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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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Mind you this clown was branding himself as a "peace advocate" last year during the World Cup and crying about the reactions to him being from Israel, but Western homosexuals here will still tell you that they're the oppressed people. :clown: 



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49 minutes ago, Kassi said:

There is a war in Gaza that Hamas started and can end.

Ew, you just showed your true colors... 



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16 minutes ago, Jjang said:

“Why an Iron Dome instead of an Iron Sword?” 


Israel sets up AI-controlled machine gun in occupied Hebron






From your article:


using remotely controlled systems for the employment of approved measures of crowd dispersal [which] does not include remote control of live gunfire.

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6 minutes ago, Kassi said:

whereas genocide is a targeted attempt at exterminating an ethnic group within a country.

...........which is what Israel has been doing for over 7 decades. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


I'm saying this in the nicest way possible: you are not just evil but deeply stupid

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6 minutes ago, Kassi said:

From your article:


using remotely controlled systems for the employment of approved measures of crowd dispersal [which] does not include remote control of live gunfire.

everyone are more than welcome to read the full article 

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4 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

...........which is what Israel has been doing for over 7 decades. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


I'm saying this in the nicest way possible: you are not just evil but deeply stupid

Or, I simply have a first person frame of reference for what constitutes a genocide.

By this time, ~80 days, in the genocide I survived, the death toll was over 500,000 and they didn’t have planes. There were no humanitarian pauses, leaflet warnings, or ceasefire proposals. 

But sure, I’m stupid for not taking my cues from coddled Americans/Europeans who don’t know the first thing about living outside of the first world. :laugh:

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Reminder that Zionists simply don’t care. They’re hardwired to be desensitized to Palestinian deaths (because they’re wildly racist) and that’s why they don’t have moral limits. Israel could have killed 300,000 so far and they would be still spewing the same bs because they have no regard whatsoever to Palestinian human lives to an absolute criminal fault. 


That’s why they’re so preoccupied with victim blaming, false accusations and sometimes just utter pure nonsense. it’s to distract you from the elephant in the room and that is they’re unshakably in support of am ongoing active genocide that has displaced over 2 million Palestinians (so basically all of Gaza’s population), starved 600k, completely destroyed all life sources in Gaza, destroyed almost half of its civilians infrastructure and on top of it murdered 30,000 + and wounded 60,000+ as “collateral damage” with no signs of stopping. 


the facts on the ground could not be any clearer. history will know how to remember them. 

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30,000 Palestinians dead and it’s “Israel being generous” but 695 Israelis dead (and a large number of them from Israeli shelling) and it’s “the largest attack on Western civilization since the Holocaust” or whatever they were trying to brand it as. 


It’s not that they don’t understand the urgency of losing civilian lives, it’s that they just simply suspend that for Palestinians. It’s automatic. Poor rotten souls. 

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The central, unaddressed ”elephant in the room” in the ongoing conflict is the staunch position of Hamas extremists, for whom nothing less than the complete dissolution of Israel would suffice. This inflexible stance is the major factor in the continual loss of lives.


Israel's existence is an established reality. It's not going to disappear. Moreover, it's clear that Arab states lack the capability to annihilate Israel. In fact, many have started to recognize Israel and are aligning with its efforts towards achieving regional peace and stability.


However, this alignment does little to change a grim forecast: a continuous cycle of violence, marked by attacks on Israel and counterattacks that unfortunately affect Palestinian civilians the most. This is a future that many wish to avoid.


A major driver of this perpetual cycle is the belief among Hamas extremists and their supporters that, despite ongoing violence achieving little, they bear no responsibility to compromise or accept Israel's existence. This mindset has allowed Hamas leaders to misuse humanitarian aid, depriving their people of much-needed resources and avoiding accountability for their conditions.


This perspective is mirrored even by individuals in the U.S., far removed from the conflict, who still claim the land was unjustly taken. All while ignoring the underlying complexities of wartime immigration precipitated by uniquely devastating horrors like the mass industrialized, hyper-bureaucratic genocide of the Holocaust. 

