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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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I’ll be attending the pro-Palestine march tomorrow in my city. I expect it to be the biggest one yet. 

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44 minutes ago, More Than A Melody said:

The only "conspiracy theory" of the sort is that the IDF didn't respond accordingly on October 7 because it benefited them to allow what happened to happen, in order to justify escalating things to this degree. And this isn't some harebrained theory that people are pulling out of their ass. The IDF claims they can intercept random phone calls, they have "intelligence" about the tunnels. They have checkpoints everywhere, and control even if potato chips make it into Gaza, and somehow a huge operation like October 7 flew right under their noses? It was planned for A VERY LONG TIME. How did they miss it?


This is something the families of the hostages are crying about. The hostages themselves said the way the IDF reacted was ridiculously bad. So are they one of the most developed military in the world or are they incompetent idiots? That's all there is to it. I don't think a single person believes there were no Israeli victims, or that Hamas didn't do what they did.


The Israeli victims ARE exaggerated. Among the 1,400 names released a good chunk of them have military ranks or are police officers. But we can also see a bunch of other names, and those are people, and their deaths are tragic. I looked a the names, there are several surnames that are repeated, meaning there were families who died together. That is objectively awful. The fact that a lot of the people injured or killed were actually more pro Palestinian than the average Israeli (because of proximity with the border, most people attacked were even pacifists), it's awful!


Every step of the way, most of us have said that the actions taken by Hamas were abhorrent, that what happened was horrible, but that we have EMPATHY for the 85% of Hamas members who are children of murdered parents - murdered by Israeli bombs. Time and time again I have asked people like you, what would you do in their situation? And not once have I gotten a reply. Because I don't think anyone in this thread can fathom the conditions Palestinians live in. I just saw a video of a little girl who lost her leg due to an air strike, had to undergo surgery, and then less than 24 hours later had to be forcibly evacuated because Israel threatened to bomb the hospital she was in. Would you be a pacifist if you were her? Would you advocate for the dissolution of Hamas? Would you think that October 7 was unjustified if you had to go through that before you even turned 12 years old?


It's so f*cking easy to sit where we are and act like we'd do better, like we would never sink that low, to "condemn Hamas" to call them terrorists. To parrot over and over how Israel has a right to defend itself. We have reached a point of no return. At this point, if you SERIOUSLY want to act like October 7 happened in a vacuum, you're being objectively dense.


And QuranAnon is an incredibly disrespectful attempt at a "joke" because you're not calling out the individual people you think are acting like Qanon, you're using a religion that, right now, is being targeted worldwide. A child was stabbed to death for being Muslim. A woman was attacked in a park. A man got thrown hot coffee and a phone at him and his 18 months old child. If someone made "a joke" like yours using a variation of the word Jewish, you'd be rightfully pissed. So miss me with this BS. What you said is literally Islamophobic, and I didn't see the original post, just the quotes, or else I would've reported it accordingly.


Israel creates its own safety concerns, girl. When you malign, mock, taunt, bomb, murder a population of 5M+ for decades, you get extremists who want to react with violence. Doesn't make the extremists or the violence okay. Israel is literally beating up a wounded dog with a club and then yelling they want to euthanize it when it bites their arm.

The IDF didn’t respond accordingly because they were caught with their pants down, there’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The far right, fascist government of Israel failed its people living in the Gaza periphery because they would rather create a police-state in the West Bank to “defend” Jewish settlers from the conflicts that they provoke. The border with Gaza was literally “understaffed,” for the lack of a better term. This, on top of the idea of providing work visas for Gazans in exchange for stability, led to a false sense of security even with all of the technology and intelligence that was ignored - now the sh*tty government has another atrocity to answer for. There’s no doubt in my mind that once the dust settles in this war, that the Israeli people will (rightfully) turn their rage towards the government (again).


