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K-Pop Thread: Lisa channels her inner ROCKSTAR, serves MPG


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I mean its everyones secret newjeans success wasnt organic only delulu stans might think otherwise...they have no it girl...even Wonhee of illit is more popular than all newjeans combined...newjeans girlie has no star power whatsoever only Hanni Pham but shes vietnamese so...

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loserafim taking bullets left and right since coachella


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I was called crazy and a hater (well maybe I am :mandown:) but:


payola: confirmed 

fake sales: confirmed 


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newjeans did still on aespa so I guess he kinda won?

he probably wanted that for lsrf 


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32 minutes ago, Raspy said:

loserafim taking bullets left and right since coachella


i guess the gif about talent struck some nerve:suburban:

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35 minutes ago, Raspy said:

loserafim taking bullets left and right since coachella


And they will have the last laugh



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winter looks great in this outfit

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Y'all really think everybodys success is fake except your own favs, it's so embarrassing. :bibliahh:

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1 hour ago, Hendery said:

MHJ basically confirming that HYBE encourages/does sajaegi is crazy:skull: :skull:Probably does it digitally too atp cause these songs from their rookie groups "blowing up" as soon as they debut despite ppl not being able to name a single member is weird as hell

It was SO obvious. There is just no way all their acts just magically smashed out the gate

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SM probably does sajaegi too, matter of fact all companies are responsible of inflating their sales :clack:


Mys need to stay out of NJs business because at the end of the day they're still the most impactful kpop group of this era and you can't fake that 

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1 hour ago, Odette Violet said:

:celestial5: like




as an aespa stan yall are weird considering mhj has showed nothing but respect for aespa and sm

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like even during her you quiz interview she's never said anything bad about sm and her even though this was YEARS ago what she said about hybe still align with her stance today

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Sheep said:

Yes but their touring was extensive(especially by 2014) for GG standards(doubly so considering Phantasia would have been in very early discussion stages at that point). I thought SM took the same predatory cut of foreign activities so idk about the rest but there were opportunities for members to earn money if they were making high profile purchases before their solo activities went into full swing.

Earning potential that SM established through their investments into Jessica. It's been proven beyond reasonable doubt that she cannot succeed as an entertainer/celebrity long-term without them, even when using her enormous SNSD fame as a launching pad. She occasionally tries, fails, and repeats a few years later.

We're now what...10 posts deep and you STILL cannot provide any evidence that Jessica was "not prioritizing" SNSD. Stop ignoring and polluting the discussion with side arguments and state the evidence. Otherwise it's just nonsensical trolling.


The first part of this is wild speculation, there is nothing of substance to confirm this and it's not unreasonable at that point for Jessica to consider a side-gig, which is exactly what Blanc & Eclare was for her. An additional revenue stream.


It has not been "proven beyond reasonable doubt" that Jessica "cannot succeed" without SNSD, because why is she the ONLY other SNSD related soloist besides Taeyeon to snatch BOTH a #1 album and #1 single and why is she the one still endorsing multiple luxury brands, breaking into international influencing through Cannes, attending fashion weeks and why are her albums still selling more than other SNSD soloists despite years out of the group? BEEP BEEP literally sold 3x (or more) the amount of Tiffany, Yuri and Hyoyeon's latest efforts. Not only that, but she is touring and booking arenas in Asia. If that's a "fail" to you, then maybe you might want the likes of Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri etc to fail a little harder. :michael:


7 hours ago, Sheep said:


The guilty rulings and following appeals and in turn settlements where her and Tyler had to pay up are the evidence

The case in China was a sham case as already stated. The Chinese courts almost automatically ruled in favor of the Chinese company and Coridel wasn't even given a chance to explain their side in court. Hardly "evidence" of the fraud and criminality you keep wrongly alleging she is "guilty" of. There is no evidence of that and no criminal charge or judgement of fraud or criminal activity. So give it up. 


7 hours ago, Sheep said:


From the horse's mouth, she was given a choice and chose her flop brand with millions of outstanding debts and only a few remaining physical locations of its former large retail presence:

  Reveal hidden contents

On September 29, I was informed that I would be leaving Girls' Generation. This has caused me a great deal of shock and sadness, so I would like to tell my side of the story.

Girls' Generation activities have always taken priority over my private life and business activities. In spite of my hard work, though, the agency [SM Entertainment] has asked me to leave the group.

During my business dealings, I have always taken care to inform SM and the other members of the group about my activities, and have always asked for their understanding in this matter.

I had received permission from SM, and this agreement lasted until the beginning of August, when I was setting BLANC up. The other members of the group had also offered me their congratulations on this matter.

