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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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Absolutely disgusting of the NYT 



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2024 starting out with a bang :chick2: why can’t we, supposedly intelligent animals, have peace among ourselves?

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7 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

I have zero interest in voting for Biden unless polling tightens a lot closer than it looks like it’s going to. At which point I’ll agonize over it and come to a conclusion when it’s relevant. But it looks like he’s going to lose Georgia pretty handily this time - possibly even worse than Clinton did in 2016, so at this point hopefully it won’t even matter. At this point, I feel like the only ones whose vote really matters are Wisconsin residents anyway.


The only reason I would vote defensively that way is for the Supreme Court and preventing a younger ideologue from coming in and allowing Clarence Thomas to bow out early for a comfortable retirement.


With Israel, Biden is still the least of three evils, because the only other notable candidates. Trump and Kennedy, are even more extremist warhawks that would actively commit boots on the ground and try provoking broader regional warfare with Hezbollah and Iran. There are reasons to vote that way, but the likeliest scenario, where Biden is losing handily across the board because he’s been a feckless piece of ****, no amount of VBNMW will save him from himself.


I wish I lived in a state where the outcome was more certain so I could comfortably sit this election out and every other one that comes after. But for the moment… I don’t know enough about where we will be in 10 months

Okay, fair point. I live in the red state of SC and can comfortably say that I won't be voting for Biden. If Dr. Cornel West is on the ballot then that is where my vote goes. If not, I'll just stick to voting locally. Biden is even losing support to Trump with young voters. Biden, corporate dems and neoliberals can't hide behind COVID anymore. It's essentially a relic of the past for most people and they're only really reminded of it when they see others wearing a mask. Which isn't nearly as ubiquitous as it once was.


He's poling terribly across the board and the israel/Palestine "conflict" isn't helping him, either. If Biden loses, that's solely on him and corporate dems. Not us. Though I'm curious as to who they would place blame on this time. Surely not the "Bernie bros". Or would it be fully masks off in their covert racism and shift blame onto Muslim-Americans in Michigan for sitting out the election all together. Which many voters will do in various voting blocks. 

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5 hours ago, FOCK said:


Hamas ends with the end of the occupation.


Which is essentially where it all started. It's so simple yet they're still trying to make it all seem so complex. 

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6 minutes ago, i spit on haters said:

Okay, fair point. I live in the red state of SC and can comfortably say that I won't be voting for Biden. If Dr. Cornel West is on the ballot then that is where my vote goes. If not, I'll just stick to voting locally. Biden is even losing support to Trump with young voters. Biden, corporate dems and neoliberals can't hide behind COVID anymore. It's essentially a relic of the past for most people and they're only really reminded of it when they see others wearing a mask. Which isn't nearly as ubiquitous as it once was.


He's poling terribly across the board and the israel/Palestine "conflict" isn't helping him, either. If Biden loses, that's solely on him and corporate dems. Not us. Though I'm curious as to who they would place blame on this time. Surely not the "Bernie bros". Or would it be fully masks off in their covert racism and shift blame onto Muslim-Americans in Michigan for sitting out the election all together. Which many voters will do in various voting blocks. 

They’ll blame Bernie Bros even though all of his supporters have moved on from him and a good chunk are disgusted with his reluctance to even call for a ceasefire. They’ll blame Susan Sarandon again too, and every time there’s a bad court case decision, her name with continue trending on Xitter. They never get new playbooks on whom to blame; they shat on leftists over the losses of Gore and Kelly during the Bush years, and then also blamed us for the shellacking Obama got every midterm during his presidency.


So all in all, it’ll be more of the same, I’d expect. However while they didn’t go the racist route with blaming working class black voters in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Detroit last time, they probably will be blasting the Muslims of Dearborn until they have to pander to those same Michiganders to vote for Newsom in 2028.

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This escalation is scary and the consequence is that way more innocent people will die :/

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It took them THIS long to condemn stated intent to commit ethnic cleansing from Israeli government officials? :ahh: 


What about the comments Netanyahu reportedly made in the Likid meeting a few days ago? Yall gonna ignore that one? :celestial5: 

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8 minutes ago, Chemist said:

This escalation is scary and the consequence is that way more innocent people will die :/

Honestly, I didn't think they were arrogant/suicidal enough to do this, and yet here we are. This is quite an escalation, indeed.

Edited by jadeabove
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Lebanon and Syria never made a formal peace with Israel. That would necessitate recognizing Israel's right to exist, which they also never have done.

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When Lebanon or Hezbollah now fire missiles into Israel, it’s their right to defend themselves right? 

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Unless I'm completely dumb, where in that does it hint at an ethnic cleansing?

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Just now, Vixen Eyes said:

Unless I'm completely dumb, where in that does it hint at an ethnic cleansing?

Do you believe their stated goal of the "migration" of 2M Gazans will be.....voluntary?

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Cameltoe Chariot
Just now, Vixen Eyes said:

I'm completely dumb




Sorry I had to - Israel is actively killing Palestinians under the guise of "protecting Israeli Jews", while their actual motive is to secure more land for the apartheid state of Israel by eradicating Palestinians by any means necessary :coffee2:


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'We are not another star on the American flag', alright cut the cameras and cut the funding then



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what wendy said

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Meanwhile, actual Israelis:

Everyone hates Ben Gvir. Everyone.

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1 minute ago, ZIVERT said:

Meanwhile, actual Israelis:

Everyone hates Ben Gvir. Everyone.

Cute attempt. Also actual Israelis:



Just because they hate a certain politician doesn't mean they don't actually support the ongoing genocide, ethnic cleansing and the military occupation. This "its just a bad government uwu" argument that yall Israel apologists keep repeating can stay in 2023. 

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4 minutes ago, Thickorita said:

'We are not another star on the American flag', alright cut the cameras and cut the funding then



They won’t, because Israel is the US’ only foot in the Middle East and I think they’re starting to realize that more and more lol. They both depend on each other, otherwise the Democratic Party would’ve cut ties ages ago. 

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1 minute ago, State of Grace. said:

Cute attempt. Also actual Israelis:



Just because they hate a certain politician doesn't mean they don't actually support the ongoing genocide, ethnic cleansing and the military occupation. This "its just a bad government uwu" argument that yall Israel apologists keep repeating can stay in 2023. 

You’re attempting to lump all of them together which I find kind of strange. Because there has been this weird as hell narrative that the bombing (kidnapping, etc) of Israeli people is somehow justified by some polling. 

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2 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

Cute attempt. Also actual Israelis:



Just because they hate a certain politician doesn't mean they don't actually support the ongoing genocide, ethnic cleansing and the military occupation. This "its just a bad government uwu" argument that yall Israel apologists keep repeating can stay in 2023. 

Source: Al-Mayadeen. I’m sure they have the finger on the pulse of the average Israeli. :toofunny2: 

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3 hours ago, Gui Blackout said:

A targeted strike on a wanted senior terrorist leader that is hiding like a little ***** in another country? Absolutely, yeah. 


And I'm not sure Lebanon is in a position to clutch pearls right now.

Oh my... 

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13 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

Cute attempt. Also actual Israelis:



Just because they hate a certain politician doesn't mean they don't actually support the ongoing genocide, ethnic cleansing and the military occupation. This "its just a bad government uwu" argument that yall Israel apologists keep repeating can stay in 2023. 

Considering that 72% of Palestinians believe that it was “correct” to actually murder over 1,000 Israelis in one day and take over 200 hostages, I’m not sure that a majority of Israelis being in favor of “encouraging voluntary immigration” paints the picture you would like painted




Edited by Dephira
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