As for the questioning the Israeli victims, bodies are literally still trying to be identified because they were burned and dismembered beyond recognition. A lot of the victims have military positions because every Israeli has to serve in the military - a law that exists in the country that wasn’t established for no reason. Whether it’s justified or not to have a forced draft is another debate, but it doesn’t change the fact that the majority of the victims were not in active service and were just living their lives on the day of the attack. Besides that, the argument that “they are soldiers so they’re not REAL victims” is just a callous one - the same one could be made for Hamas members/supporters, and the person who makes that argument would be rightfully called out for the heartlessness of it. It’s a bad faith argument. Like you mentioned, many of the people murdered/kidnapped ARE advocates for Palestine and support their liberation. And there are many people like that both in and outside of Israel - who, as certain members have rightfully pointed out, are under threat of retaliation from Israel’s far-right leaders. I don’t blame people like the little girl you mentioned for being angry, she is a victim, too. But I can blame the people who live outside the scope of the conflict that stoke the flames of radicalism and justify it from the comfort of their bedrooms, knowing they won’t suffer the consequences. And that is what quite a few members in here are doing.


I will fight back against the Islamophobic point because all you’re doing is conflating terrible hate crimes against Muslims with me replying to mostly non-Muslims for behaving like the same far right lunatics they shun. I could easily list just as many anti-Semitic attacks that have taken place and conflate them with your arguments being insensitive to those victims, but I won’t because it would be just as much of a reach. I responded with nonsense because most of what they post is nonsense.


As for the response from Israel to Gaza, THIS is something that can and should be debated. In the immediate aftermath of the October 7th attacks, besides expressing concern for their loved ones in Israel, almost everyone I spoke with followed up with some variation of fear for the innocent Gazans that were about to be caught in the crossfire of Israel’s retaliation. I hate this war, and it’s ugliness and the dehumanization that’s taking place. People are dying that shouldn’t. Bombing everything to oblivion is bad, but so is doing nothing. I don’t have the “right” solution that is based on the objective reality we live in and not based on idealization. All I can do personally is mourn for the victims on both sides, and continue to donate to causes I believe in that help them.


I like conversations like this better than the all-or-nothing, black-and-white discourse that is promoted in this thread. I invite anyone who is GENUINELY interested in discussing the war, the history that led up to it, or theorizing about solutions to PM me. Maybe we can make a group chat with people of all different opinions to contribute meaningful POVs.

Edited by ZIVERT
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1 hour ago, HungryByTheBuffet said:

Let me repeat it for you:

Calling for the destruction of an entire country is NOT OK.


Here's how a normal person should feel and speak:

All countries should continue to exist for the safety of innocent humans and the peace of the entire world dynamic, while individually working toward better human rights for all and global relations.


It's not so hard :skull:

Congratulations youve won miss universe

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26 minutes ago, Both Sides Now said:

I appreciate your response but I have to say - I have never seen you condemn anything Israel has done in these threads; I've only seen you chastise pro-Palestinian posters.


If you would like to engage with uncomfortable truths then I allow me to say have a fundamental issue with your framing of this conflict. Palestinians aren't victimising themselves - they are the victims. Israel is an occupying force and oppressor. That is just a fact. Palestinians have been made refugees, brutalised, dehumanised and humiliated by Israel for 75 years. There is no situation where Israel is the victim. There are users in this thread whose families became refugees because of Israel (along with 750K+ people). And they're seeing Act 2 of this ethnic cleansing happening now. People have the right to be emotional. The "dilemma" of Palestinians is loss of their land, their culture and extermination of their people - not meanies on the internet calling Israel a fake country (which is Israeli's biggest gripe). 


With regards to violent resistance - I tend to think there is two sides to that: a philosophical side and a realistic side. Was it wrong for Native Americans to resist European settlers? What about indigenous South East Asians killing most of Magellan's fleets? It probably is justified - but that's historical. Of course the realistic side of this in the latest conflict is that civilians have died from Hamas' attack and I can never support or condone that. However, we're now looking at a death count 10X that in Gaza and Zionists are still finger wagging at people being disgusted at Israel's actions (both sides!!!!). For people who understand this conflict and the Zionist motivation, it is a clear sign that you have been red pilled into thinking that somehow Palestinians deserve to bombed and humiliated. That their punishment should be a complete loss of their lands and exile into the desert. 


So yeah, you can tell a lot by what people find acceptable and what they will take issue with. If your biggest concern is that people don't want to  "engage" with someone who fundamentally values Israeli lives more then that's on you. The only way this horrific conflict will be resolved is if we acknowledge the truth of Israel's crimes (like with the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland). That's how you "stop Hamas" - not with bombs that are designed to kill as many civilians as possible. Israel currently holds all the cards.