That changed in September, though, a month after BLANC had been launched. The other members of the group had a change of heart. At a meeting of the other eight members, it was decided that I would be told to either turn my back on my business or leave the group.


I told them that I had already received SM's permission for my business activities, and that as they had never interfered with my work with Girls' Generation. I also said that I had signed a contract with a business partner, and could not back out of my commitments after only one month. I said that it was unfair to force me into making a decision such as this. Joining the group is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and leaving Girls' Generation had never occurred to me before.

I approached the SM management on September 16 to ask for clarification. At this meeting I was told that I still had the company's blessing to continue with my business activities.

On September 29, though, I was given a notice informing me that I was no longer a member of the group. Because of this fact, I was absent from the fan meeting event in China on September 30. I have also been left out of all further group activities.

I have put 15 years of hard work and dedication into Girls' Generation, and it has caused me a lot of pain. I cannot hide how sad I am that I was asked by the agency and the other members of the group to leave just because I wanted to start my own business.

I want to say sorry to the fans who have been worried by all this. I hope that they will understand that this is not the way I wanted things to happen. I have always valued Girls' Generation, and always will. Thank you very much for your support and your love.

The group's blessing being given to TTS to fly back and forth between Korea and Japan is only further evidence of how tolerant they all were of outside activities. Jessica really crossed a serious line and you still are choosing not to see that and instead are engaging in baseless conspiracies 10 whole years later.

You are now purposely (or not) being obtuse by ignoring the fact that there was no choice to be made. 


She got permission from SM...TWICE....to start the brand and entered into financial contracts that she was committed to and she also HAD the blessing of the members who even publicly acknowledged and knew she was starting a brand. They screwed her over. 


Even from the statement you pasted...she said this: 


"I told them that I had already received SM's permission for my business activities, and that as they had never interfered with my work with Girls' Generation. I also said that I had signed a contract with a business partner, and could not back out of my commitments after only one month. I said that it was unfair to force me into making a decision such as this" 


Considering you were attacking her for allegedly "breaching contracts"...now suddenly you're expecting that she should have just backed out of financial contractual commitments just to please members suddenly changing their minds, who had already previously given her the green light to start the business and when she already had the permission 2x from the company. 


Make. It. Make. Sense. 

7 hours ago, Sheep said:

The only falsehood here is you pretending there's no legal paper trial of Jaws and her enterprise failing to fulfill their obligations and facing legal consequences time and again. You already know all this tea but these links are in case anybody reading believes any of the horseshit that comes out of you in regards to Jessica. Honest people resolve affairs before it goes to court, nobody lawyers up or gets authorities involved before trying to work things out privately, it's expensive and takes a lot of time to work on for all parties involved.




Again all of these issues were settled, resolved or concluded. The news articles and statements from Coridel are out there.


As I keep on saying, why you keep dragging up resolved business disputes to try and prove "fraud" makes zero sense and is laughable. 

So, getting back on topic, how about you provide the evidence to back up your false claims that she was not "prioritizing" SNSD.


7 hours ago, Sheep said:

edit: also I forgot to quote this part but Janons have been circulating Tyler Kwon breakup rumors since the marriage rumors pre-930. It's wishful thinking because fans of Jessica understandably want her to not be so closely associated with a criminal.

As someone who follows everything she does (way more than you, evidently) this is not true. New evidence has come to light suggesting they might not be together. 


As for the marriage rumors, they are completely false and always have been, there has been no evidence she was planning to leave to get married. Another one of the lies SM fed you and you ate it up. :cm:


Edited by Zack
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today's outfits are cute but i really wanted one of these :weeps:



we got 2 more days so hopefully two ‪of them will be used :chick3:

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and it's criminal that none ‪of these looks were used for the performances or teasers :rip:


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armageddon?????? :WAP: SCREAMING



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2 minutes ago, MonsterNavy said:

armageddon?????? :WAP: SCREAMING




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i mean companies are loaning albums to retailers and retailers would open numerous fansign events to make the fans buy the albums.. all this for a huge sales debut that's why we would see lots of million openers like nmixx did 92 fansign events last year from midsummer to christmas eve :rip: 

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6 minutes ago, MonsterNavy said:

armageddon?????? :WAP: SCREAMING



Their Green Venom is coming...:wanda:

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my head every 2 seconds:


korean korean AH OH EY!


zu zu zu supernova NOVA




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11 minutes ago, MonsterNavy said:

armageddon?????? :WAP: SCREAMING



ohhh they look soo goood

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Armageddon is gonna serve Dunes in the mv


cowboy theme CANCELLED


so excited :jonny5:

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