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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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Scum. May they & anyone that cheers these terrorists on, never know peace. The world will shed no tears at their inevitable downfall. Sick, sick society. 


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@ ATRL Zionists: he’s specifically talking about you :heart:

Edited by ClashAndBurn
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8 minutes ago, Kassi said:

^Same guy on Oct 7th after the massacre of innocent festival goers




No more deflecting.

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34 minutes ago, Kassi said:

^Same guy on Oct 7th after the massacre of innocent festival goers




Sounds like his tweet has been proven true. That even when confronted with the product of their genocidal occupation, Israel has chosen to double-down a path no one can come along with them without being complicit in genocide. 


it's easily objective fact that everything Israel has done since 10/07 has dwarfed 10/07.


20,000 people murdered and counting dwarfs 700 people murdered. It's not "x occurred and so now y and everything that follows is justified".


It is almost sociopathic how Zionists and their supporters gleefully view 10/07 not as the tragedy it was but as carte blanche to destroy the Palestinian people and have not yet stopped in the 80 days since to realize how much of the world they've alienated.


Ministers to Israel are tweeting out and then deleting videos with hysterical claims of seeing Hamas "chop off grown men's penises and feed them it" while the world's media are filled with running commentary along the lines of that Jesus was a Palestinian Jew fleeing occupation and what lessons we're not learning from while standing by as Israel wipes Gaza off the map. CNN of all places had a priest on Christmas day speaking of the "Jesus would have been a Jewish Palestinian" line. You've lost even the American liberal elite with your hunger for destruction.

Edited by Communion
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5 hours ago, Communion said:

Also I'm sorry, @Harrier, but this is a horrific thing to say to a Palestinian person:

This kind of rhetoric is literally what paternalism is. Hamas is nothing but Palestinians organized into a political apparatus. They exist because they represent a not-insignificant sector of the overall ideological spectrum of Palestinian thought. 


Of course there will be diverse political thought in every country and it's chauvinism to be shocked there is in Palestine. It's not hard to imagine elderly Palestinians who experienced the Nakba be brought to their knees and want to give up as another Nakba unfolds in front of them. It's not absurd for someone to feel overwhelmed by the idea of their life being entangled forever in violence to just be a liberated people. 


But similarly, polling shows us that Israeli violence unites the Palestinian people - not just Hamas - in this cause and emotional sentiment, literally to the point of why 10/07 occurred and how it did. The more Palestinians interact with Israelis, the less and less open to living side by side with them as two nations they become because Palestinians are consistently met by Israelis with violence and subjugation. 


I don't think it's what any young lefty Western person online says that causes these men and boys to hate the Israeli regime:

It is literally the difference in these material experiences that brings about what we see today - but in the opposite of what you claim.


That you and I have no understanding of the reality of Palestinians living under occupation. That our gayness brings us no closer to understanding the lives of gay Palestinian men close to our age who wake up and put on gear and weaponry and work alongside alleged Islamists like Hamas to neutralize and defeat Israeli military threats. Does that disparity not speak to you? That the most we have to fear is the rare chance of a micro-aggression or hearing a homophobic joke? That these things simply don't compare to living under an apartheid-style blockade where an enemy is trying to orchestrate famine? While its soldiers indiscriminately bomb apartment buildings and schools? And take hundreds hostage as political prisoners into prisons where rape is rampant as a tactic? 


This isn't to romanticize violent resistance, but to emphasize the horrors innate to it we can't actually know. And that of us who don't know such should instead dedicate ourselves on getting the countries we live in to disassociate from Israel militarily. You know what leads to less dead Palestinians? Less nations providing Israel with the very weapons and system it uses to mow down entire villages of innocent civilians.

Again, as I said I'm not interested in the emotionality around who people are. You can claim it's paternalistic all you wish, but I am a human being as well as a student of history and therefore I can have some empathetic and historical understanding of how a political movement like Hamas forms, even though I am not directly experiencing occupation myself. Palestinians are not the only people group in history to experience oppression. 


In the end, my argument against the politics of matyrdom hasn't really been responded to here other than by people saying "thats not how it is". There is also strong disagreement between me and other members in thread about why the occupation has continued for so long, long after most other legacies of the 20th century. Many of you would argue it is due to the inherent violence of zionism, but I would argue that is is a more nuanced picture and that in addition to Israeli aggression, Palestinian nationalism & the so-called violence of resistance has been a massive obstacle to peace, and continues to be. It's this peace vs justice disagreement. Therefore, we are not going to be able to agree on where things should go.


I am not in disagreement with BDS, or with Americans protesting their government to cease its unconditional support of Israel. I'm for the broad idea of Free Palestine and I went to some of the earlier events here in Melbourne. But I am against leftists glorifying violence, chanting things like "No Peace on Stolen Land", and contributing to the right wing nationalist narrative that is From the River To the Sea, which I view to be a contributor to Palestinian suffering. 

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Of course we all know the Little Pelosis will never acknowledge this after three months of breathless “Israelis only want peaceful coexistence” bullshit @Communion @State of Grace. @Headlock


but it’s “leftists” who support violence when they’re not the ones who have any meaningful power to do anything of substance, either to bring about a ceasefire or move the needle in the Palestinians’ favor against American-made 2000lb bombs :juanny:

Joe Biden has blood on his hands for his lies and his endless support of ethnic cleansing

Edited by ClashAndBurn
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59 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

No more deflecting.