I agree with almost everything in this post. I won't nitpick, but I will say that I don't value Israeli lives more than Palestinians - I just value them period, as I do Palestinian lives. I'm not concerned with engaging in conversations with people who have a problem with that anyways, because nothing productive can come from it. My issue is that those same people are drowning out the voices of people who do want to be productive.

Edited by ZIVERT
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The amount of lives that would be saved if Israel gave Gaza only 5 days instead of just 24 hours to evacuate in early October. Truly sociopaths. What is Hamas going to do for 5 days that they did not do for years planning the Oct 7th?

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I know damn well Macron is no ally, especially after that protest law, but it shows that public sentiment on Israel is changing when even he is forced to give Israel a slap in the wrist.

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30 minutes ago, ZIVERT said:

The IDF didn’t respond accordingly because they were caught with their pants down, there’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The far right, fascist government of Israel failed its people living in the Gaza periphery because they would rather create a police-state in the West Bank to “defend” Jewish settlers from the conflicts that they provoke. The border with Gaza was literally “understaffed,” for the lack of a better term. This, on top of the idea of providing work visas for Gazans in exchange for stability led to a false sense of security even with all of the technology and intelligence that was ignored - now the sh*tty government has another atrocity to answer for. There’s no doubt in my mind that once the dust settles in this war, that the Israeli people will (rightfully) turn their rage towards the government (again).

I don't have numbers and statistics, but from the research I did, Hamas planned this attack for two years. I'm sorry, no amount of explaining will convince me that they missed the mark THIS badly. It's simply a preposterous idea. And I think you're giving Netanyahu and his cronies too much credit by giving them the benefit of the doubt that they're just incompetent. Israel has been escalating this "conflict" for decades now. There was a leaked proposal that word for word described ethnic cleansing Gaza and annexing it, and it's been verified to be true. The response was so fast and so disproportionate, I simply don't believe they didn't know.


I can't claim that's the truth. It's just something I strongly suspect, but to act like that's a Qanon level conspiracy theory is bananas. You really think the government that targeted Palestinian journalists, shut off water and electricity, and also cut off communication access is above using its own people's suffering? Would you put your head on the block that it's not the case? Be honest...



As for the questioning the Israeli victims, bodies are literally still trying to be identified because they were burned and dismembered beyond recognition. A lot of the victims have military positions because every Israeli has to serve in the military - a law that exists in the country that wasn’t established for no reason. Whether it’s justified or not to have a forced draft is another debate, but it doesn’t change the fact that the majority of the victims were not in active service and were just living their lives on the day of the attack. Besides that, the argument that “they are soldiers so they’re not REAL victims” is just a callous one - the same one could be made for Hamas members/supporters, and the person who makes that argument would be rightfully called out for the heartlessness of it. It’s a bad faith argument. Like you mentioned, many of the people murdered/kidnapped ARE advocates for Palestine and support their liberation. And there are many people like that both in and outside of Israel - who, as certain members have rightfully pointed out, are under threat of retaliation from Israel’s far-right leaders. I don’t blame people like the little girl you mentioned for being angry, she is a victim, too. But I can blame the people who live outside the scope of the conflict that stoke the flames of radicalism and justify it from the comfort of their bedrooms, knowing they won’t suffer the consequences. And that is what quite a few members in here are doing.

Babe, if it were what you say, then almost every single name would have a rank, because almost every single Jewish person in Israel is forced to join the IDF (I believe there's an exception for orthodox Jews). There's a lot of low level ranks among the names, such as PVT. YONATAN ELAZARI, PVT. LIOR LEVY ABED ALRAHMAN, CPL. AMIT TZUR, CPL. ADIR TAHAR, CPL. AMIT GUETTA. If it was just that they put the ranks of those who served on the IDF as forced conscripts at one point in their lives, almost every name on that list would be "private" or "corporate". But there are a lot of names that have no ranks (most of them, even). They padded the list of deaths with IDF soldiers. It's not "two thirds" like I saw a tweet claiming (it's more like, 15% tops), and I'm sure some of them were retired high ranking officials, but most of the names with ranks were actual, current IDF soldiers.


Not saying that them dying is any less hurtful for their families, but they're military. Israel calls this "Hamas war." If it's a war, then ranked officials do not count as civilian casualties. Israel has declared that it's killed 60 Hamas members. 60 out of 10,000, and that's not counting the missing and the bodies buried in the rubble. That's 0.6% non-civilian casualties with the under counted numbers.  


