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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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Translation: "Our warriors will return only after they have cut off all these damned foreskins"


"But do you condemn Khamas?!"




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56 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

The freed captives eating prison food, omg :deadbanana2:

Making fun of A kid eating food 💀 how low can it get. 


Edited by GhostBox
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2 hours ago, State of Grace. said:

I've noticed many accounts ~quietly~ liking pro-genocidal and/or racist posts in this thread (and section) since the implementation of this feature. Too shy to speak their minds. :mandown: Maybe mods should consider warning/banning users who cosign those kind of posts as well tbfh.

90%-97% are the same person. 

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3 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Making fun of A kid eating food 💀 how low can it get. 

Making fun of the people using him for propaganda not even bothering to get him a decent meal. Literally giving him prison food while detaining him and keeping him and all the other hostages away from being interviewed. 


Surely it tastes better than Hasbara Boot, though! :ahh: 

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Not a fan of the guy who tweeted this but Not The prime minister of Ireland saying the little girl was “lost” 💀



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So I was reading through Twitter (mistake number one) and stumbled across this while reading a thread about people not wanting to vote for Biden because of his actions



Like people are extremely hurt watching their loved ones get murdered and their homeland get ravaged, and THIS is the response you give them? You can't tell people how to react to a genocide that apparently doesn't affect you. The condescending, blasé attitude is abhorrent. **** this dude and anyone who thinks like him. 

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3 hours ago, State of Grace. said:

I've noticed many accounts ~quietly~ liking pro-genocidal and/or racist posts in this thread (and section) since the implementation of this feature. Too shy to speak their minds. :mandown: Maybe mods should consider warning/banning users who cosign those kind of posts as well tbfh.

3 hours ago, Headlock said:

Also that account I @-ed is 100% that TeaTime user who got banned, they had their instagram linked and this new account’s avi looks like them :khalyan:

Just ask The Mods to investigate just so they can permaban all dupe accounts including the main one



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15 minutes ago, Aston Martin said:

So I was reading through Twitter (mistake number one) and stumbled across this while reading a thread about people not wanting to vote for Biden because of his actions



Like people are extremely hurt watching their loved ones get murdered and their homeland get ravaged, and THIS is the response you give them? You can't tell people how to react to a genocide that apparently doesn't affect you. The condescending, blasé attitude is abhorrent. **** this dude and anyone who thinks like him. 

A bunch of ATRLers are like this, they really think people will vote Biden after his direct encouragement in this genocide. They make fatal mistake by fear mongering, guilt tripping, lesser two of evils card, people are absolutely mad and they are ready to abandon Biden for real. But the dummy Biden cultists are too blind to see, too deaf to listen so lets the fall begin.



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5 hours ago, FOCK said:

I don’t condone hostage taking, though in the context of this situation, I’d wager to bet the horrific experience of being kidnapped & then, rather than your worst fears and indoctrination you’ve fed unfolding, it actually sheds a light on the humanity of your apparent “enemy” & affords you the ability to connect & hear out another human’s experience. 

"I don't condone hostage taking, but here's why the hostage taking might actually have a cute little silver lining and teach us about the good in humanity!"


Yeah I'm sorry, but some of you are REALLY losing the plot here and are feeding directly into the hands of the Zionists who justify their extremism and fear-mongering by accusing the anti-Zionists of lying when they say they care about the innocent people on both sides :skull: Like... there are MANY ways to communicate why Israel is the aggressor and the more destructive force in this conflict without resorting to "see, even Hamas's kidnapping of children wasn't so bad after all!" The fact that some children with cameras on them who are happy to be going to their families after several weeks don't look visibly scared or traumatized is a very messed up thing to try to use as a gotcha. Takes like this are exactly why, despite Israel's actions the last several weeks being objectively horrifying and indefensible, you still have polls where a majority or plurality of average Americans support Israel in the conflict. The pro-Palestinian movement is stereotyped as being unserious and unable to concede that Hamas is doing anything meaningfully wrong (that's where the annoying "but do you condemn Hamas???" thing comes from), and the current discourse around the hostage release is absolutely not helping alleviate that stereotype :deadbanana:

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15 minutes ago, shelven said:

"I don't condone hostage taking, but here's why the hostage taking might actually have a cute little silver lining and teach us about the good in humanity!"


Yeah I'm sorry, but some of you are REALLY losing the plot here and are feeding directly into the hands of the Zionists who justify their extremism and fear-mongering by accusing the anti-Zionists of lying when they say they care about the innocent people on both sides :skull: Like... there are MANY ways to communicate why Israel is the aggressor and the more destructive force in this conflict without resorting to "see, even Hamas's kidnapping of children wasn't so bad after all!" The fact that some children with cameras on them who are happy to be going to their families after several weeks don't look visibly scared or traumatized is a very messed up thing to try to use as a gotcha. Takes like this are exactly why, despite Israel's actions the last several weeks being objectively horrifying and indefensible, you still have polls where a majority or plurality of average Americans support Israel in the conflict. The pro-Palestinian movement is stereotyped as being unserious and unable to concede that Hamas is doing anything meaningfully wrong (that's where the annoying "but do you condemn Hamas???" thing comes from), and the current discourse around the hostage release is absolutely not helping alleviate that stereotype :deadbanana:

Americans support Isreali because of the unrelenting propaganda they're fed by the hour....they don't even hear the perspective of the Palestinians. Just turn on any mainstream media outlet and it's clear as day that the media has no tolerance for criticism of Isreal or even a call for a ceasefire. The fact that they're framing this as a war on Hamas when Isreal has killed a handful of Hamas fighters and thousands of innocent civilians, is pathetic.....and of course the media has yet to ask a single pundit, commentator, or supporter if they condemn the atrocities Netanyahu and his IDF goons have inflicted of Palestinians.