This contrasts with the historical norm where refugees, particularly those displaced by war, adapt to new realities. For example, the 900,000 Jews expelled from Arab countries post-1948 have largely focused on rebuilding their lives rather than seeking retribution or compensation.


Yet, unlike anyone else, Palestinians inherit refugee status across generations, almost as if it were a noble title. This is an anomaly in the global context, where children of refugees born in their parents' current country of residence are not considered refugees themselves. Addressing and altering this unique inheritance of refugee status, along with the refusal to accept Israel, is key in changing the system and mindset that perpetuates the conflict.

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The central, unaddressed elephant in the room is the fact that Israel is openly declaring intent to push Gazans into Egypt, and yet their Zionist supporters in the West are still providing them cover by asserting plausible deniability.


Very notable that the US media, US government, and Joe Biden’s idiotic simps refuse to acknowledge reality.



900,000 Jews expelled from Arab countries post-1948 have largely focused on rebuilding their lives rather than seeking retribution or compensation.


Those Jews haven’t suffered through 7 consecutive decades of American bombs being dropped on their heads without an Iron Dome to keep them safe from rocket salvos. Actually the most inhumane take I’ve ever seen. Truly beyond evil. :juanny: 

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why are zionists still trying it. you are not convincing anyone here.

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Not miss Kassy deadass embracing the active and ongoing ethnic cleansing of 2.3m Gazans :rip: I mean I love how the #1 Zionist argument during the 2021 East Jerusalem displacement protests was that “it’s not ethnic cleansing, it’s a legal battle and assuming the former is antisemitic” but now they just straight up moved to “ok its mass ethnic cleansing, but what are you gonna do?” at least it’s not genocide!” :doc:


the anti-Palestinian racism is just wild at this point and no it’s not successfully hidden or masked by making it a long post :rip:


 Zionists claim their European elders have been wanting and planning to “return to their homeland for 2,000 + years” and that’s something honorable and worth traveling 3,000 miles to fight a war on a land you just moved to for the first time ever in your life (and probably your great grandparents didn’t set foot in) but Palestinians ethnically cleansed RIGHT NOW living in refugee camps 20 miles away from their actual homes “should adapt to the new reality”. 


Now ain’t that funny how that works. They can’t breathe without being anti-Palestinian and thats on Zionism. 


What can you expect from modern nazis 




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Ongoing protest blocks JFK Airport entrance. I believe there is another one occurring simultaneously in LA



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4 hours ago, Kassi said:

In fact, many have started to recognize Israel and are aligning with its efforts towards achieving regional peace and stability.

Your propaganda isn't working on us normal people, little Nazi...

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6 hours ago, Kassi said:

Or, I simply have a first person frame of reference for what constitutes a genocide.

By this time, ~80 days, in the genocide I survived, the death toll was over 500,000 and they didn’t have planes. There were no humanitarian pauses, leaflet warnings, or ceasefire proposals. 

Are you actually using... the Rwandan genocide (I'm not sure what other event you could be trying to reference?) as some carte blanche to silence Palestinians and defend the literal extermination goals of Israel, as stated by every high ranking figure in the Israeli government? Do you not see how cynical and perverse such is?  :redface:


This type of powerscaling you're attempting with regards to Palestine ignores that population numbers have nothing to do with how genocide is defined (where intent matters most).

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Wait. Not the Free Parking Lady actually acknowledging the friendly fire casualties :bibliahh:

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11 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

The central, unaddressed elephant in the room is the fact that Israel is openly declaring intent to push Gazans into Egypt, and yet their Zionist supporters in the West are still providing them cover by asserting plausible deniability.


Very notable that the US media, US government, and Joe Biden’s idiotic simps refuse to acknowledge reality.