I will fight back against the Islamophobic point because all you’re doing is conflating terrible hate crimes against Muslims with me replying to mostly non-Muslims for behaving like the same far right lunatics they shun. I could easily list just as many anti-Semitic attacks that have taken place and conflate them with your arguments being insensitive to those victims, but I won’t because it would be just as much of a reach. I responded with nonsense because most of what they post is nonsense.

You're using the holy book of the Muslim faith for an unfunny joke, girl. You also have absolutely no idea if the members you're replying to are Muslim or not. Can you just... not? Is it that hard to be respectful? I don't understand, because you're trying to sound reasonable elsewhere but dying on this stupid hill.


As for the response from Israel to Gaza, THIS is something that can and should be debated. In the immediate aftermath of the October 7th attacks, besides expressing concern for their loved ones in Israel, almost everyone I spoke with followed up with some variation of fear for the innocent Gazans that were about to be caught in the crossfire of Israel’s retaliation. I hate this war, and it’s ugliness and the dehumanization that’s taking place. People are dying that shouldn’t.

And all I saw were tik toks of Israeli influencers mocking Palestinian women. I saw viral posts from Israeli citizens asking Israel to create a water park in Gaza. A post by a low level (with quite a few followers) Israeli actress rejoicing that she'll have Sepphora when they build a park in Gaza. I saw Israelis attacking Rabbis IN Israel. I saw the polls... in which a vast majority of Israelis (98%) would be "concerned" if their daughter befriended an Arab boy. Or majority polls indicating that they don't want Arabs as neighbors. Israel hinges on having a population that's largely racist. It's not everyone, but it's a vast majority.



Bombing everything to oblivion is bad, but so is doing nothing.

I can assure you that if Israel did nothing and just secured the borders and enforced the iron dome, stopped the blockade for Gaza and the mistreatment of people in the West Bank, support for Hamas and its recruits would be nonexistent. But Israel wants all the land. Israel just bombed a hospital in Lebanon, babe. This isn't retaliation for the attacks, and the sooner you realize this, the faster we'll be able to have an actual conversation.


I don’t have the “right” solution that is based on the objective reality we live in and not based on idealization. All I can do personally is mourn for the victims on both sides, and continue to donate to causes I believe in that help them.

None of us have the right solution, but most people here believe that the only viable solution that doesn't end in full blown genocide is diplomatic intervention and one state where everyone is free and equal. It's idealization, yes, but the alternative is genocide.



I like conversations like this better than the all-or-nothing, black-and-white discourse that is promoted in this thread. I invite anyone who is GENUINELY interested in discussing the war, the history that led up to it, or theorizing about solutions to PM me. Maybe we can make a group chat with people of all different opinions to contribute meaningful POVs.

I have no problem engaging in conversations, but I do think you need to drop the mocking names using Islamic references.

Edited by More Than A Melody
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3 minutes ago, More Than A Melody said:

Not saying that them dying is any less hurtful for their families, but they're military. Israel calls this "Hamas war." If it's a war, then ranked officials do not count as civilian casualties. Israel has declared that it's killed 60 Hamas members. 60 out of 10,000, and that's not counting the missing and the bodies buried in the rubble. That's 0.6% non-civilian casualties with the under counted numbers.  

The numbers of Hamas is probably bigger than 60 but it is still radically small compared to the number of civilians. Even with the US intervention in Afghanistan after 9/11 the number of dead soldiers outnumbered the number of dead civilians in Afghanistan. In Gaza 70% of the dead victims are women and children, the remaining adult male population must be overwhelmingly civilians, so as an assumption out of 10,000 dead in Gaza roughly 100-500 must be Hamas members.




And all I saw were tik toks of Israeli influencers mocking Palestinian women. I saw viral posts from Israeli citizens asking Israel to create a water park in Gaza. A post by a low level (with quite a few followers) Israeli actress rejoicing that she'll have Sepphora when they build a park in Gaza. I saw Israelis attacking Rabbis IN Israel. I saw the polls... in which a vast majority of Israelis (98%) would be "concerned" if their daughter befriended an Arab boy. Or majority polls indicating that they don't want Arabs as neighbors. Israel hinges on having a population that's largely racist. It's not everyone, but it's a vast majority.

