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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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16 minutes ago, A.R.L said:

We cannot deny the massacres of Israel for which they should be held accountable, but the other side should to deny the fact of Israel's right to exist.


Anti-Semitism and Islamic influence to control all that religion is what turns both sidea into continuous destructive wars.

What happened to Palestine/Israel was exactly what happened to other neighboring countries or to India and Pakistan, but in this case, since they are Jews, Muslims refused to share the lands that the Jews had before the Arabs.

Projecting your own resentments over Islam won't turn what is a fundamentally geopolitical and nationalist conflict into a religious one. 


Surely you have to see the irony to posture that Western LGBT people are 'misreading' something and nonsensically supporting 'people who'd kill them' while yourself no differently are rewriting the realities of Palestine into your own vision of the world that makes sense with your own biases as someone invested in things like the mistreatment of non-Islamic populations in places like Morocco? How does the destruction of the Palestinian people make Berbers across North Africa safer?


This is ironically what many posters do, like that one user who somehow will dunk on Palestinians because "what about the Kurds???" despite that it was Israel giving the literal medical aid to ISIS fighters and then letting them go free, who were then killing Kurdish soldiers in Syria. :smiley: 


Literally how do you reconcile your musings about "but what about the Islam!?" with images like these?

Does someone deserve to have their body crushed by a bulldozer for simply being the same religion as someone who has harmed you?



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27 minutes ago, A.R.L said:

What happened to Palestine/Israel was exactly what happened to other neighboring countries or to India and Pakistan, but in this case, since they are Jews, Muslims refused to share the lands that the Jews had before the Arabs.

Most of Jews in Israel left the region before the spread of Islam. By the time Muslims came by, the region was predominantly Christian. 



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The IDF is crushing Palestinian civilians in tents alive with bulldozers, but let's hear more about how Israel is targeting only Hamas and taking extra care not to harm anyone else.


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4 hours ago, Communion said:

How does the destruction of the Palestinian people make Berbers across North Africa safer?


They are safer as long as they don’t oppose islam and the Arabization identity to which they were forced to accept in order to live in peace with the Arab colonizers. The Amazigh language was not the official language in Morocco only until 2011, the fact that they are still fighting for their dignity until now, its even worse for the Amazigh who left Islam.


Palestinian people are victims more for the corrupt group that is hamas and the whole antisemitism BS that wants to wipe Israel from that region. I’m sure if Arabs (not just the Palestinians) accepted peace with Israel in the 40s, things would have been so much different now. 

But one thing is certain that I don’t deny the crimes committed against the Palestinians. Something Hamas supporters will never say about the crimes hamas committed against victims from the other side

Edited by A.R.L
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27 minutes ago, A.R.L said:

Palestinian people are victims more for the corrupt group that is hamas and the whole antisemitism BS that wants to wipe Israel from that region.

Who has murdered +20k people in the last 70 days? Israel, not Hamas


How are you going to pretend that you care about Palestinians and the crimes committed against them when you say **** like this in the same breath? :toofunny3:


27 minutes ago, A.R.L said:

I’m sure if Arabs (not just the Palestinians) accepted peace with Israel in the 40s, things would have been so much different now. 

Again with the "Palestinians & Arabs didn't accept peace with Israel so they had it coming" rhetoric that actually does nothing but justify the ongoing genocide. Why would they "accept peace" with an occupier stealing their land and killing their people? Israel doesn't want peace and it has never existed in peace. Its existence in the first place is built on brutality towards Palestinians.

Edited by State of Grace.
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33 minutes ago, A.R.L said:

They are safer as long as they don’t oppose islam and the Arabization identity to which they were forced to accept in order to live in peace with the Arab colonizers

So to be clear - you *are* saying that Palestinians as a group deserve mass suffering and death due to the actions of unrelated groups who share their ethnicity or religion?

I said this as hyperbole in hope you'd disagree, but you've essentially just said it yourself:

4 hours ago, Communion said:

Does someone deserve to have their body crushed by a bulldozer for simply being the same religion as someone who has harmed you?

This post has both revealed you as an unserious bigot and outed you as a moral fraud. 

I will repeat myself: trying to lie and frame this event as rooted in religion and "Islamism" because *you* hate Muslims is a moral failure and patently dishonest, and I hope the image of innocent Palestinians being mowed down by blood-thirsty IDF soldiers haunts you for the rest of your sad life:


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IDF are monsters. How can anyone come in here and still support that ****? 