Those Jews haven’t suffered through 7 consecutive decades of American bombs being dropped on their heads without an Iron Dome to keep them safe from rocket salvos. Actually the most inhumane take I’ve ever seen. Truly beyond evil. :juanny: 

And when it doesn’t happen (because it won’t)? Then what? :laugh:

Eventually, one day, you’ll have to drop the false narratives.




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7 hours ago, Communion said:

Are you actually using... the Rwandan genocide (I'm not sure what other event you could be trying to reference?) as some carte blanche to silence Palestinians and defend the literal extermination goals of Israel, as stated by every high ranking figure in the Israeli government? Do you not see how cynical and perverse such is?  :redface:


This type of powerscaling you're attempting with regards to Palestine ignores that population numbers have nothing to do with how genocide is defined (where intent matters most).

Words have meaning.

Israel’s intent is to stop being attacked. Hamas can end this tomorrow.

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3 minutes ago, Kassi said:

Words have meaning.

Israel’s intent is to stop being attacked. Hamas can end this tomorrow.


16 minutes ago, Kassi said:

And when it doesn’t happen (because it won’t)? Then what? :laugh:

Eventually, one day, you’ll have to drop the false narratives.




I'm sorry but this is grossly a misappropriation of identity politics. 


Countless people who went through the Rwandan genocide, in addition to thousands of genocide scholars consider Israel's actions against Palestinians to be genocide.


Let alone - again - the metrics of population you were are not how genocide is defined, and if it were, this:



And this:



Tell very similar stories. 

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2 hours ago, Kassi said:

And when it doesn’t happen (because it won’t)?

Says whom? Biden? Who said quite clearly that there are no red lines for Israel and that they can do whatever they want?


2 hours ago, Kassi said:

Hamas can end this tomorrow.

Except if Hamas surrendered, there would be nothing stopping Israel from continuing what they're doing now. The goal is not, and has never been, about stopping Hamas. It's about clearing Gaza for real estate development and to appease the radical settlers who want to purge the West Bank as well.


Israel clearly has the intent to go full genocide, and will obviously do so the moment a Republican president wins the White House and gives them full support to do so. And if Biden didn't have re-election to be concerned about, he'd be just as all-in on supporting the ethnic cleansing campaign as Trump, Haley and DeSantis have all declared they would be. He wouldn't be saying a damn word about Israel due to his being to the right of Ronald Reagan on the issue.

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The United Nations Genocide Convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group"


killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group:

100,000+ killed or severely wounded from direct Zionist attacks. This constitutes 5% of Gaza's population. The equivalent of killing or wounding 400,000+ Israelis in 2 months. 



deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part:

40% of all housing units were destroyed in Gaza, directly causing 800,000 to become immediately homeless. The equivalent of destroying the homes of 4,000,000 Israelis. 


600,000 are starved as a direct result of the deliberate illegal military blockade imposed by Israel that cut all life sources from entering Gaza (food, water, medicine, electricity, internet) and killed/tortured a so far unknown number (because deaths not directly due to Israeli strikes are not counted so far) of Palestinians due to this man-made genocidal blockade. That's the equivalent of starving 3,000,000 Israelis. 


2,000,000 Palestinians were displaced (as a direct result of Israeli orders - to which if they were rejected they would be killed, as stated by Israel) indefinitely under these genocidal life conditions with nowhere to go - all while Israeli leaders are publicly calling for the transfer of the entire population to a different region. That's the equivalent of displacing 9,000,000+ Israelis. 



imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

- bombing or evacuating hospitals (and killing newborn babies in incubators in the process) 

- over-exhausting hospitals to the point of collapse 

- displacing tens of thousands of pregnant women with no treatment available on-site 





I don't argue with Zionists for the sake of arguing with them. I know for a fact that if 500,000 Gazans were dead by now they would be still here, spewing the same bs, playing the same distraction tactics, and arguing with the same bad faith - because having a genuine open-minded argument is not within their intentions. They have one goal and that is to normalize Israel's fascist ideology. But ironically they're not running fast enough to catch up to Israel's atrocities and that exposed them.




they went from "It's not ethnic cleansing, it's a legal landowner/rent battle!" to "so what if it's ethnic cleansing? You should be thankful the genocide is not as intense as other genocides that happened in history" in just two years. 