That's true but as you can see Netanyahu just recently claimed he does not want to colonize Gaza and it is no surprise because historically Gaza is not of huge interests for Israeli nationalists or even Christian prophecies. I think those parking and land expansions jokes by many Israelis come more from a xenophobic-punishment perspective towards Palestinians rather than a pure historical nationalist driven expansion.

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3 hours ago, HungryByTheBuffet said:

Let me repeat it for you:

Calling for the destruction of an entire country is NOT OK.

This is so funny to me because the opposite is really never honored. The US has no qualms in saying countries should be broken up and balkanized. In fact, America suddenly becomes widely decolonialist allegedly and everyone and anyone who has ever invisioned their nation state movement as deserving separatism has the support of the US as long as that group wants to legally erase an enemy state. 


Many Western figures have no issue saying there's no such thing as China or Russia, but that these are legal entities occupying others' land. And yet Israel has had no pushback on continually taking Palestinian land and expanding and occupying land in the way we are told means China or Russia should be balkanized. 


It's again the singular contradiction that disqualifies the West's human rights record. There's no world where Xinjiang, Tibet, Taiwan, Dagestan, Chechnya, Yakutia, Tatarstan, etc. are all occupied by an imperial or settler-colonial power but yet Palestine is not.  Palestine *is* the litmus test. Israeli occupation is that brazen and overt in its expansion and language. "A land with no people for a people with no land".


And even then we don't actually have to get into China and Russia, and whether some criticisms are fair or unfair. We simply can look to Israel to see the hypocrisy of imperialists. 


Israeli leaders are constantly seen with logos and graphics depicting Greater Israel, here like half of Jordan is now also Israel. Where is the outrage over Israel's view that not only Palestine should not exist but also that Jordan or Lebanon should not exist?


Israel will meet the same fate as Rhodesia. You are holding onto a relic of what will be the world's shame. 


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1 minute ago, Aristotle said:

The numbers of Hamas is probably bigger than 60 but it is still radically small compared to the number of civilians. Even with the US intervention in Afghanistan after 9/11 the number of dead soldiers outnumbered the number of dead civilians in Afghanistan. In Gaza 70% of the dead victims are women and children, the remaining adult male population must be overwhelmingly civilians, so as an assumption out of 10,000 dead in Gaza roughly 100-500 must be Hamas members.


That's true but as you can see Netanyahu just recently claimed he does not want to colonize Gaza and it is no surprise because historically Gaza is not of huge interests for Israeli nationalists or even Christian prophecies. I think those parking and land expansions jokes by many Israelis come more from a xenophobic-punishment perspective towards Palestinians rather than a pure historical nationalist driven expansion.

I'm using IDF released numbers that I saw from reliable sources. It's possible there's more Hamas casualties, I wouldn't know. Regardless, the number is still below 1% of total casualties, in comparison to my rough estimate of 15% IDF in the Israeli list (a list that is already at 10% of the Palestinian total). It's objectively reprehensible, but I know you've come around a lot from your middle ground position, so I don't need to tell you that.


I don't know if this is truly the motivation, but something I saw floating around is that the main objective to annex Gaza is the Ben Gurion canal. It's a canal which is meant to compete with Egypt's Suez canal, it's currently mapped out to narrowly avoid Gaza, if Israel annexed the territory then they wouldn't have to curve it, which would probably be cost effective, plus a lot more convenient for its actual purpose (creating a trade route between Europe and Asia)



The Suez Canal is a huge bargaining chip for Egypt, and it generated $9 B in 2023. I don't think it's the sole purpose of annexing Gaza, but I do think it might be part of the reason. 

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Gaza is turning into Iraq. 

The number of dead civilians killed  from violent death was at 130K in Iraq, if the war continues at the exact same rhyme in just a year we will see similar figures in Gaza too.


Can Israel at very least stop the airstrikes and bombing? 

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Does anyone else think Israel is just opening themselves up for future attacks. They are absolutely hated now, and I think the Oct 7th attack will be nothing compared to what will come. 

Also those going on about the amount of people killed by Hamas, we do know IDF killed a lot of them too because they just fired at everyone. Hamas deserve what they get but like I said before, The leaders aren’t even in Gaza so why not go after them or they will just re group. 

It seems no matter what you say about Palestinians, the pro Israel side has no sympathy even if they claim they have and will twist everything you say. 

