent Gazans" because the child in the home she was held in had been given candy as a gift and did not give her some? :rip:


I obviously don't expect civilians who get taken as political prisoners between two nations at war to view the nation holding them as political leverage as homely and welcoming, but I'm not sure someone who says things like "This was my personal Holocaust" (?!), that she conveniently "didn't care Israel was dropping bombs".(most other hostages disagree with her!), or that she was paranoid the man in the home she was in would rape her and only did not "because his wife and family were with us" because of nothing more than him being Palestinian is a credible voice on the realit on the ground.




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AP in the megathread for this topic. Why can’t you people stick to the thread that you asked for?  Your google searches aren’t so important that you need to make a new thread for them every time. 

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I see nAziTRL is already at it in this thread.

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2 minutes ago, family.guy123 said:

AP in the megathread for this topic. Why can’t you people stick to the thread that you asked for?  Your google searches aren’t so important that you need to make a new thread for them every time. 

Because the majority of people still active in the thread are Hamas sympathizers.

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9 minutes ago, family.guy123 said:

AP in the megathread for this topic. Why can’t you people stick to the thread that you asked for?  Your google searches aren’t so important that you need to make a new thread for them every time. 

Because it's clear that Delulu's intentions are not discussing this but pushing a certain agenda behind his " But I still luv Palestinians" mask, and then crying when his ass gets clocked in the mega thread.

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3 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

Because it's clear that Delulu's intentions are not discussing this but pushing a certain agenda behind his " But I still luv Palestinians" mask, and then crying when his ass gets clocked in the mega thread.

Or maybe it's because whatever I post in the mega thread gets called for being fake news when it's obviously not. And then we get trashy evidence from 4chan rebutting such claims.


Or maybe it's because the thread in an echo chamber where you and your other 'friends' come together to sympathize with Hamas and call them 'freedom fighters'!! And you don't treat israeli people as humans beings!!

Edited by Delirious
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Just now, Delirious said:

Or maybe it's because whatever I post in the mega thread gets called for being fake news when it's obviously not. And then we get trashy evidence from 4chan rebutting such claims.


Or maybe it's because the thread in an echo chamber where you and your other 'friends' come together to sympathize with Hamas and call them 'freedom fighters'!!

You're really really not worth the effort. Fun's over. Bye clown.

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I have zero sympathy for this woman. She called a Palestinian child pure evil because he didn’t give  her candy and said that there were no innocent civilians in Gaza. 

Edited by JoJo
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1 minute ago, State of Grace. said:

You're really really not worth the effort. Fun's over. Bye clown.

See? This is why I don't post in the mega thread because of people like you.


Who talk like this and think make fun of kidnapped victims and think they deserved to get kidnapped.


Also thank god for leaving this thread! We don't need anymore of your terrible takes polluting this thread! Bye!

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5 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

Because it's clear that Delulu's intentions are not discussing this but pushing a certain agenda behind his " But I still luv Palestinians" mask, and then crying when his ass gets clocked in the mega thread.

So when a user opens a thread about the Palestine/Israel conflict that belongs in the mega thread it’s because they’ve gotten clocked in the mega thread. Got it. 

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The fact that it's become completely acceptable that innocent civilians are being held hostage that now the only concern is whether they got raped or not is some next level stupidity. And yes, that child is evil for toying with her like that.

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Desperate attempt to make us feel sorry for Israel. This ***** is mad cause she did not get candy? I feel more sorry for the over 20,000 innocent people that have been massacred by the new nazi state of Israel. 

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The hatred that you have to have in your heart to blame a kidnapping victim for her own trauma is just vile.


Can't relate, sorry.

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Glad your thread is backfiring :giraffe:

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