I bet you 100% that if this fascist military campaign is successful and they ethnically cleanse Gaza and start re-settling there (however years it may take), the same Zionist members here are gonna invent an elaborate cover-up as to why it happened and why Palestinians don't have the right to return to Gaza and why Jews from Chicago, Paris, and Warsaw have more rights than Palestinians to live in Gaza. 



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4 hours ago, Communion said:


I'm sorry but this is grossly a misappropriation of identity politics. 


Countless people who went through the Rwandan genocide, in addition to thousands of genocide scholars consider Israel's actions against Palestinians to be genocide.


Let alone - again - the metrics of population you were are not how genocide is defined, and if it were, this:



And this:



Tell very similar stories. 

By the UN definition, Hamas is a genocidal organisation. Its founding charter, published in 1988, explicitly commits it to obliterating Israel. Article 7 states that “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them”. Article 13 rejects any compromise, or peace, until Israel is destroyed. Hamas fighters who burst into Israel on October 7th and killed more than 1,400 Israelis were carrying out the letter of their genocidal law.

Israel, by contrast, does not meet the test of genocide. There is little evidence that Israel, like Hamas, “intends” to destroy an ethnic group—the Palestinians. Israel does want to destroy Hamas, a militant group, and is prepared to inflict civilian casualties in doing so. And while some Israeli extremists might want to eradicate the Palestinians, that is not a government policy.


The total Palestinian casualties from conflicts and operations spanning from 1948 to 2023 (75 years) are estimated to be around 80,000 - 100,000. Meanwhile, the Darfur conflict, which lasted 3 years, led to significant civilian casualties and displacement with estimates of around 300,000 deaths. Yet, the 2005 UN Commission's report concluded that the Government of Sudan had not pursued a policy of genocide. The situation was characterized more by counter-insurgency warfare than by the intent to annihilate a specific group. 

The dip in the chart you posted reflects the displacement of Palestinians following the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, where, you guessed it, five Arab countries attempted to carry out genocide on the newly formed state of Israel.




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"five Arab countries attack poor newly formed Israel" :chick1:


meanwhile Israeli soldiers: 


Israeli historians: 



Morris re-examines the arguments he published years before regarding Jewish hopes to rid Jewish-controlled Palestine of Arabs. In "Revisiting the Palestinian exodus of 1948," Morris uses newly available documents from the Israeli archives to support his older arguments that "the refugee problem was caused by attacks by Jewish forces on Arab villages and towns and by the inhabitants' fear of such attacks, compounded by expulsions, atrocities, and rumors of atrocities--and by the crucial Israeli Cabinet decision in June 1948 to bar a refugee return" (p. 38). In fact, the newly obtained archival information shows that more Jewish atrocities had taken place than Morris had previously believed, such as those al-Husayniyya and Burayr. This chapter is particularly important because so much of Morris's earlier assessments of Israeli expulsions were viciously attacked and rebuked. The latest documents from the Israeli archives, however, seem to validate Morris's thesis that Jewish military actions were the primary cause of the Palestinian refugee problem up to the Israeli government's decision to disallow their return.


A prevailing myth in Israel and the United States is that Arabs joined forces, sending massive waves of holy warriors to destroy everything Jewish. The reality was that there never was a unified, collective, monolithic Arab army. Avi Shlaim points out many of the problems with that myth. Arab nations decided to go to war in Palestine for very different reasons and at very different times. There were actually two Arab blocs, the Hashemite and the non-Hashemite. Although Abdullah, King of Jordan, was considered to be titular head of the Arab army, in reality no Arab commander was willing to allow a commander of a differing nationality to command and control his troops.


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