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3 hours ago, HungryByTheBuffet said:

Let me repeat it for you:

Calling for the destruction of an entire country is NOT OK.


Here's how a normal person should feel and speak:

All countries should continue to exist for the safety of innocent humans and the peace of the entire world dynamic, while individually working toward better human rights for all and global relations.


It's not so hard :skull:

And the existence of Israel is literally, by the definition of what Zionism dictates Israel MUST BE: a colonial ethno-state, directly opposed to these goals. So you therefore AGREE Israel as a country and concept should not exist! Glad we solved that.

Edited by Headlock
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3 hours ago, HungryByTheBuffet said:

Let me repeat it for you:

Calling for the destruction of an entire country is NOT OK.


Here's how a normal person should feel and speak:

All countries should continue to exist for the safety of innocent humans and the peace of the entire world dynamic, while individually working toward better human rights for all and global relations.


It's not so hard :skull:

You’re clearly out of your depth 

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"Let me repeat it for you: Calling for the destruction of an entire country is NOT OK. South Africa and Rhodesia have every right to exist"


This is how you sound like, @HungryByTheBuffet .

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13 hours ago, Airlie said:

Babe I was agreeing with you SKDJSJSKS


But unlike 95% of the girls on this thread that learned a couple big words off of Twitter that they can’t explain to anyone in real life, I was born in the aforementioned country and am actually aware of what’s happening there and not relying on propaganda and literal false information from BOTS for my news :heart:

Omg I’m so sorry for going off on you like that :rip: I thought you were someone else! Big love, sis!!

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Another night of the IOF terrorists targeting hospitals :mazen::mazen::mazen:



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4 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

What this thread really needs is “meaningful conversation” including more rehabilitating Nazis and dehumanizing the Palestinians:




Oh wait! ATRL users already did that when Canada’s Parliament gave a Ukrainian Waffen SS operative a standing ovation for fighting bravely against Russia (during WWII when they were aligned with the Allies against Nazi Germany)!


These are just sickening takes smh....the level complete and utter bs is just mind boggling. The fact that he thought his life was in danger for 2 seconds and doesn't realize that's the fear that Palestinians are dealing with every second.....but not surprised, it's easy to totally disregard other people's lives when you think of them as less than human. Some people are just souless! 

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16 hours ago, Airlie said:

The blatant antisemitism omg the white American gays don’t even try to hide it anymore 


16 hours ago, P!NK2LOVE said:

Did YOU? Didn’t see YOU posting about it since October ******* 7. I wasn’t aware of the issue, it’s ****** yes but I’m not going to ******* defend a TERRORIST ORGANISATION who would KILL YOU TOO. DUMB ASS *****. FOH


16 hours ago, Airlie said:

These girls watched a 30 second propaganda Tik Tok and are coming on here like they’re experts on the matter when even world renowned leaders don’t know what to say or do :deadbanana2: talking bout “omg 75K likes” when the majority of them are literal BOTS :toofunny2: White Amerikkkans love to place themselves in the middle of everything like they’re the centre of the universe. A literal bunch of “pick-me’s”

What is this weird agritprop nonsense? Framing those who are against Israel as "white Americans"? :redface:

Even if such users can refuse to acknowledge @State of Grace.'s post that points out this nonsense aims to silence literal Palestinians and Israeli Arabs who post on here as members, such caricature-like posts is how you know Israel's hasbara social media campaigning nonsense from bots is outdated by at least 20 years.


Identity politics is not going to *help* Israel. The "IT'S AN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT" thing got laughed off of Tumblr back in the day *and* Twitter. 


The Israeli spam bots are still looking at American polls and surveys from 2002 not realizing that the average black American, more so than any other group, is no longer defined by the religious and elderly who think Israel is part of some greater spiritual prophecy like your average American Christian zealot. Even the support from groups like Black Hebrew Israelites is half-hearted when they think they are the true Israelites. :gaycat6: Quite ironically, Israel's defenders and support now in America is centralized in the conservative, white and religious.


Israel's inability to hide that it is running a genocide campaign and its existence is inherently dependent on the depopulation and apartheid of an entire ethnic group has not done it favors with Americans, particularly young Americans of color. Let alone, lest you look at a map and see how Western countries vs countries of the Global South feel about Israel's occupation of Palestine. 

Edited by Communion
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Modern Nazi and now North Korea too :deadbanana4:



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