US are disgusting too. They have way too much power and say in the world. Something has to change. 

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11 hours ago, Communion said:

It's worse - the soldiers only noticed who they shot after noticing the 3rd person they shot "looked different", likely referencing the one who has red hair.




Meaning that the IDF is just openly indiscriminately firing - and have been this whole time - at anyone who can be perceived as "Palestinian", which includes countless Jewish Israelis. :redface:


Males you wonder how many times this might have happened and there was no Israeli with red hair, so the IDF simply shot them and marked it down as three more khamas killed.


Perhaps the IDF would have realised sooner if he had of been able to take his confederate p*rn poster with him and hold that up, instead of a white flag, which they probably just assumed meant the three men were surrendering Palestinian civilians, so they shot them.


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6 hours ago, A.R.L said:

They are safer as long as they don’t oppose islam and the Arabization identity to which they were forced to accept in order to live in peace with the Arab colonizers. The Amazigh language was not the official language in Morocco only until 2011, the fact that they are still fighting for their dignity until now, its even worse for the Amazigh who left Islam.


Palestinian people are victims more for the corrupt group that is hamas and the whole antisemitism BS that wants to wipe Israel from that region. I’m sure if Arabs (not just the Palestinians) accepted peace with Israel in the 40s, things would have been so much different now. 

But one thing is certain that I don’t deny the crimes committed against the Palestinians. Something Hamas supporters will never say about the crimes hamas committed against victims from the other side

Wipe Israel from the region? It has been the other way round since the beginning babe. Perhaps you should read the book ‘The ethnic cleansing of Palestine’ by Ilan Pappè in which he describes the early methods used by Jewish settlers in the 1930’s and 40’s which included building settlements on top of hills overlooking Palestinian villages, then rolling down barrels of explosives, large steel balls and oil barrels that would ignite. Then, when the Palestinians rushed out to put out the flames they would shoot them with sniper fire. And that’s just one example. 

Here’s another current example. A student recollects how he travelled back to the West Bank from abroad and stayed over at his sister’s house. She has young children and multiple family members living in that house. Every night red light from a sniper would be shone through their windows by Israeli settlers that lived across them and they would be terrified to even move a muscle. Can you imagine living like that on the daily. They live with locked doors, windows and in constant fear. He felt powerless. Because if you do actually get shot by an Israeli settler, that settler would face zero repercussions. There’s nothing they can do except move. 

Now tell me how that isn’t ethnic displacement. 


The book goes into detail about how Israel planned to ethnically cleanse Palestine. They gloss over the Nakba and the founding of Israel because if you actually picked up a history book and read about it, they wouldn’t look very good at all. It goes against the whole self-defence narrative that they have formulated to appeal to Western governments.


You should be asking why as an Israeli, you cannot search up the Nakba to do independent research. 

Hamas is a direct consequence of the Israeli occupation of Gaza. Plain and simple. If Israel didn’t occupy the region Hamas would not exist and they would be governed by the PLO. 

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The absolute incompetence of the IDF is a reflection of Zionist narcissism. No strategy, just extreme violence 

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you would think a group of people that the nazis tried to eradicate completely wouldn’t be so keen on genocide . 

Edited by GardenPanty
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Average ATRL Zionist with lack of empathy being a feature and not a bug :) 

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This is likely the finalized number. 700 people killed is still horrific (and only increases the terror of a close to 1:30 ratio of dead Gazans), but a 50% reduction in estimated deaths is... really damning on the Israeli government, shows the moral and logistical failure in the US and allies in believing initial Israeli counts while baselessly trying to needlessly deny death tolls in Gaza, and leads to even more questions.


It also debunks the stories of "dozens of decapitated babies". The 36 children includes just one baby, who died from mass firing like much of those who died at Beeri.


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Settler colony tingz. We've been getting these plans of a "new city" with parks, resorts, and beach houses over the rubble of the murdered bodies since the first week. Doesn't take a genius to see whats happening, unless you're deliberately being obtuse.



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This Israeli is pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of Zionists accusing Hamas of using civilians as human shields when in the center of Tel Aviv this monument praises The Hagganah (the Zionist militant group that was behind the barbaric Deir Yassin massacre) for using synagogues as military bases in the 30’s and 40’s. 


Now ain’t that ironic. Do you condemn Lehi, Irgun and the Hagganah? are they resistance fighters or terrorists? :santa:

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