There's nothing to deflect from. I could address every individual point, but, at the end of the day, the ideology espoused by Hamas and their supporters boils down to Israel "shouldn't exist".


And any solution that doesn't include the continuation of the state of Israel is no blueprint for a peace plan, it's a blueprint for endless war.


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1 hour ago, Communion said:

Sounds like his tweet has been proven true. That even when confronted with the product of their genocidal occupation, Israel has chosen to double-down a path no one can come along with them without being complicit in genocide. 


it's easily objective fact that everything Israel has done since 10/07 has dwarfed 10/07.


20,000 people murdered and counting dwarfs 700 people murdered. It's not "x occurred and so now y and everything that follows is justified".


It is almost sociopathic how Zionists and their supporters gleefully view 10/07 not as the tragedy it was but as carte blanche to destroy the Palestinian people and have not yet stopped in the 80 days since to realize how much of the world they've alienated.


Ministers to Israel are tweeting out and then deleting videos with hysterical claims of seeing Hamas "chop off grown men's penises and feed them it" while the world's media are filled with running commentary along the lines of that Jesus was a Palestinian Jew fleeing occupation and what lessons we're not learning from while standing by as Israel wipes Gaza off the map. CNN of all places had a priest on Christmas day speaking of the "Jesus would have been a Jewish Palestinian" line. You've lost even the American liberal elite with your hunger for destruction.

This is all cope. All so boring. 


Arab countries used to go into physical war for Palestine. Right now, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and U.A.E are aligned with Western powers in stopping Hamas.


10/7 was the single most ruinous political move Hamas' terrorist government could have made on behalf of innocent Palestinians. No amount of "poasting" or Tik Tok propaganda can reverse that. The majority of the world can see what's going on. As long as you continue to venerate 10/7, you will continue to miss the plot. 





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Your “reputable” pro-IDF Terrorism source doesn’t even have 400 likes on his original post in that thread, nor does he have 100 in either of the two that you shared :ahh: 


Most of the world is condemning Israel for its barbarity. They only have the United States standing in their corner, and that is because our politicians in leadership are financially owned by their lobbying advocates to the tunes of millions of dollars each election cycle.


The way anyone can look at the UN resolutions that are nearly unanimously for Palestinians’ right to self-determination and claim that the world stands with Israel shows how divorced Zionists are from reality :ahh: 

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1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Of course we all know the Little Pelosis will never acknowledge this after three months of breathless “Israelis only want peaceful coexistence” bullshit @Communion @State of Grace. @Headlock


but it’s “leftists” who support violence when they’re not the ones who have any meaningful power to do anything of substance, either to bring about a ceasefire or move the needle in the Palestinians’ favor against American-made 2000lb bombs :juanny:

Joe Biden has blood on his hands for his lies and his endless support of ethnic cleansing

B-b-but TikTok propaganda!!1!  :redface:

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47 minutes ago, Kassi said:

The majority of the world can see what's going on.




The entire world has seen the true face of Israel. Only Zionists remain purposely blind and obtuse.

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Innocent civilians, illegally detained by Israel describe the conditions they were forced to endure 


- Starvation 

- Forced to soil themselves

-  Burned with cigarettes

- Beaten & punched 

- Forced to walk on shards of glass

- Water torture

- Forced to stand with restraints

- Provided contaminated water to drink

- Denied medical care 

- Broken limbs

- Sexual abuse & humiliation 





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4 hours ago, airplane said:


Almost of all of the living Palestinian left northern Gaza so I doubt Israelis took the picture to make their crimes public.

The second picture has a 62% rate of being AI generated. 

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5 hours ago, Kassi said:




Hamas is not accepting a ceasefire under our conditions therefore that gives us the right to bomb thousands of children to death or lose their limbs and traumatize them.

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8 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

Hamas is not accepting a ceasefire under our conditions therefore that gives us the right to bomb thousands of children to death or lose their limbs and traumatize them.

Correction: Hamas started a war that they can end tomorrow by releasing hostages and surrendering.


Don’t lose that #ceasefirenow energy.

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2 minutes ago, Kassi said:

Correction: Hamas started a war that they can end tomorrow by releasing hostages and surrendering.


Don’t lose that #ceasefirenow energy.

I support the ceasefire and Hamas surrendering but even if Hamas does not surrenders and they return the remaining hostages (which they said they will) the deal should be accepted by Israel. 



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24 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

Almost of all of the living Palestinian left northern Gaza so I doubt Israelis took the picture to make their crimes public.

The second picture has a 62% rate of being AI generated. 

Bffr. There are still some (very few) journalists there documenting what happened.


Those pictures were taken by Hossam Shabat at the entrance of the city of Beit Hanoun. Hit the translate button:





Edited by State of Grace.
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5 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

I support the ceasefire and Hamas surrendering but even if Hamas does not surrenders and they return the remaining hostages (which they said they will) the deal should be accepted by Israel. 



So that we’re back here again in two years time?


That kind of ceasefire is no different than a humanitarian pause extended by some months while Hamas plans another Oct 7. 

For a permanent ceasefire, Hamas has got to go. 

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didn’t an israeli minister say that they don’t plan to stop the war even if hostages were returned? if that ******* state cared about hostages so much, it wouldn’t be bombing Gaza to shreds. It was never about the hostages or protecting that disgusting state.

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It's going to probably be the Houthis who stop this war. The Gulf and the West are happy to see it continue.

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