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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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6 minutes ago, Dephira said:

Not the threatened ban for ---

A forum ban for being a white supremacist bigot using random clips to suggest the world's entire Muslim population are some blood thirsty orcs who want all Jews dead, yes.


Literally, to this day, nothing has eclipsed the death and destruction that Europeans have inflicted onto Jewish people. Have some self-awareness.


Saying all Muslims are somehow dedicated to and driven by an innate kill instinct to want to murder Jews, let alone using such as a pretext to justify the genocide of the Palestinians? Literally quoting a user who has enough tact to go "I of course don't mean to suggest Muslims as a people all want Jews dead or anything" only to go "WELL, ACTUALLY, THANK AGAIN!!! :)". 


Just go to Stormfront at this point and post about how "poor Europe" is being invaded or something. I genuinely hate that ghouls like you decided a pop forum is where you want to spread your white supremacist nonsense.. :mazen:

Edited by Communion
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Cross posting from Election Megathread: Biden's WH is engaging in full genocide denial and providing cover for Israeli war crimes

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4 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

I do not believe for one minute that religion does not a play a factor on the palestinian/ muslim side. many muslim countries teach that things like the holocaust never happened and is a lie. and the mass persecution of jews in arab countries in the 20th century backs up the animosity of muslims towards jews. 500 jews remain in arab countries from a pre-1947 population of 800 000. so  I would say yes, there is a huuge component of antisemitism at play for muslims. you have to be willfully looking the other way to not beleive this

Majority prophets are Jews so you saying Muslims hates Jews is contradicting their fundamental belief. I guess you need to check back who beheaded their own prophets :-*

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23 hours ago, Communion said:

Palestinian men are terrorists.

Palestinian women are terrorists.

Palestinian children are terrorists.

Journalists are terrorists.

The Media are terrorists.

Doctors are terrorists.

Nurses are terrorists.

The Red Cross are terrorists.

The UN are terrorists.

Amnesty International are terrorists.

WHO are terrorists.

If its at the point where every single entity other than yourself and your bff USA are terrorists... perhaps you are the real terrorists Mr. Israel...

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4 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

its the big bad westerners fault, i get it. girl get your people to own up to their own actions. stop blaming everything on the west. we know we did wrong in the past. we know it very well. and we're trying to fix things. but no accountability to be found yet in the muslim countries.


And trust me i know Israel is no saint. But i wont let you blame everything on the west when it is 2023 and we are able to freely protest for free palestine without fear of being murdered for it. because that's the Europe of 2023. A place of change. a place willing to hear anyone out. when the muslim countries are able to allow for this, give me a ring. now i am going to go out for dinner with my boyfriend and kiss in public because i can. Progress!

Oh look, another clown in this thread!


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3 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

I care when 95% of followers of Islam believe talking trees will tell Muslims where Jews are hiding, hell yes i care.  Fortunately, the percentage of Jews who believe the wacky Hebrew Bible stories is much much lower.

Do you have any evidence to support this?


No? So shut the hell up then...

Edited by CroNich
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Joe Biden is detaining Arab Americans to make sure they didn’t attend any pro-Palestine rallies and is confiscating their electronic communication devices regardless of their answer.




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10 minutes ago, CroNich said:

Do you have any evidence to support this?


No? So shut the hell up then...

How ironic that that "lower percentage" did more damage and devastation than those 95%.


Bare in mind that the biggest Jewish extermination (Holocaust) did not involve Muslim + Zionist agents are known to be the responsible entity that cause the Jews expulsion from Arab countries (for the record the League of Arab States banned the emigration of Arab Jews to Israel in 1940s)

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15 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

But i wont let you blame everything on the west when it is 2023 and we are able to freely protest for free palestine 


5 hours later... :gaycat2:



10 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Joe Biden is detaining Arab Americans to make sure they didn’t attend any pro-Palestine rallies and is confiscating their electronic communication devices regardless of their answer.




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18 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

i never said muslims are taught to kill jews, but definitely taught to not to trust them and depict them as shady characters.


hadith, quran, whatever. a prominent muslim writing said that trees will tell muslims where jews are hiding. If you cannot admit that there is antisemitism in your religion, just as I KNOW for certain there is antisemitism in mine, then that is on you. instead of blaming the west and how much smarter arabs are than westerners when it comes to jewish history, maybe you should try to change things from the inside out instead of blocking your ears saying "lalalala i cant hear you west BAD muslim education good". we dont get anywhere if we just push the blame around. own up. take responsibility. at least western christian countries can say they have worked on anti semitism and righting wrongs. i dont see any ownership of blame from muslim countries. just blaming. no thank you. thats not my style. nope.

Jews in Iran which is the most anti-Israel country in the world and an Islamic republic;


Jews in the Islamic Republic of Iran are formally to be treated equally and free to practice their religion.


Tehran has 11 functioning synagogues, many of them with Hebrew schools. It has two kosher restaurants, and a Jewish hospital, an old-age home and a cemetery. There is a Jewish representative in the Iranian parliament. There is a Jewish library with 20,000 titles, its reading room decorated with a photograph of the Ayatollah Khomeini.


Antisemitism is never justified but when used in such political nature it is best to acknowledge that the state of Israel and their treatment of Muslims played a radical role in increasing antisemitism lately. But it's true that there is intense Antisemitism among Palestinians and intense anti-Palestinian sentiment among Israelis that's why I prefer a two state solution in order to avoid further escalation if a peace deal ever happens. 



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The deal for the hostages' release that will be submitted to the government for approval includes the release of 50 Israeli children and women during a four-day ceasefire and includes the possibility of it being extended if Hamas locates additional women and children, with ten freed for each additional day of the ceasefire. 



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25 minutes ago, Shelter said:

“Tunnels were built by Israel” 





I bet you that's the extent of their 'intelligence' smh.....they have no idea where Hamas is 

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17 minutes ago, RihRihGirrrl said:

I bet you that's the extent of their 'intelligence' smh.....they have no idea where Hamas is 

Honestly even their propaganda sucks. They have no idea what they are doing.

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