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1 minute ago, RihRihGirrrl said:

Americans support Isreali because of the unrelenting propaganda they're fed by the hour....they don't even hear the perspective of the Palestinians. Just turn on any mainstream media outlet and it's clear as day that the media has no tolerance for criticism of Isreal or even a call for a ceasefire. The fact that they're framing this as a war on Hamas when Isreal has killed a handful of Hamas fighters and thousands of innocent civilians, is pathetic.....and of course the media has yet to ask a single pundit, commentator, or supporter if they condemn the atrocities Netanyahu and his IDF goons have inflicted of Palestinians.

"Many Americans support Israel because mainstream Western media has a significant pro-Israel bias" and "many Americans continue to support Israel because they see the other side take really weird positions such as framing child kidnapping as a happy occurrence which offers a positive sign for humanity" aren't mutually exclusive concepts. All I'm saying is I don't think the anti-Zionist movement is doing itself any favours when it tries to use how kidnapped children were treated as an example of Hamas' humanity (not to mention that it's just a very morally questionable take to begin with). If "let's not frame hostage-taking as secretly a nice thing" is considered a controversial take here, that's probably a sign that this movement is not as accessible as it could be to people who otherwise may align with it on the overall moral positions of this conflict :skull:

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18 minutes ago, shelven said:

Takes like this are exactly why, despite Israel's actions the last several weeks being objectively horrifying and indefensible, you still have polls where a majority or plurality of average Americans support Israel in the conflict.

Nah, half of all Americans just severely hate brown people in the middle east and want to see them bombed to oblivion because of lingering hatred and resentment over 9/11 that never went away. Most of the remaining half are extremely indifferent, but relate more to Israel on a surface level because they're (incorrectly) framed as a secular democracy rather than the apartheid ethnostate that they actually are. The only ones that care are millenials on Twitter who've seen images of the bombings for themselves and Gen Z'ers on TikTok.


Extremely online discourse like this is completely separate from what most people are exposed to, and, tbh, the only images most people in America have seen have been from October 7. Western media outlets are only able to cover Gaza from Tel-Aviv. Most people don't know that Israel has shown genocidal intent, but even if they were, if past is prologue, Rwanda has shown us that if a genocide is occurring outside of Europe, nobody in the West will give a damn. At least, not in numbers sufficient to effect change.


At this point, the BEST Palestine can hope for is the pre-October 7 status quo of slow-walked ethnic cleansing, but Israel has shown that it's not going to accept that, and Joe Biden's tepid urgings of restraint are irrelevant and falling on deaf ears.

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1 hour ago, shelven said:

"I don't condone hostage taking, but here's why the hostage taking might actually have a cute little silver lining and teach us about the good in humanity!"


Yeah I'm sorry, but some of you are REALLY losing the plot here and are feeding directly into the hands of the Zionists who justify their extremism and fear-mongering by accusing the anti-Zionists of lying when they say they care about the innocent people on both sides :skull: Like... there are MANY ways to communicate why Israel is the aggressor and the more destructive force in this conflict without resorting to "see, even Hamas's kidnapping of children wasn't so bad after all!" The fact that some children with cameras on them who are happy to be going to their families after several weeks don't look visibly scared or traumatized is a very messed up thing to try to use as a gotcha. Takes like this are exactly why, despite Israel's actions the last several weeks being objectively horrifying and indefensible, you still have polls where a majority or plurality of average Americans support Israel in the conflict. The pro-Palestinian movement is stereotyped as being unserious and unable to concede that Hamas is doing anything meaningfully wrong (that's where the annoying "but do you condemn Hamas???" thing comes from), and the current discourse around the hostage release is absolutely not helping alleviate that stereotype :deadbanana:

I literally give zero effs what a Zionist thinks. I will never concede ground or side with a genocidal, brainwashed, racist maniac - and that’s the ideology that underpins the Zionist project. 

I literally give zero effs what “the majority of American polls” suggest. They have slaughtered our people for generations & American media & politicians are beholden to AIPAC & Zionist entities.

Yes, I care that the hostages seem well cared for. That should not be an incendiary statement.  

Yes, I care that this further highlights the difference between Israel’s utter contempt for Palestinian children’s lives, so much so, that their treatment of them is evidently worse than the supposed “terror organisation” they’re desperate to paint as worse than Hitler. 


The Zionist argument rests on the brutalisation of innocent civilians. I’m in support of anything that breaks that perception. Israel’s leaders rathered these hostages dead, than be willing to come to the negotiating table sooner & release their own illegal captives, that they’ve reportedly physically and psychologically tortured for years, some as young as 12 - who have been separated from their parents. There’s no comparison.

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Yet we barely see mainstream media covering this  :doc:



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Man on the phone call legit sounding like some users here. :biblio: 


I really worry about Motaz. He has put his life on the line every time he goes out to capture the destruction in Gaza and expose Israel's atrocities for 50 days and counting. He already lost many relatives and he's been getting nonstop death threats. His pictures and videos have an incredible reach and they've helped millions of people see the real face of Israel. The occupation is systemically targeting journalists and their families so I hope he stays safe. Seeing Plestia being forced into exile from Gaza to protect her family was so heartbreaking.



Edited by State of Grace.
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He ate him up.




Can't for the regular pro-genocide users here to downvote this post :chick1:


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